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best places to catch girls pissing in LA?

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On 5/11/2020 at 2:17 AM, alleys are urinals said:

Do any of you guys know good spots to catch girls popping a squat in the LA area? Thanks!

I don't live in LA. I don't even live in the USA.

But I think the same holds true in all major cities everywhere.

The best places for sightings tend to be anywhere where there are lots of alcohol drinking establishments open late into the night. Women + alcohol = big increase in need for frequent peeing combined with big reduction in giving a fuck. Tis a happy combination. lol

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I have lived in the LA metro area, near the beach, for roughly 40 years. steve25805 is right, in the grand scheme of things, but LA has some unique problems. The main problem is the relative abundance of public facilities, which are available to everyone, over long hours, 7 days a week. This abundance of facilities is not universal, of course, creating local opportunities for sightings. Facilities are sometimes overwhelmed, by large crowds, and the beach facilities were closed, recently, to discourage people from going there, during the Covid virus thing. But public awareness of the location and type of facilities is widespread, at public events, etc. Cleanliness of the facilities in LA is also above average, for large cities, in the US, which encourages usage by women, in preference to the outdoors. Surveillance cameras, and laws prohibiting public urination, are quite common, in the present LA world, especially near the beaches, and other places which attract large crowds. These also tend to reduce opportunities for sightings.

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