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October 4th 2018

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‘She completely filled my mouth and I managed to drink it all’ - that is just beautiful 😀

Your description of how it tastes is interesting too! 

Thanks for sharing an amazing experience. I thought losing my virginity in a threesome was unusual but this is something else!

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13 hours ago, Pissdrinker said:


 I thought losing my virginity in a threesome was unusual but this is something else!

You lucky guy, losing your virginity and scratching something off of ever guys bucket list at the same time, bravo zulu

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On 9/8/2019 at 5:37 PM, Peelover94 said:

A very important day for me.

You see I was going to Melbourne for a couple of days by myself and through another site (fetlife) I posted around that I’d be up for some pee related fun if any girls were keen. Well, much to my surprise not one but 2 girls responded to me and said they were keen on it and it nearly resulted in a threesome to which I started referring to as the “peesome” however one of the girls dropped out and it ended up being just the two of us.

I remember leaving work after having a pretty shit day to get online to see I had a message from the girl I’d eventually meet, We will call her C for the purpose of the story, but I remember legitimately fist pumping the air as I walked through the car park so excited I could tell she was genuine and straight away knew it was going to happen! The message simply said “I’d love to have some pee fun with you, do you have kik” which of course I do! So I left her my kik name and eventually was contacted by her. We chatted about how we would meet and shared some pee related pics/vids of ourselves in the lead up then came the night itself.

Earlier in the day I walked up to big w and purchased a tarp which I laid across my hotel bed and some plastic table cloths to place around the base and set out to meet C at a bar across the road from the hotel where I was staying. She was there before me and I walked up and saw her sitting at the table, we had dinner and had some light conversation before eventually we discussed the elephant in the room and began talking about all things pee! How we discovered the fetish, our other peeing stories, etc.

I’m not a drinker of alcohol but I was trying to get down as much water as I could while she drank a couple of beers. 

She then indicated that we had better leave soon because she needed to go. So we walked out past the toilets and I joked “no you don’t want to go in there” and we had a bit of a laugh. The walk back to the hotel was short but as we waited to cross the road at the traffic lights she said to me “it really doesn’t help that it’s so cold out here, Where Is your hotel? It better not be too far away” And it was Actually in sight so I pointed it out and we continued on up and into the hotel.

We were then waiting for a lift up to the room but there was some other people waiting there as well so we let them have the 1st one and we waited for the next one where we thought we’d be alone. However as we entered so did an older Asian man. I just remember both of us looking at each other in the mirror of the lift on the way up to the 4th floor and smiling at each other. It was Room 440 Ibis Styles Kingsgate hotel. A place I’ll never forget.

 As we made our way along the corridor to the room, we joked how the old guy should’ve taken the hint that we wanted our own lift.

We got to my room where the tarp I had laid out earlier was still in place and we made a bit of small talk before she went to the bed and laid down. 

I then took off all my clothes except my underwear and laid next her. I leaned straight across to her and we began making out. She then stopped and said that she legitimately was just about to say “can we stop for a second I have to pee” and we just laughed a little bit about it and I thought well that’s the reason we are here for, and I tugged on her shirt as if to say take this off while the making out continued. Then she realised what I was doing and said “yeah why am I still wearing clothes and you take off those undies as well” as I did I watched her get fully undressed. She exposed her amazing breasts and continued to get naked and before I knew it she was on top of me and I was inside her!

(Just a bit of a side note here, before this night I had never even kissed a girl and here I was having sex With basically a complete stranger!)

About 4-5 mins in I came and I was actually a bit disappointed but we kept fucking for the next half an hour or so to the music playing from her phone can’t remember too many of the songs but I know it started with Gold digger and also featured “sex is on fire” and “Jackie”

I was still hard and I could keep going, then the pee fun started. She peed on me while I was inside her and I peed while I was inside her. I then got on top and the same continued with me going either right onto her pussy or inside of it and her going onto my dick. There was a part where I was going inside her and she was going onto my dick at the same time that was really cool. She kept asking if was I peeing because she could feel something and I agreed that I was. I started scooping up puddles of our piss from the tarp below us and was splashing it all over her heaving tits and body and on my own body too. I then was licking it off her large breasts and even slightly nibbling on her nipples as I sucked the piss off them. All the while making out and fucking In between.

Then, I started to eat her out and lick her pussy. When all of a sudden, yep, more piss came! She kind of got in a crab like position above me and lowered her vagina right above my face, She completely filled my mouth as I ate her out but I managed to just drink it all which is something I was honestly worried would be a hotter idea in theory than it would be to actually do it but I was so caught up in all of it and in the moment that honestly I don’t remember it tasting bad at all. In fact I don’t remember it specifically tasting like anything really, I just remember as she peed into my mouth that she better stop soon because I didn’t think I could catch it all. But I did and I drank it and continued licking her out, she then asked if she even did pee in my mouth and I said “yeah there was so much I hardly could drink it all” and she seemed a bit surprised with herself that she could actually let herself go so easily onto my face.

I then stood above her and tried to pee a bit more, unfortunately most of mine was done inside her before and I couldn’t barely get more out. I managed to get a bit more out onto her leg, before she excused her self because she had to use the toilet in the other way. She went into the bathroom and locked the door and I just stood there thought to myself it’s funny that she still needs to be private while doing a shit after everything we just went through. I’m not into the scat side of toilet play at all really but simply watching her go might’ve been interesting but it wasn’t to be. While she was in there I peed a bit more onto the tarp on the bed.

