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Buy items from abroad

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Have you ever bought anything from another country on Amazon, eBay or any other online shop because it is much cheaper than it is in your own country. I myself have bought many things, footwear, diapers etc from www.ebay.co.uk and much RC models from www.hobbyking.com because some items is much cheaper than in Sweden and you can also find brands that don´t exist in Sweden too.

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Yes, I've bought a couple of things at ridiculously cheap prices from China (on ebay). Generally quality is compromised if you go down the route though. I'm lucky that Amazon and eBay in the UK have the majority of items I've tried to buy; I think occasionally I've ended up getting goods from America though as they weren't available here.

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Yes, I've bought a couple of things at ridiculously cheap prices from China (on ebay). Generally quality is compromised if you go down the route though. I'm lucky that Amazon and eBay in the UK have the majority of items I've tried to buy; I think occasionally I've ended up getting goods from America though as they weren't available here.

Ok, I also buy things from english Ebay, the last thing I bought from there was a pair of indoor slippers because my feet is cold and I don´t like to use socks indoors.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made purchases online from eBay and from amazon's international affiliates. UK, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Germany, UK, Ireland, France, Spain, San Marino, Italy, the Vatican, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Japan, China, New Zealand, Australia, India, South Africa, Kenya, South Korea, Thailand, Israel, Turkey, and Portugal.

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