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Everything posted by WetJess

  1. Maybe. It could be a bit messy though
  2. Yeah I’ve put a note in my bio. And the report button has been tested a few times
  3. (Some names and details changed to avoid anyone recognising me!) It had been one of those days where you buy a bunch of drinks, snacks and head to the nearest park. We spent all day there - me and a bunch of friends drinking and chatting shit in the gorgeous weather. when the sun finally went in, we had a few more in a local bar. Then decided to call it a day, and got the train back home. The trains here suck. Never on time. But luckily this one was basically empty. I was bursting for a piss, and a friend dared me to simply wet myself. But I didn’t want to so
  4. Is there a way I could put something on my profile that explains what is ok and what will get you blocked?
  5. The equivalent of “she was dressed like a slut she was asking for it”
  6. Yeah I’ve had requests to meet up too
  7. What exactly is that robust action? Because every member I’ve reported still seems to be active
  8. When did it become acceptable to ask other members to privately send intimate images or video? I’ve had a few members now all asking the same question, and honestly it just makes me feel so unwelcome on this site… Like being female immediately gives me an obligation to show off my body. If I was going to do that, it won’t be to the first random person in my DMs. would love to hear about this from a mod too. Is this allowed?
  9. I could just squat in the shower but it’s not the same vibe as a public place
  10. To be honest it’s the hissing sound mostly. Sometimes the force of pee in water.
  11. I’ve always wanted to give one of those squatting female urinals a try. But they only seem to appear at big festivals and I’m not really into that scene these days. Where else might I get to try a female urinal? (Especially in the UK)
  12. If I ever go to the ladies room with someone I’ll try and guess how they might sound through the stall wall. then ill deliberately go slow so I can hear them pee before I go
  13. Between 8 and 17. So tbh, it doesn’t get in the way too much
  14. One of my favourite things to do is to really ruin a pair of knickers and then sniff them at the end of the day
  15. Just standing or in bushes
  16. 500ml. So a perfect size really. and yes 🤓
  17. Highly recommend. I have one in the car now. And also great for festivals
  18. I love it. The instructions on mine said it was good to practice in the shower. So I did.
  19. Here there’s a brand of drink called oasis which has a nice wide opening bottle. Perfect to help with the aim
  20. I thought I was weird for this. I have a bunch of peeing vids on my phone from whenever I go to a public toilet
  21. I’ve just got into a budget hotel for the night. Currently watching the news and letting my bladder fill ideas for fun very welcome 😀 edit: should probably say I’m on British time
  22. Okay. I was wrong. Didn’t even take twenty minutes for someone to send me their telegram username
  23. Hey guys. I’m Jess. A 31 year old bisexual Brit. This site seems so much more chilled out (and warm?) than the likes of Reddit! Aside from enjoying the photos here, I’m also really into written words - either erotic fiction or role playing with another person looking forward to chatting more, sharing experiences and making up some stories. hope to speak to you all soon x
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