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How to get stories from someone?

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It depends on how you approach it, the relationship with that person, and their openness. 

I've found that a personal anecdote about being desperate, or seeing a girl squat, etc etc usually brings a response. One should be careful in probing for too much information if it is somebody with whom you have a friendship etc with. 

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Guest UnabashedUser

Very difficult without being perceived as some kind of perv or oddball.

Never try it with anyone from work, or family.

This is one hobby we have to be very discrete about.

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As the other guys have said...

In reality I'm not sure it's ever a conversation you can start - but fortunately in the normal world a lot of ladies would say things like "I'm bursting for a wee" just as easily as I'm cold or hungry.

Of course if you start an interrogation on the subject then it's very quickly going to flash a huge neon sign saying 'weirdo' above your head.  Instead though, I like to think that a very subtle comment which could be shrugged off as a joke could be an option.

For example, if a girl said "Oh my god I'm nearly wetting myself" then you could wink and say something like "that'd be embarrassing" or "is that the voice of experience speaking" or just "ha ha, not again".  The trick is then to judge their reaction - if they look embarrassed or disgusted then laugh off your comment - after all,  who would want a girl to wet themselves.  However if she laughs, or you see a flicker in her eyes of a wicked imagination then perhaps you could explore a little more.  Perhaps still keep it quite neutral though "ok, so what would you do if you really were bursting and all the bars were shut for the night...?" or something that sounds like general interests - rather than blurting anything that shows your real motivation.

Finally I should say that all of these ideas flash through my brain every time I find myself on the receiving end of that sort of comment. The number of times I've actually been brave enough to open my mouth more than just smiling sympathetically though....  Well, still waiting.

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