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Posts posted by Albionis

  1. 10 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    Hold your pee deliberately before swimming, so it's actually uncomfortable. While you're changing you're thinking how much you have to go, and that you could go in the showers or in the changing room somewhere but you're going to wait until you're in the pool so everyone else ends up swimming in your pee.

    Deliberately drink coffee, coke etc before swimming, or lots of tea.

    If there's more than one pool, get in the smaller pool before pissing, then move to the bigger one (or piss in a hot tub).

    Take vitamins so your pee is particularly yellow.

    Talk to your friends about pissing in the water, and announce it to them before you do.

    Have your lover talk about pissing in the water while you're fucking & they're talking dirty to you.

    I agree espcially with the announcing before you go, like i posted on the other thread it was my most exciting experience even tho i didn’t even pee myself but there is just something about her asking my permission to pee that made it A LOT more exciting 😁

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Two excellent experiences there.   Very strange for the girl to come and ask you about peeing in the pool - they would normally just go without drawing attention - or if they were worried about being spotted then get out to use the toilet.  The fact that she announced it must have been great for you.

    I've had loads of sightings - most posted here on the forums - although I've got some more recent ones which I haven't got round to writing up yet.  I would find it very difficult to say which was my favourite, but one was on a sea front where a drunk girl in a short dress came down the steps from the promenade to the lower concrete walkway.  She squatted at the bottom of the steps, I walked round the corner and came face to face with her, about 3 metres from her.  She was in a low squat with her legs spread and she was busily spraying the concrete.  Her pussy was in full view.  I headed to go up the steps, which meant I had to walk directly towards her and pass within about 1.5m of her.   She looked straight at me and said "Oh, Fuck, I'm so sorry."   I responded to her and looked directly at her saying "Don't worry, it looks like you really needed that"  We had a short conversation as I enjoyed the view and then carried on up the steps leaving her to finish.

    Another was in Newcastle near a nightclub where a girl just came out of a fast food takeaway, hitched up her skirt, leaned against the adjacent wall in a high squat position and pissed a flood onto the pavement.  She then dropped her skirt and went back into the food place as if that was totally normal.

    Another one in Newcastle was the most powerful pee that I've seen in real life.  A girl ran round the corner from a Nightclub queue.  I followed and found her squatted low to the pavement, feet spread apart and a laser sharp pee stream jetting out about 3 feet in front of her.

    There are many more and if you search up my posts in the Real Sightings category you'll find plenty.

    Yes it was absolutely the best and yeah i thought it weird too at first but then thought that she was definately shy so maybe she didn’t want to upset anyone or make anyone unconfortable and since i was the only one around that corner so maybe she thought that if i was ok with it it wasn’t a big deal?

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Good luck and yes please report back.  If you are lucky enough to be able to spend time there on your own then look for places that give a bit of cover in busy areas - maybe near toilets that will have queues and people decide not to wait or near places that people congregate to drink near bars etc.   I have no idea what type of festival it is or the layout, so can’t give much direction, but usually near toilets and drinking outlets are likely to be good.   The other option if it is spread over a large area is to find places that are far away from toilets so people wouldn’t be bothered to take the walk.  
    I am surprised that anywhere is doing any kind of festival at the moment though.  

    Yeah i know all the good places partly because i use them myself and the festival is annual and since its a small town with only 2000 people living here and there hasn’t been any infections in a 150km radius so there aren’t that many risks 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

    Just want to say how much I enjoy reading your posts on real time sightings. Good work!

    Sightings here have been scarce since the bars and fairs have been closed/cancelled.

    Well there is a 5 day town festival here that started today hence the first sightning so hopefully we can expect more during the 4 days left 😊 and also im really glad that there are so many likeminded people here who enjoy it too so i’ll make sure to post all the possible sightings i make! 😊

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  5. 39 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    One of the side effects of lockdown closure of toilets has been it becoming more difficult for lorry drivers and delivery drivers to find public toilets.

    About a week ago, I was driving along a dual carriageway and in a lay-by on the opposite carriageway, a lorry was parked up.  Between he lorry and the kerb right near the front of the cab was a lady in her thirties squatted down.  I didn’t see that much as I passed by at about 60mph, but I was lucky that I spotted her from a bit of a distance and was able slow up a little and confirm my suspicion that she was peeing.  She was wearing a fluorescent vest which hung down to cover her bum but there was a definite flow coming down to the tarmac below her.

    In here its not that uncommon sight for people to stop for a pee next to the roads since the distances are long and in my country the existance of public toilets (not counting gas stations) is basically non exsistant unless you live in one of the big cities which i can count with one hand so it makes for a lot of nice views during long drives 🙂 one of the upsides in living in a really small country i guess 😂

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