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Posts posted by nutinfancy

  1. I've thought about it before a few times, and now that I've thought more about it. 

    It sounds like a fun experience to try, I wonder how it would smell after a few days? I like smell of piss .

    But I don't care for the smell of most cat litter, I wonder if you used sawdust if it would let the aroma of your pee last and smell like pee!

    And I do like that it would be easy to hide quickly.

    @Pisslover40 have you tried using a litter box?

  2. My go to places around the home are the trash can in the bathroom, towels after showering and drying off I like to piss in if I didn't piss in the shower.  

    And most often is in my garage, anywhere in there. If I'm working on something and need to piss I just piss on the floor wherever I'm standing. Or if I'm outside I still go to my garage and walk to the back and piss in front of my tool boxes. Or I have pissed just inside the door and anybody that walks in, walks through my puddle of piss and leave pissy foot prints wherever they walk! My fun way of sharing!!

  3. I had one SIL that had no dignity, if she need to pee, she was peeing no matter who was around. I think she help my fetish along.

    And drinking does help you lose your inhibitions, one night a group of us were bar hopping, we got to one bar and no sooner than we got out of the car she had her pant down in front of all of us pissing like it was a normal thing! 

    Before the night was over she asked my friend if she could peed on his head? She thought it would be real smooth.

    We all laughed but inside my head the wheels were turning and fantasizing. 

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  4. I've decided to go a different route,  I decided to put on a pull-up and wet a way!! Got 2vcar that need vacuuming out! Wife's busy canning tomatoes!! 

    Si I'm gonna play!! Nothing like the feeling of warm piss running all over your balls and the diaper stays nice and warm!! And the more you piss the better it feels!!  Especially once it starts to overflow some!! Down the insides of your legs, or while sitting with your legs propped up and it runs down the cracks of your ass!!

  5. 50 minutes ago, Mary Moon said:

    I wonder if a boy, in a situation like this, would have the courage to take out his penis and pee maybe in a bottle he has in his backpack. Maybe apologizing later to whoever notices it by saying that it was an emergency and since you weren't allowed to go out you were about to pee yourself 

    That might depend on how close the desks were to eachother? And what time of year?

    Because if it was during the cooler time of year and you had a jacket to lay over your lap?

    A guy could cover up and piss in a bottle possibly,  the other students might wonder what he was doing. 

    Too once he was done he could slip the bottle that he peed in, into his jacket pocket!

    Then when class was over go to the bathroom and use a stall to empty the bottle.

    And the courage is a little iffie but desprate, but desperate situations will make you do things you never thought you'd do!

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  6. I'm thinking about putting the pants I had on yesterday and rewetting them.

    They were soaked from the crotch to the waist yesterday when I had to change and go to the store. 

    I did learn that while sitting on my porch glider and my feet propped up and my dick aimed towards my waist you can sit and soak your self and nobody notices anything!! 

    Soon as I stood up my shirt coverd it all up!! But it was nice and wet. 

    And I'm sure they're still damp from my piss and when I start rewetting them the smell is going to be wonderful!!

  7. I don't know if I would handled it any differently,  but being a guy we do have less to do to pee. If we can unzip and get our dick out we can piss! Which would bring up a whole new scenario? Would you just pull it out and piss in the hallway or make it to the bathroom and get to the urinal.

    I have been desperate enough that as soon as I push the door open with one hand the other is unzipping and pulling it out in route to the closest urinal.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Pooler said:

    Does your wife know you peed in it, and can she taste it?

    Nope, she hasn't got a clue I pissed in it! She even complmented me on the coffee!

    I can faintly taste it but I can tell by the aroma of the coffee that it has piss in it. 

  9. Update: wife's coffee got cold so she went and microwaved it and gave me the rest left inches pot, and microwaved it! The flavor and smell of it having my piss in it is stronger!

    My diaper has overflowed a couple of times!! Little dribbles down the inside of my pants legs!

    I'm having a blast this morning!!

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  10. Is it me, but the more you drink your piss, the more you have to piss?

    And you have to piss more often, and the desprate need to piss is sooner and more often?

    Just something I started noticing about myself and wondered if anybody else noticed it or did the same thing. 

  11. Feeling a little naughty this morning, so I got up before my wife put on a pull-up since I've got a car to work on today. Don't want to have to stop for piss breaks!

    Got dressed and went to make our coffee and still feeling very naughty, I rinsed the decanter out, then pissed 2 full cups into it.

    Then poured it into the coffee pot and added water to the 12 cup line and made coffee as usual. 

    So me and my wife have almost drank the whole pot of coffee.

    I can smell a hint of piss and taste because I drink mine often!

    She hasn't got a clue that's she drank almost 4 cups of coffee made with my piss!! She even told how good the coffee taste this morning!!

    So far it's been a great morning!! Sitting on the porch watching my wife drink piss coffee while I enjoy it too. And piss in my pull-up while surfing pee fans!


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