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Posts posted by nygirl

  1. 4 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    I hope this doesn’t mean getting head feels like “omg mustn’t piss mustn’t piss mustn’t piss…” 😉

    This is sometimes exactly how it feels. I have phases where I am more into piss than other times. I’m in a pretty intense phase right now. 

    Once, when I was being sucked, I couldn’t help but let a few drops go without warning. I am the type that gets REALLY wet when I’m being sucked or licked. So I don’t think he noticed the first time I did it. But of course, I couldn’t help but do it again. He pulled back with surprise this time. I didn’t know how to explain myself, but I was so turned on that I didn’t really care. He reluctantly went back down there, and I humped his mouth until I came. Was a bit awkward after. 

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