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New Guy - 100% New

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I'm new here and I mean new.  I've never expressed my inner pee play enjoyment.  Hopefully browsing the forums, I can realize I'm not alone and learn how to express myself better.

I also would like to mention...I work in a medical laboratory.  I've done 1000's of urinalysis and other urine tests.  I know a lot about pee and can tell you, looking at 1000's of peoples pee under a microscope isn't all that exciting.

Thanks, ST

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Hi and welcome, sleepingtiger74.  I hope you have a great time here.  As it happens I did a wee a few minutes ago in a measuring jug - something I do a lot when I can't be bothered to go to the toilet.  Less than 400ml though so nothing impressive but enough to make me need to go.  Unfortunately I tipped it down the sink.  Had I realised I'd see your post here I'd have photographed it for you to take a look at and offer an opinion on.  

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Welcome. I hope you find what your looking here you can definitely explore your fetish here.  
I use to be a courier at a hospital.  I would pick up for 3 different hospital and a few doctor offices. The urine sample wasn’t that bad. Some of there other things was a different story.  My daughter is also a leave tech.  

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