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Everything posted by TINKLE2

  1. I like some gentle role play and spanking, mostly me spanking
  2. Hi, a few weeks back I was at Dublin airport coming back home from visiting a friend. I was early so sat at the back in the waiting area, as time went on people started to fill the seats and as is the norm, they all go the front. Then a group of 7 young girls joined the seats on the end opposite where I was sat. They’d obviously had a great weekend, joking and reliving some of the dafter moments. They told their tales, quite loudly and were laughing, often hysterically when I noticed one of them in a clingy black jump suit grabbing herself every now and then. i tried not to make it o
  3. My wife knew about my love of peed in knickers and ladies accidents although she herself wasn’t into it at all. However one lazy Sunday not long after our first child was born I was slobbing on the couch and the little fella had messed so needed changing, as in clothes as well. As usual with a twisting baby it took sometime, finally I heard her say “there’s-a nice clean boy. I looked over as he fell back on the cushion and rolled to get his favourite soft toy. I smiled at her and she sat back on her haunches, which spread her skirt to show her yellow panties, bit her lip, looked me in the eye,
  4. I had been to London to watch a band with my wife, her cousin & his wife and we’re on the way back to Milton Keynes (her brother lived there and was minding our kids) on the train. As it was the last one it was packed as usual meaning sitting together wasn’t on the cards, I ended up sitting with my back to the wife and the cousins wife and facing him. As it was the last one it stopped almost everywhere increasing the journey time which since most people were at the least the worst for wear. As the journey dragged on the cousin started to doze off, never a big drinker, so my eyes drifted ro
  5. As well as seeing girls desperate to pee, I find it horny when they need to poo. Holding their bums is so horny and if they lose the battle the lumps are so sexy as their red faces
  6. I was working away and the then wife and kids came down to stay for a week. The weather was good so they went to the beach most days, kids were only 5 & 3. I would meet them back at the B&B or on the beach. The wife was a blond slim girl around 5’8”. She was wearing a summer dress and a pair of yellow panties, no bra. I gave her a hug and a kiss as I joined them and shouted to the kids who were busy digging for buried treasure or some such thing. The wife looked edgy so I asked if everything was ok, she said no not really I’ve been wanting a piss this last half hour and these won’t com
  7. He certainly is lucky, hope he gave you a nice present in 😉return
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