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Posts posted by swekiss

  1. 6 hours ago, HitEmAll said:

    @swekiss: So you pissed standing against the walls of the corner I guess? Wow that's a fucking lake of piss that you released there 😳😊👌

    Correct. And yes, it was needed. Every bump in the road last ten minutes was a pain 😝

  2. On the bus to my mothers place. Stopped for two large beers before and haven't peed for 6 hours. Need to pee pretty bad, so wondering where you think I should? There are alot of people on the bus so that's unfortunately not an option. When getting there I can go for discreet but very public outside with possible discovery,  trying to make it all the way and doing it in the basement with wood walls and concrete floors and practically zero percent risk of being caught or the middle ground option of a somewhat less exposed recycling room but probably higher risk of someone going inside. What do you think? Answer needed within 10-15 minutes....

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  3. I prefer not to squat at all, I only do if I feel like there could be a wardrobe malfuntion otherwise. But I usually go for some amount of privacy. Mostly due to it being not that common for women to stand so it would cause more attention even if a skirt/dress covered my ass just as much as a guys pants would his. Plus society says women need privacy blah blah, so to follow the norm I do it even though it's impractical. So yeah. At least alley/behind a dumpster/bush/something that makes me not easily visible.

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  4. I can pee while aroused, but it makes the stream slower and fucks up my aim. So I have this kind of catch 22 thing. I get aroused from peeing in naughty places, but if I get aroused it's harder to pee and/or messier which ruins it for me thus making it a turn off. 

    After an orgasm it's hard to get any out. Like, if I try to pee within five minutes I have to push hard and even then it's just a dribble. I guess all the muscles are still too clenched at that point. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, this is interesting said:

    That's awesome. Do you masturbate when being peed on or you just sit there?

    You seen to have a hard time understanding my very simple "I don't wish to be peed on". So no, I would not masturbate. I can give the experience to someone I'm very fond of if they are submissive to me, but that's the only time. I prefer it not happening at all. 

  6. 1 minute ago, this is interesting said:

    Is it a certain part of your body you want to get peed on or you don't care and let it rip?

    I prefer not getting peed on at all. But if I have to I would say stomache and pussy. But I'm primarily a giver.

  7. 3 hours ago, this is interesting said:

    Are you saying that you would want to get peed on from someone who is well hydrated so just in case if you aren't able to wash it off you can go about the rest of your day without worrying about a stench?

    God no! If I ever get it on me I will 100% need to wash. I meant if playing with someone I want it to be as close to smell free as possible since I dislike the smell. And that was in the case of me peeing on them since that is what I'm most in to. A wash is for me a must after though. At least if I want to touch them after. My skin is super sensitive, so I get an allergic reaction if anything salty is left on me. And yes, that does unfortunatelly include my own sweat if I haven't drank enough liquids.

  8. 3 hours ago, Moore007 said:

    Thats cool. So would you pee on a random person if you got the chance and you didn’t have to see the person again?

    If I liked the person during the brief or somewhat longer interaction I definitely would.. 

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  9. Pee on for sure. I can accept being peed on if I initiate it and I have all the power at the moment, but it would have to be special circumstances for sure.

    The smellpart is something I dislike, so I prefer it to be a wellhydrated pee and them washing after. Or if we go separate ways so any potential smell won't affect me 🤷‍♀️

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  10. 2 hours ago, Moore007 said:

    What would you ladies have done if you got such a question at the urinal or at a festival if a stranger asked you to pee on him or her?

    First of all I would probably have wondered if this was some kind of dare/joke to either mess with one of us or both. Secondly if I saw the question as real it would come down to a few factors. Do I think he/she seems harmless so the situation can't be dangerous to me? Do I find him/her at all attractive or at least neutral? Am I at that moment just hurried to quickly pee and get out cause I have company waiting? Am I'm already in the mood for a naughty pee? I would probably find it strange, but if I skipped the opportunity and all the other factors above was fulfilled I would probably kick my self for years to come 😅

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  11. I prefer somewhat drunk. Like. Enough to lessen my inhibitions and being more daring with where I chose to do it, but sober enough to still look for a cctv or other people so as not to get caught. Also, when drinking I need to pee more and more ergently, making the pee it self feel better too. 

    As far as I know I've never been caught while indulging, and yet there have been some extremly risky choices. Some that I the day after feel like: Holy crap, that could have been sooo bad if I got caught! Or almost the worst: I can't believe I did that, too bad I can't really remember the full feeling cause it would have been an amazing high/turn on for days to come.

    So yeah. Moderate to rather drunk, but not too drunk to care at all. Fine line.

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