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I rather ignore this group of people but since they are making such a scene it's impossible. My opinion on them are that there are 2 kinds the first and the loudest is the guy still living at home at 25 siting in his moms basement and jerking off all day. He has no social life outside the internet he dosen't shower or dress well he is just a pig and he blaims this on wommen " you don't want a pig YOU MOTHERFUCKER IM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH"  and they often go with " but im a nice guy" their definition of being nice is to compliment a girls hair and then expect her to fuck with him. The second kind i actually feel sorry for he might be ugly or have some social problems. But he gets rejected because of his looks ( this guy showers and puts on nice clothes etc hes actually trying) or he gets rejected because of his lack of social skills but he still tries. But the difference with this incel is that he is actually good he tries but society is so shallow so he gets rejected anyway. But he dosen't hate all wommen for it and he dosen't encourage mass shooters etc. Yes there are bad wommen only caring about looks and status etc but they are exactly as bad as the first kind of incel that i wrote about. What are your thoughts on this? And look im not trying to bully lonely guys or girls i feel very sorry for you and wish you luck. as long as you don't act like the first incel i spoke about. 

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And also i was very lonely when i was young i had people around me but they were not real. So i understand loneliness and i know how painfull it is but acting in a bad way and then asking why you are lonely is not ok. Another question how do we help these people?. Because they are growing in numbers and partly it actually is societys fault. All the shallowness and the lack of love for others is a problem but everyone also have a individual ressponsibility to try but society should also make sure that they make it IF they try. 

Edited by Peefreak99
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23 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

The second kind i actually feel sorry for he might be ugly or have some social problems. But he gets rejected because of his looks ( this guy showers and puts on nice clothes etc hes actually trying) or he gets rejected because of his lack of social skills but he still tries. But the difference with this incel is that he is actually good he tries but society is so shallow so he gets rejected anyway. But he dosen't hate all wommen for it and he dosen't encourage mass shooters etc. Yes there are bad wommen only caring about looks and status etc but they are exactly as bad as the first kind of incel that i wrote about. What are your thoughts on this?

I think it's extremely important to point out that the term "Incel", I feel, has a negative connotation, and it is definitely being used as a slur by society. The word should be stricken from vocabulary completely. I understand your usage doesn't imply that, but I thought I'd let you know.

I fall into this second category, personally. I'm sorry if this post is going to be very long, but there's a lot to cover.

I'm partly reluctant to share this publicly, because it might be able to be used to identify me, should any family of mine come here and I don't know it, but it's necessary to understand my situation, before you can understand my position on the matter.

I'm autistic - which instantly puts me in the undesirable section of society.

Autism makes it impossible for me (not for all autistic people, just me) to read social cues and body language. In other words, I don't see or perceive other people's interest in me. I have to be told by the interested person, that they're interested in me.

I cannot work, due to a number of issues not only related to my autism, but also some agoraphobia - which also instantly puts me in the undesirable section of society.

I cannot drive, due to issues related to my autism - again, automatically undesirable.

So, without my going into anything else, I already have three major things working against me. Any one of those gets me rejected, to say nothing of all three.

In my adult life, I've only had one serious relationship - again, automatically undesirable, because to society, that means "Something's wrong with me". Nobody stops to think that maybe I don't get a chance to date very often because of that mentality that society has. People just assume I'm not dating material.

The fact is, when I am in a relationship, I don't cheat, I'm very loving to my partner, I treat her like a queen, and actually enjoy doing most things that guys seem to be apprehensive about, like cuddling, for example. When I'm in a relationship, I stick around, and that person becomes everything to me.

Additionally, I actually have had two girlfriends in my whole adult life, the first one cheated on me 3 days into the relationship. 3 days. The second relationship lasted about 5 years, we were planning on getting married and starting a family, etc. Then suddenly she said she didn't feel that way about me anymore, and it was all over. That was last year.

I've been rejected about 99% of the time, when pursuing any form of relationship. Whether it's trying to make friends, or trying to find a girlfriend, the result is the same. People don't like me, not because I'm a bad person, but because they don't want to like me.

The last time I ever asked a girl if she wanted to hang out, I got laughed at. From that point on, I stopped asking, and will never ask a woman again. Unless she approaches me first, and asks me out, I'm going to assume she's not interested. The result of waiting on women to approach me first? Those two relationships I mentioned above.

I have some physical characteristics that make me unattractive - No getting around it, nothing can be done about it.


In addition to the few things I've listed above, I'm forced to put up with society's ignorance about my life struggles, situation, and more. That doesn't approach the fact that I've been accused of "hating women" for pointing out the fallacy of disregarding men over a certain age (one that I'm quickly approaching myself), been told that my sexuality (straight) is actually "a form of homophobia", or the fact that as a male, I have to deal with the very real possibility that I'll be accused of something I never did, and be hanged for it. Which by the way, is actually why movements like MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) exist today.

And of course, who can forget the term "Incel" (which is where I separate your usage from society's), which society uses as a slur to describe us men whom society readily labels, demonizes, and disregards (until it suits their sociopolitical agenda).

This is just the tip of a very large iceberg, as to why I have very little real hope for finding someone.

But of course, society says all of this is my fault.

23 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

how do we help these people?. Because they are growing in numbers and partly it actually is societys fault.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no "partly" in this equation, not when it comes to the category that I fall into (and many other men). Society created this problem, and it actively makes it worse every single day.

But you can't help us because this is a societal problem. This isn't going to go away until society grows up and gets its own head out of its own ass. And let's face it, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

When people like me are demonized, ridiculed, disregarded, etc. it cannot come as any surprise when we can't find love, or even have sex for that matter. I had to get used to society pushing me away, long before adulthood, and it's something that continues to happen even now.

