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Corona Isolation - The Perfect Opportunity

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Ok, so one flicker of interest at least 😉

So to recap, I'd been out earlier in the week for my bike ride - it was about when two years ago I started riding to try and get fit, and a mate had suggested riding up the same hill each time I went out - a nearby long straight gradient.  Initially it seemed impossible but now I find it quite manageable.  So earlier this week I turned my attention to a new challenge - a short but stupidly steep climb up the side of a hill (20% gradient at one point) followed by a long straight road along the ridge.  At the start of this week I'd run out of steam half way up and walked the steepest bit.

Wednesday afternoon I went back for a second try, riding straight there. I'd had a coffee before I left the house and took a full 700/800ml bottle of juice.  I took a more direct route to the foot of the hill, some six or eight miles, swigging the juice as I went.  This time I got two thirds of the way up the steep bit.

I got to the top, carried on cycling half a mile along the ridge to the point where I'd pee'd previously - and couldn't feel anything in my bladder, didn't feel like there was anything in there. Besides it was cooler and a bit breezy, so I carried on. A quick photo of the bike with empty bottle and cycled the rest of the way home.

Finally as I was getting near home I started to feel a bit of any fullness in my bladder. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't tend to feel much 'down there' when in the saddle, it usually hits when I stop. Thursday was no exception, literally as I unclipped on my driveway I got the 'oh there it is feeling'.  That and the psychological 'you're home now' effect.

I wheeled my back round through the back gate and in through the side door to the garage. As I hung it in its rack I wasn't concentrating too much on my bladder until I felt the first single squirt of my pee make it's way into my penis.

Now a few points to clarify here....  apparently when you're exerting yourself (eg cycling) your body pumps blood to your active muscles and away from less important (at that moment) organs.  That's my excuse anyway, that and the pressure of bib shorts. I've never been the hugest of men and in the cold too - shrinkage and wrinkling is a thing.  So in practice those first few drips didn't have the pressure to push past my foreskin.

I allowed a second little squirt, this time feeling the liquid leak and warm a very small spot in the shorts padding.

Outside the garage is a hidden spot between garage wall, back of the house and kitchen extension.  In that hidden spot I reached inside my shorts, straightening out and directing upwards my dishevelled manhood. As I did so that opened the path for another trickle of pee to leak out onto my hand and the foam pad, very comforting and warm.

Part of me was tempted to wait until I got in the shower, but after all I had intended to pee 'outdoors'. So with that in mind I stood on that spot, pushed slightly and enjoyed a trickle soaking into my shorts, warming my balls and then running past my knee.

At this point I decided it would be a good idea not to leave a puddle and footsteps outside the back door, and also I was wearing brand new, expensive cycling shoes.  So instead I moved onto the garden immediately behind the kitchen where there is a circle of gravel. I squatted knelt on one knee, keeping my shoes out of the way as best I could and facing the house with my head down, then pushed.

The trickles soon gave way to a full flow of very comforting hot pee. Some of it dripping randomly from my bum, but also streams across the upper inside of my thighs and then down to knees. I still wouldn't say it was my biggest bladder full, and not the most desperate ever - but still felt amazing.

By the time I'd finished I was hard, so I stripped off the wet shorts, socks and threw them in the washing machine, then took care of the hardness under a hot shower....

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