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Posts posted by PeeOV330

  1. Pretty regularly! More often than normal sex dreams, I dream of scenarios where exhibitionist pissing tends to come up. I tend to dream a lot of architecture so I end in bizarre layered bathrooms with open concepts, surrounded by pissing men and women and being seen.  

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    Chapter 3: (Not Golden) Shower

    June 14th 7:30pm

    I spend the rest of the day having no idea what the fuck to do. I have no car here, no life, I just spend a few hours scrolling through social media. I should probably start job hunting right away but I'll give that a few days. I get a text from Mrs. Robinson saying that we'll order pizza tonight, "we should have dinner together on our first night as roomies", sure, why not!

    I run to the liquor store because what else am I supposed to do here? My parents keep a decent stock of liquor and wine but they didn't get me any beer. I get myself a cheap ass two four of stuff I don't even like, I think of my self as like a cool beer snob who drinks local stuff but I barely have a thousand dollars to my name so I'm just gonna buy cheap and get drunk. 

    I load up the fridge and am waiting for Mrs. Robinson to get off work. She has seen my penis now, wild stuff. Basically fully hard and pissing like a fire hose too, I wonder if she's thinking about that. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her, I'm not thinking something is going to happen, I'm not that deluded. I just think she's fun, she's a good hang, and unlike the times I knew here in the past, we're equals now, both adults, peers. So if she wanted to do something... aww, fuck it nah. 

    I needed to recenter myself, I didn't remember when she got home but it must've been soon. I'd been pacing and a nice warm shower will get me back on track. 

    The one real bathroom in the house is due for a remodelling, I always preferred a nice cool shower that's, like, just a shower, as apposed to standing in the bathtub. This shower curtain is also ratty as all hell, it's got a few holes in it. They could've put the effort in to get a new shower curtain at some point in the last decade. 

    I strip in the bathroom and check myself out in the mirror. I don't look terrible but I do look like a guy who was not actively looking for a woman for a while. I got a gut, I'm pretty fucking hairy, at least my dick's not too bad. 

    I hop in and I'm not even washing myself, just vibing in the steam. Then I hear a noise, Mrs. Robinson is back, that's earlier than I thought. There's rustling and steps going around. On the bathroom door I hear a light, friendly, rhythmic knock. The door open slightly, she sort of pokes her head in a little, I can see her in the eye level hole in the shower curtain, she can't see me.

    "Hey Ben! All settled in?"

    "Yeah, yeah, been chilling all day, work was good?"

    "Never!" She laughs "Mind if I just pop in to pee? I won't peak at you, I promise"

    "Yeah, of course!"

    Fuck, that's an instant raging boner from the suggestion. She can't see that I'm looking through the curtain, right? She def wouldn't be able to see that I'm jerking, that's for sure, no harm in that.

    She half assedly closes the door behind her, it bounces back a little, slightly ajar but she doesn't mind. Coming back from her job (what does she do again? Bank? I'm thinking bank), she's wearing a tight knee length black skirt and black tights underneath, above is a semi tight light gray pull over. I see her shimmy the skirt up and tuck down the tights to her knees. She's wearing black panties, a slight lace on them. She's talking as she gets in position.

    "So, pizza still good?"

    "Uhh.. yeah, yeah, hell yeah, pizza"

    She pulls the panties down to her knees as well and lifts the seat, squatting above it. Fuck, she hovers. God dammit, that's good. The toilet is parallel to me so I got a side profile, a perfect outline of her ass, which is very white, pretty smooth and substantial, one of her larger qualities.

    "I see you picked up some beer, mind if I dive into that?"

    "H-help yourself"

    She lets out a stream that I can see. I can not remember the last time I've seen a woman's piss stream. Fuck, it's not the strongest, a lighter flow, a little amber, I can still see a shine to it, not a rushing force. It's beautiful, I tried and position my body so that the shower can make as little noise as possible and I can hear what can only be described as proper "tinkle" sounds. I am rhythmically rubbing my cock, god damn. 

    "Sweet, it's been a long fucking day and I need to drink. Let's get fucked"

    I laugh then bite my lip.

    "Yee, let's fucking go"

    The stream starts to trickle out, there's not really the classic final burst that I always wait for. She grabs some toilet paper and does a quick and dirty standing wipe, one hand through the crotch and a swift drop in the toilet. She reaches to flush and stops herself.

    "Oh whoops, almost flushed" She laughs, not knowing that I've already seen the whole thing.

    "Thanks!" I laugh as well.

    "Mind grabbing that for me?"

    "Of course"

    She completes the three step processes of pulling her panties back up, followed by her tights and putting the skirt back down. She comes up to the sink right in the middle of the shower and the toilet and begins washing her hands. I am standing right beside her, quietly jerking off to her, on the other side of a plastic sheet. 

    "Oh, I got an idea!" She says as she finishes washing her hands for probably only 5 seconds. 

    She runs out of the bathroom, leaving the door wide open, I pull the curtain back a bit and peak my head around, still with cock in hand. She runs back to the bathroom, bounding in a goofy fashion, with a big cheery smile, holding two beers. She enters the bathroom and sits one beer on the sink and looks at me, with raised eyebrows

    "Gotta start the night with a shower beer"

    I laugh and reach around the corner to grab it. I clink it against hers.

    "Cheers!" I say we both drink.

    She walks out and closes the door. I start chugging and begin quickly jerking. 

    She opens the door again.

    "Oh, is Canadian good for pizza?"

    "Yeah, love Canadian pizza"

    "Hell yeah, I'll order it now, it should be here by the time you're done jerking off in there" 

    She laughs to herself and closes the door.