23 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

society should also make sure that they make it IF they try. 

Society isn't interested in offering anyone a chance. Society is only interested in what you, the individual, has to offer. Society will never lift a finger to help you get there. Never.

As an autistic individual specifically, I'm expected to make 100% of the effort to understand other people, and be understood by them, despite the fact that my brain doesn't work that way (literally). It is physically impossible for me to do that, it has nothing to do with desire or effort. Society doesn't care.

In the dating life, society expects people to fall in line with this unrealistic vision of sexuality and attractiveness.

Just imagine for a moment, if all you readers out there, who are seeing this post, had to deal with even a fraction of this stuff. Imagine the emotional toll that would take on you. Can any of you honestly say that the results surprise you? In my case specifically, does is surprise literally any of you, why I don't have a lot of hope for the future?


So, my final take on the matter?

Nothing I can do about it. To be honest, with the societal crap and dating crap going on, the MGTOW movement might be the only option I have: To stop giving a shit about dating, and just live out the rest of my days miserable and alone - just like society wants.

Edited by PissFanOmega
Misspelling correction
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17 hours ago, PissFanOmega said:

I think it's extremely important to point out that the term "Incel", I feel, has a negative connotation, and it is definitely being used as a slur by society. The word should be stricken from vocabulary completely. I understand your usage doesn't imply that, but I thought I'd let you know.

I fall into this second category, personally. I'm sorry if this post is going to be very long, but there's a lot to cover.

I'm partly reluctant to share this publicly, because it might be able to be used to identify me, should any family of mine come here and I don't know it, but it's necessary to understand my situation, before you can understand my position on the matter.

I'm autistic - which instantly puts me in the undesirable section of society.

Autism makes it impossible for me (not for all autistic people, just me) to read social cues and body language. In other words, I don't see or perceive other people's interest in me. I have to be told by the interested person, that they're interested in me.

I cannot work, due to a number of issues not only related to my autism, but also some agoraphobia - which also instantly puts me in the undesirable section of society.

I cannot drive, due to issues related to my autism - again, automatically undesirable.

So, without my going into anything else, I already have three major things working against me. Any one of those gets me rejected, to say nothing of all three.

In my adult life, I've only had one serious relationship - again, automatically undesirable, because to society, that means "Something's wrong with me". Nobody stops to think that maybe I don't get a chance to date very often because of that mentality that society has. People just assume I'm not dating material.

The fact is, when I am in a relationship, I don't cheat, I'm very loving to my partner, I treat her like a queen, and actually enjoy doing most things that guys seem to be apprehensive about, like cuddling, for example. When I'm in a relationship, I stick around, and that person becomes everything to me.

Additionally, I actually have had two girlfriends in my whole adult life, the first one cheated on me 3 days into the relationship. 3 days. The second relationship lasted about 5 years, we were planning on getting married and starting a family, etc. Then suddenly she said she didn't feel that way about me anymore, and it was all over. That was last year.

I've been rejected about 99% of the time, when pursuing any form of relationship. Whether it's trying to make friends, or trying to find a girlfriend, the result is the same. People don't like me, not because I'm a bad person, but because they don't want to like me.

The last time I ever asked a girl if she wanted to hang out, I got laughed at. From that point on, I stopped asking, and will never ask a woman again. Unless she approaches me first, and asks me out, I'm going to assume she's not interested. The result of waiting on women to approach me first? Those two relationships I mentioned above.

I have some physical characteristics that make me unattractive - No getting around it, nothing can be done about it.


In addition to the few things I've listed above, I'm forced to put up with society's ignorance about my life struggles, situation, and more. That doesn't approach the fact that I've been accused of "hating women" for pointing out the fallacy of disregarding men over a certain age (one that I'm quickly approaching myself), been told that my sexuality (straight) is actually "a form of homophobia", or the fact that as a male, I have to deal with the very real possibility that I'll be accused of something I never did, and be hanged for it. Which by the way, is actually why movements like MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) exist today.

And of course, who can forget the term "Incel" (which is where I separate your usage from society's), which society uses as a slur to describe us men whom society readily labels, demonizes, and disregards (until it suits their sociopolitical agenda).

This is just the tip of a very large iceberg, as to why I have very little real hope for finding someone.

But of course, society says all of this is my fault.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no "partly" in this equation, not when it comes to the category that I fall into (and many other men). Society created this problem, and it actively makes it worse every single day.

But you can't help us because this is a societal problem. This isn't going to go away until society grows up and gets its own head out of its own ass. And let's face it, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

When people like me are demonized, ridiculed, disregarded, etc. it cannot come as any surprise when we can't find love, or even have sex for that matter. I had to get used to society pushing me away, long before adulthood, and it's something that continues to happen even now.

Society isn't interested in offering anyone a chance. Society is only interested in what you, the individual, has to offer. Society will never lift a finger to help you get there. Never.

As an autistic individual specifically, I'm expected to make 100% of the effort to understand other people, and be understood by them, despite the fact that my brain doesn't work that way (literally). It is physically impossible for me to do that, it has nothing to do with desire or effort. Society doesn't care.

In the dating life, society expects people to fall in line with this unrealistic vision of sexuality and attractiveness.

Just imagine for a moment, if all you readers out there, who are seeing this post, had to deal with even a fraction of this stuff. Imagine the emotion toll that would take on you. Can any of you honestly say that the results surprise you? In my case specifically, does is surprise literally any of you, why I don't have a lot of hope for the future?


So, my final take on the matter?

Nothing I can do about it. To be honest, with the societal crap and dating crap going on, the MGTOW movement might be the only option I have: To stop giving a shit about dating, and just live out the rest of my days miserable and alone - just like society wants.

I really hope that you will find love 

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