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Wife Willing To Try Wetting Once Looking For Some Advice.

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 I have been a fan of female wetting, desperation and pretty much anything to do with a female peeing outside of drinking it.

My wife and I have been married for 11 years together for 15 in total. Along while back, she had accidentally discovered that I was into omo. We talked about it a tiny bit, she told back then it wasn't something she wasnt willing to try but wasn't bother by it either. I told her thats fine, that I would never push into doing something she didn't want to do. She has had a few wetting accident and used leak quite a bit when she cough, I would secretly enjoy her wet panties on my own time.

Now let's fast forward to now. Recently I had to stay at a hotel for 5 weeks do to my work being under a covid outbreak. Our marriage had hit a rough patch, as much as it sucked being away from my wife and kids for 5 weeks it also got my wife and I talking a lot more and sorting out our issues.

I confess that I liked to get my self off to her panties especially if she had leaked in them. That lead us to the wetting topic. At first she siad she would just be willing to pee in the shower naked, and I was completely on board, but then I asked if she would try it with panties on just once and to my surprise she has agreed.


This is where the advice part comes in. Is there anything I can do to help relax? Help her maybe enjoy it? Make it easier for her?

Or just any general suggestions for her, since she's not into it but willing to try. 

Thank you in advance and sorry for the long read.

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Often these types of questions gain all types of advice, some of it more geared to what people want rather than what would work for you both.

My suggestions - perhaps surprisingly and perhaps disappointingly - are to take things very gently.  I'm assuming that your first priority is for your relationship to continue to build in strength and somewhere secondary down the line for your desire to share in pee play to be fulfilled.  From what you've said it sounds to be quite a familiar situation for me - a wife trying to understand my kink, not over happy but willing to try the experience.  It sounds like all of your wife's perceptions may be swayed by stereotypical embarrassment at bladder weakness - a bit of a taboo rather than something to be aroused by.

So in terms of how to encourage her - well firstly very gently.  It's possible she's sort of saying she'll try but actually you could be in a better place if she didn't...?  What if she tries and hates it?

Rather than actually pee her panties, what are her views on just role-play bedroom talk?  If she accepts your interest, is she prepared to role-play a situation, without actually doing it herself?

Are there any kinks or things she'd like to explore - in the interests of sharing. Perhaps some sort of role play that she'd like to undertake - even if it's something you're not into, to build a bond there.

Beyond that then perhaps as you say she is willing to pee in the shower, maybe just stick at that level - small steps. If she does and doesn't want to go further then accept that. 

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It's really hard to give advice. You know your wife better than any of us. You've had a bad patch and come through it. She's said she'll do something for you. I'd say you've both done amazing things already. (I speak from the perspective of a long-married man whose relationship has also been through really tough times, by the way and come through them - though we still have our ups and downs like any long-term partners.)

I did wonder if the first time she tries wetting her panties in the shower you should suggest she does it behind closed doors then tells you about it afterwards. I know you won't take as much from the experience that way, but sometimes what's a block is the whole being watched thing. Little steps - if she's comfortable with that, a next step would be to have you watch, but passively. She may sense how happy it makes you to see her do this, and she may really enjoy this aspect of it. But she might not. There may come a point at which you both know there's a line that will be difficult or impossible to cross. Then you'll know what you can both get out of the kink, and what you can't.

If you want to read about my line-drawing experience, it's here: 


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@Nightshift85, Firstly, sorry to hear you've had some bad patches and it is always difficult being apart - especially when children are involved.  Great that you are talking to each other about your feelings though.   

Your wife has said she is willing to try peeing her panties for you, but she first offered to pee in the shower.  I am also with others who have suggested taking it easy.  Remember these things are not things that she has done before and she may not find them easy and she may not actually enjoy them (alternatively, she may find that she does enjoy them, that would be great obviously).  If she first simply suggested peeing in the shower, then let her do that first.  I don't know whether she normally pees in the shower for convenience when you are not around or whether she normally would run a mile at the idea.   If the former, then this is quite an easy first step as she just needs to get over the idea of you watching (which could be a challenge for her in itself - some people are very private about their peeing - does she normally pee with the door closed or do you have an open relationship where you go in the bathroom when she is peeing?).   If she is normally very private AND wouldn't normally pee in the shower for convenience, then it could be a big deal for her and you definitely need to take it slowly.

I would start with asking her to pee in the shower naked, but stand out of the water so that you can see it.   If that is too much of a step, she may need to pee with water running over her to start with.   Chances are, depending on her anatomy and how she stands, it may just run down her legs.  You may be able to get her to put her feet apart and see a bit more.   When she is OK with that, then I'd be inclined to ask her to try with her knickers on.   You didn't say whether this would be a case of just being in the shower without water running, so that you get to see her wetting dry knickers or whether it was to be with water running.  She may find it easier with water running to start with.   Whatever you do, just ask her what she is comfortable trying.   Be open though and say what you would ideally like, (as long as it isn't too big a jump) but tell her that you are happy that she is willing to try it at all and you would like her to only do what she is prepared to do without being forced. 


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