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Posts posted by nygirl

  1. 1 hour ago, Remi said:

    First of all, thats hot! I understand the thrill of doing it in public is so exciting. Wow! Do you do this spontaneously when the arousal kicks in for whatever reason when you are out in public? Or do you plan it beforehand?


    I never plan it, it just happens. Something sparks my arousal and I can't help it. It's not so much the thrill, it's the fact that I can watch a hot guy in real life, or sometimes just out of need if I can't get something out of my mind.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Remi said:

     I find it interesting that you don't like seeing other girls pissing in public though. I naively got the impression that most girls with this kink are also interested in other girls doing the same.

    Yeah, I'm straight. Which is unfortunate, I guess. I don't like seeing women in my porn either, so I mostly watch solo stuff. I think most women feel the same.

  3. On 12/4/2023 at 1:25 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Wow - your account of events there just hit me right in a certain spot.

    From the way you've described your 'one friend' on the way home, I'm reading into that it's a male friend who you're close enough too that he's happy to discuss pee with.  And that sort of means not disapproving like the other friends at the bar?

    This may be way off the mark, and way inappropriate - but a lot of guys wouldn't be phased at all if you'd asked if you watch up close - but of course that could ruin a beautiful friendship and turn it into something altogether different.

    My 'one friend' was oddly one of the same guys who was disapproving of the other guys pissing in public by the bar. I think it was in part because it was drawing girls' attention, particularly mine. And not everyone has the confidence to piss on the street in front of a bunch of girls. 

    He is like me in that he doesn't like to be seen pissing, but will piss anywhere that is secluded. I do not think he has a piss kink, but we have a little something between us that will probably never be acted upon because of how incompatible we would be as partners.

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