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Girl using a street urinal

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On my first visit to France, one day I was walking along the street in the town I was visiting. There was one of the (in)famous Vespasiennes (street urinals or pissoirs) not far in front of me. As I got closer to it, a couple who looked in the early 20s approached it and the girl went inside while the guy stood in front of the entrance, guarding it. I could see that she remained standing, facing the 'pee wall' in the same way a man would. As I was a little curious and needed to pee, I waited outside for her to come out which she did after about a minute and both she and the guy walked off. When I went in, I noticed that there was trickle of liquid (which I assumed to be the girl's pee) flowing into the drain. Then I used the urinal, but when I had finished I did not leave immediately but waited for all of my pee to finish flowing into the drain. This convinced me that the girl had peed in the urinal and that I had witnessed the last of the her urine going into the drain.

When I told a girlfriend about this, she said that I must have been mistaken as it would be impossible for a girl to pee like that. She suggested that she was probably just adjusting her underwear or something.

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I think pee videos and pictures on this site are proof they can definitely pee in this way. Nice experience for you, I'm a big fan of girls standing to pee.

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I know that now, and have known for quite a few years. But I did not know then, I thought that girls had to either sit or squat to pee and the girlfriend I told it to obviously thought the same.

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  • 1 month later...
I find this pretty normal. There should be no difference in how girls pee different than guys

I also find this normal. When i have to pee, and i am wearing a skirt. I always peeing standing against a wall in an alley.(Like a man, after doing some practice in the shower). You can do it quickly and discrete.

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I also find this normal. When i have to pee, and i am wearing a skirt. I always peeing standing against a wall in an alley.(Like a man, after doing some practice in the shower). You can do it quickly and discrete.
Good for you, Pissgirl, to find it normal to stand.

It must make peeing for you easier in so many situations.

I've had women tell me they couldn't. On long hikes, some were even upset with me when I could. But, I encouraged them to practice, and most eventually learned the skill.

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