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The Waitress

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This story is completely fictional and contains male pissing, female pissing, and pee drinking

Its been about a year or two since this happened to me one morning while i was eating breakfast with my friend. We got up really hungry wanting some food so i suggested we go get some. We walk into an IHOP which had just opened and stood in the entrance almost ten minutes waiting for someone to come. Finally my friend went around into the kitchen and had to get somebody to come and seat us and give us menus. She told us our waitress would be right with us shortly so we sat there going over what we would eat. I saw this lady walk out of the kitchen and go over to a small area and grab some silverware and head our way.

She was an older woman maybe in her 50's which i have something of a thing for older women if you guys didn't know. Something about her just had me interested so without realizing it i must have stared at her because she smiled and said hello with the one of the kindest sounding voices i have heard. We ordered our drinks and she left and my friend started talking about the day while i was fantasizing about our waitress. She came back and she must have liked me because she gave me a large orange juice for free and said it was her mistake and not to worry about it.


A little later she came back with our food and we scarfed it down while she got the check ready for us. She walked up and asked us "is there anything else i can do for you boys?" Without thinking i turned my head and mumbled "yea you can drink our piss." Meanwhile me and my friend hadn't gone to the bathroom since before we went to bed last night, so after our drinks this morning we were pretty full of piss.


She was walking away as i mumbled the comment and kind of stopped for a second like she heard it, but kept walking and went into the back. Next thing i know she comes out with an empty tea pitcher while me and my friend look at each other with confusion. She says "i heard what you said about drinking your pee and since you guys are the only guests i'm willing to do it if you leave me a good tip because times are hard as fuck right now." Me and my friend couldn't believe what we were hearing and watched as she took the straws out of our drinks and put them in the tea pitcher. She got down on her knees and held the pitcher at our crotches and told us to hurry up before anybody came.


I got my cock out and she smiled and said "i love your cock" while i positioned it over the pitcher. I released my stream and she grabbed my cock directing my stream all over the sides. It was the best feeling releasing all that built up piss from last night and this morning. She told my friend if he needed to pee, he could also piss in the tea pitcher and he had his cock out within seconds because like me had not been to piss in while.


We just about filled the pitcher up with our yellow morning pee when she stuck the straw in it and took a long sip and swallowed. She had no expression and then took another sip and then another. She swallowed again and smiled and then started gulping down our piss with the double straws. I stood there in amazement as my dick got rock hard and i started rubbing it. In less than a minute she had drank every drop of our piss and looked like she wanted more.


Before we knew it, she pulled down her pants and help the pitcher down under her pussy and started pissing in it! She pulled her pants back up and grabbed the pitcher and tilted it up and drank her piss out of it this time. Without realizing it i was still rubbing my cock which was even harder now, so she walks over and kneels down and puts her mouth over it without saying a word.


She finishes sucking me and my friend off and lets us cum in her mouth so she wouldn't have to clean it up. She swallowed our loads and we put our pants back on and pay our bill while giving her a damn nice tip. The was the best waitress i have ever had and i will definately go ack and eat at IHOP again!

Edited by pisslover94
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Very hot! If I may, here's a small tip from me 😉 If you could put paragraph breaks into the text it'll make it easier to read 🙂  (Oh, and also, you should really put a short description of the content at the top of the story; the mods will be along shortly if you don't!)


Edited by Kupar
Anal, I know, but missing closing parenthesis.
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