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The Desperate Co Worker

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4 hours ago, hold_on said:

Haha that was great. Do you never have to use it? 😉

Generally no. I usually work evenings and and it’s not too busy so I don’t end up drinking much. Most nights I never feel a need to go or if I do, it’s when we’re locking up so I just hold it until home.

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5 hours ago, Sammilove said:

This story isn’t very long but I thought it was funny and you all might enjoy it. So I work in a pretty small shop in a shopping center. Usually just me (supervisor) and another associate (cashier). We have an employee bathroom and a customer bathroom.

It was a pretty busy day but not too crazy. I was working with Kelly. (For her privacy that’s her real name.) She was a rather slender girl with brownish blond hair. Today she had it in a braid. She seemed like she was very energetic the entire shift but any time I’d ask her about it, she would dodge the question. She also seemed kinda fidgety and wouldn’t stand still for very long. Finally, I asked her if she needed to step away from the counter for anything. Her response was a quick ‘YES!’ Followed by a quick “Ireally need the bathroom but I can’t wait until the end of my shift.” I asked her why she would wait. Her response tickled me inside. “I didn’t think we were allowed to go during store hours cause I never see you or anyone else go.” I chuckled and said “Go to the bathroom before you have an accident.  but of course you can go as long there is someone here with you if there is people inside.” She dashed away to the restroom to return a few minutes later looking quite relieved. “Better?” I asked. “I’ve needed that all day. My tummy was starting to hurt from it.” She replied.

The rest fo the day went by rather slow and boring. It wasn’t really that great of an experience but I thought it was funny and wanted to share. Hope you enjoyed!

Nice little story indeed, thanks for sharing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Pee girl 1234

I have had a similar experience when i was at work and nearly wet myself because I have been holding it all day and not had any break to go relive myself 

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