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VR Fun


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Maigh bought me a PS4 VR for Christmas (I'm thinking she is regretting it, lol) so in an effort to get her interested, we tried something. 

I found a 180 deg video, paid like $7 for it, and basically, you are standing by a bed while a girl makes it, then kneels in front of you and gets busy with you. Pretty tame, she gets naked and rubs up against you, looks nice but not all that rude. 

Anyway, Maigh puts the thing on, with the head phones (yes, this giddy slip of a girl talks to you as she is getting her stuff off). I stand Maigh up, and try to play the part of the girl, touching where she touches and so forth. We then changed positions, and Maigh returned the favour.

It works surprisingly well, you're practically on the bed with this girl, you can see everything, and when you get touched, it adds another element to the experience.

Makes you wonder where this technology is going to take us.

Note: The PS4 VR is fairly limited in resolution and what it can do, you can't stand in front of it, for example. Even with the limitations of it, it can still make you impressed. You can skydive, dive with whale sharks, cruise in a drone over the Amazon, possibilities are infinite. This will only get better.

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