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The Chat Box

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I had an idea that might work.  Perhaps we could set times for a "chat session."  I see posts in the box, but rarely are there 2 people in there at the same time.  So...

Maybe we could have scheduled chat times.  For instance, post the day and time and then we can all show up.

I think this site is from England, right?  Are most of the members from Europe?  I really don't know.  The Admin could probably tell us. I'm in the USA.

So, we'd have to choose a time that's good for all.  I'm in U.S. Eastern time.  That's GMT -5.  So, 10:00 PM in England is 5PM my time.  Eastern time for the USA should dictate over other times in the USA, cuz New York City  to Detroit is on Eastern time.  Eastern time dictates most TV programming on TV here.  Sorry, but it's always been that way.

It's just a thought.  There's no reason why we can't get the chat going here.  There are more than enough members.  I welcome your feedback.  Thanks!

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I do like the idea - I've even mentioned a similar thing before, but I think the reason it never happened was that it's hard to get people to come to a site like this at a very specific time. The timezone issue you mentioned is also a factor, plus how the selected time is actually communicated to everyone effectively. 

You're right though, the chat can be great at times, but generally it's just 2-3 people talking or sometimes nobody at all with the occasional hi. This is partly on all of us to talk more and post more than just standard small talk, but I agree that's not always easy.

All of that said, I'm happy to try this, as there's nothing to lose and if it means a few extra people have a good chat then it's worth it. Perhaps you could create a poll with say 4-5 different options for a date and time next week, and we'll try and host the chat at the most popular time? 🙂 10PM GMT does sound quite realistic though. 

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As a regular chat boxer, that would be great if we can make it work. True currently there is mostly standard small talk, but I don’t think that’s horrible. Having said that any participants on any subject would better obviously. I’m not sure what the solution is, but my job and hours make it easy for me to check the chat box regularly. 

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