She came back out and we started fucking again in the puddle on the tarp but we didn’t go for too much longer, maybe 5-10mins max because  She had also mentioned in the lead up to the night, that she wanted to try peeing in a few different ways including into an adult diaper for her 1st time ever, so I got some out that I had brought the day before and we both put one on. She asked if I wanted to feel her pee over my hands and into her nappy and of course I said yes. I put my hand down the front of her nappy for about 20 or 30 seconds waiting to feel the warmth spread over my hand, but then she asked did I feel it, sadly I  hadn’t, as I mustn’t of had my hand in there far enough. I did a little more pee Into my own nappy as well before taking it off and throwing it away. We then sat there with me completely naked and her in only a diaper and we talked for quite a while about a whole range of things really, vanilla stuff  and about normal life. Just naturally having a conversation naked and covered in pee. We also then discussed what we had just done but it must of been about a good 20 mins or so at least, when she then said something along the lines of “what else do you want to do to me now, what do you not want to leave Melbourne without doing it” and honestly in the moment I couldn’t think of anything. I had just lived out many of my ultimate fantasies. Then when another slight urge to pee arised in me I asked if I could pee in her nappy as she wore it. Which she said yes and she pulled down the back of her nappy just a little bit and said for me to pee onto her ass and into the nappy. I Vividly remember looking at the top of her nice plump ass as I started going into her nappy and she just melted back into it and closed her eyes and sighed and had a look of relaxation on her face as I went onto her backside. She took off the nappy and I put it on. I was now wearing it with both our piss in there. She took a shower while I watched her and I talked to her from just outside the shower. I then grabbed a cup I had been using all week to drink from and peed into it and drank it while she watched me. I also stupidly asked her if she wanted to open up a fresh bar of soap to avoid using the same one I had been using the last couple of days but after what we just did I think it was quite ok haha! I even jumped in right at the end of her shower and was in with her for a few seconds as she finished up and got out while I then showered.

She took a few diapers with her for the road and was even wearing one as she left the hotel room. In exchange for the diapers I gave to her, she gave me the panties she was wearing when she 1st arrived that night, which she joked I could keep after we couldn’t find them at 1st in the scramble of everything when we were looking and getting re-dressed, but when we did find them I asked could I actually keep them for real,  to which she agreed because she was going to throw them away anyway, which was actually a cool little bonus to keep then that I honestly didn’t even consider before all this but I still have them to this day kind of as a trophy of the 1st woman I ever slept with.

We then cleaned up and I walked C up to the tram while we both carried bags full of the pissy tarp, table cloths and towels down out of my room and placed them into a regular bin on the street outside the hotel. We said our goodbyes as her tram approached and she went home, as I just got back to my hotel room I had a kik message on my phone. It was from her already on the tram saying she needed to pee so bad so soon and I told her so I did I. So I peed a few different places around my hotel that night including even putting her panties on and wetting them and I sent her the video of that. I then needed to pee again but I said I would hold it until she was able to pee again because it didn’t seem fair that I could keep going while she couldn’t.

Sure, She obviously was still wearing a diaper but didn’t want to use it until she got home, which she sent a video of her filling it, including an awesome facial reaction of her relief in the middle of it, to which I still get off to, but that night, We both just couldn’t stop peeing after all the earlier activities, trying to squeeze out every drop we had for each other.

Our seals had well and truly, been broken and just kept peeing all night well certainly I did! We told ourselves that was quite a bit of a learning curve for if next time we were ever in the situation again even If not with each other but just as a general rule of pee play, that we found eventually seals would be fully broken and the real fun could’ve began. But I was very happy with the result as it stood anyway.

I then put on another diaper, this time not for fun though but for necessity because I needed to piss like every 5 mins all night after that and i sat there and watched a bit of netflix and kept just pissing my nappy whenever the slightest need came about and I even wore it to sleep. When I woke up the next day I released my morning pee into it again before getting up for the day and back to reality, when I couldn’t help but to think back to the whole “what else do you want to do to me” question and to this day I can only think of 2 things I would’ve changed.

1.) I would’ve liked to get a picture of the both of us together only wearing diapers with her therefore being topless. A picture of me with the 1st girl I ever slept with, showing off her ample bosoms would’ve been great.

2.) I would’ve liked to kissed her goodbye at the tram in public as she left.

I’ve also never in my life had a BJ before and part of me thinks to answer with that and yes I’m sure she would’ve said yes and I would’ve loved it and maybe that was even her secretive way of asking me if she could do it because that’s what she thought I might answer with to that question but in that moment honestly, I wouldn’t say it was the furthest thing from my mind but i don’t think I needed that experience on top of everything else that was going on and I probably wouldn’t of even been able to blow (again) into her mouth even if I wanted to. Besides it gives me a sexual goal I’m still yet to tick off my list after basically doing everything else all at once! Maybe something for the future wife. Got to save her something hah.

But yes thank you all for reading this which was basically the story of my 1st kiss, as I said I was a virgin heading in to that night and that was nearly a year ago and since then Ive gone back to not even having kissed anyone else since.

She wasn’t a virgin in the technical sense, however she did say that she had never done pee play with anyone before. So it was good to be her 1st as well, at least in that sense. 

Unfortunately we have fallen out of contact a bit but hey it’s not like I live in Melbourne anyway, which is once again where this all happened, I was on holidays at the time and in town for a huge once in a lifetime event, but it truly was an awesome experience, better than the event that I was originally in town for that’s for sure and quite obviously it’s one that I will never forget, but who knows maybe if I’m ever back down that way, I’ll reach out again and see if she’s ready to go for round 2. 😉


Edited by Peelover94
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