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Guest Bng

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Hello everyone,

I thought i might as well make a short introduction of myself,
hoping this will lead to me being more active round here from now on.

I know I've been mostly a quiet reader at this lovely place, occasionally dropping a reaction,
or sometimes even a comment. So...

I just checked my Profile and noticed, that on Saturday my account here will be already a whopping 4 years old! My godness! So much opportunities I've missed so far, to talk and chat with you guys. Because despite my account being that old, my first post here was only about a year ago.... Wow

But the times are they are a changin' and so am I or at least my life, circumstances and so on...


So hopefully I will from now on take a deeper dive into this wet golden and tasty rabbit hole with all of you

See You around



What? No. Wait a second

This was meant to be an introduction, so here comes the interesting part: Stuff about me:

I'm in my early 20s currently waiting for my contract to start working as an IT Security Administrator (or something like this. Don't know my specific job title yet but I figure that describes my work best). Hopefully this contract will be ready next week so I will permanently employed from 01.08. on.

Also from this Date on I shall be living in my new flat which I can enjoy for myself. I especially looked for one with a balcony, so that I have some opportunity to relax myself (and possibly my bladder ;) ) in the afternoon sun. [Unfortunately the balcony is towards a little street, with houses just on the opposite side, and I'm only on the 2nd floor - so I will likely be seen, but I will try to be as daring as possible...]

The whole reason I'm moving now and stuff for me is changing so much, is the fact that now exactly a month ago my now Ex-girlfriend and I split up, thous me having to find a new flat.
And of course this might just open up a new possibility for me to indulge in my fetish. (Doing that with my ex proofed to be quite difficult and resulted in practically nothing - even though, we were together for more than 3 years)


So I think that will be it for now - more about me you might find out soon hopefully :)

(Wow this really got a little out of hand. next time I can just start writing a whole book or smth)


Lovely week to you all!


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