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  3. On 9/7/2023 at 6:17 PM, arigalo said:

    I love the idea of nonchalant peeing. I find it really hot when someone is just completely unbothered about what others might think. I wish I was that open myself!

    There have only been a few times I've been around nonchalant peeing. Once was during college when I was walking with a group of friends to a party. We were cutting through a lawn between two apartment complexes and as we passed by a particularly shadowy part near a tree, one of the guys in the group just said "give me a minute," turned around, and started peeing on the tree. He must have really had to go, because it ended up being almost literally a minute of him peeing a really strong stream onto the tree.


    I've literally done this exact same thing a few times while in college, being very drunk with a group of people. Usually will be the first to suggest I stop and pee on a tree but when one stop the rest will probably do the same. One time while waiting for a cab with a group of I think two other guys and three other girls I straight up just turned around, didn't move an inch and started pissing where I stood. 

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  4. Chapter 2: Mrs. Robinson

    June 14th 2:30pm

    My hometown is not the city I'm used to, and like most small towns across North America, there's functionally no transit. For me to get from the train station to my home would be another hour so my mother arranged a ride for me. Her old best friend, Mrs. Robison is waiting for me in her beat up old Honda Civic. As I exit the train station I see her hand give a subtle wave through her open window. I throw my bag, the last of my stuff coming home, into the back seat and enter the front. 

    "Aww, Ben, how you doing?", she asks and she leans over the console to hug me. My name is Ben, by the way, probably should've brought that up. I haven't seen her in years, she looks a little older than I remember, but she's always been very cute and very fun. She's a stout lady, I wouldn't call her chubby but I wouldn't call her thin, a nice face, with natural chestnut colour still in her mid length hair. Her freckled face has a bit more of a droop to it than I remember but her small nose and huge smile make it look younger than the mid 50s she is. 

    I give her a quick overview of my current situation but she quickly drowns me out, she's an overbearing fountain of excitement, there's a young country girl energy to her that she never lost. She reiterates some info to me that I've already been given the rundown on. She's not divorced but they're working on it. In the midst of the working on it, she'll be crashing at my parents place for a while. The two of us are in surprisingly similar situations. 

    We get back to my parents place and she lets me out. Mrs. Robinson might be newly single and in my parents' place like me but she's certainly not unemployed like me, so she's back to work. She drives off with a promise of us, catching up some more when she's done. 

    I enter the big empty house. I've been in a one bedroom apartment for years, at least I have some space now. It's one floor and an unfinished basement, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room and just one bathroom (unless you count the Pittsburgh toilet in the basement, that I only use if I feel like doing a bit for myself). I go throw my stuff down in my bedroom, it's been stripped of all things mine, and been used as a guest bedroom. Of course because of that, which I forgot for a second, the bedroom is no longer mine. Mrs. Robinson got first dibs on the guest room. A peak in and I see a bit of a mess, which was surprising for me. Underwear and other dirty clothes strewn about, and nicer underwear than I'd expect for a woman her age. 

    I throw my bag with the rest of the random boxes of mine into what used to be my older sister's room and now is just random messy storage. I want to lay down but it's been a long train ride and I need to fucking piss. 

    I still haven't even taken my shoes, flat low top converse, and I'm feeling slobish. Nobody's home, I'll just fucking piss with the door open. Who cares anymore. I look at myself in the mirror, wearing a thick plaid jacket, rolled up sleeves and a blue t-shirt underneath, light blue jeans, a well trimmed beard and short dark hair. Honestly, I still don't look so bad. 

    I adjust myself and rub my cock over my jeans. A full bladder usually gives me a semi but thinking of that red head on the train is kind of pushing me over. I take of my belt and give myself some extra room, top button of the jeans off and fly down, whip out the cock and balls, getting firmer by the minute. At this point, I might as well just cum before I piss, it'll make everything easier. 

    I squirt a little moisturizer onto my right hand and rest my left on the wall. I'm in a classic pissing position, dick pointed at the toilet, leaning over but I'm jerking it. I always loved jerking in a standing piss position. Ive jerked in a urinal at work before, just feels so natural. I have a good memory, I bite my lip and close my eyes as I look up, I don't need any porn today, I'm just finishing this off. After, honestly, only a minute or so I burst, I get most of it in the toilet but a bit flies up onto the seat. Whatever, I'll clean it, i wipe the remainder off with toilet paper and I compose myself. 

    An orgasm is great, we are well aware of this but a post orgasm piss is honestly much fucking better. I've never been one to pull my foreskin back when I piss, I just let it fill for a second and burst out. If I would to watch in slow motion it would be like a canon burst, I love it. I let out a thick, clear stream, it smells refreshing. I go from a hand on the wall to a whole fore arm, I let my still firm and fully extended 7" cock dangle in front of me as I listen to one of the loudest pisses I ever let out. In that listening I hear a subtle "oh"

    Standing almost right next to me is Mrs. Robinson, and I can't help but notice that she's looking right at my cock.

    "haha sorry, I.. uhh" she adds, before starting to turn away. In the second she says that, I attempt to fein modesty here. I cover my cock with my hand but, in my stupidly I stick my hand right in the stream, covering the tip of my dick. The stream splashes all over the place and I cant stop, I get it on my pants and the floor and all over. She sees that and looks very embarrassed. She shuts the door for me. I keep peeing as she adds "that was my bad, I'll clean that up for you, don't worry", "no, I got i", I respond, before she comes back with "no, I feel bad, I insist"

    The stream fizzles out and the last few spurts spray out, I decide to let her clean up, only after I take care of the cum. I open the door. Mrs. Robinson stands right in front of me. I apologize but she interrupts with her own.

    "Sorry, you didn't know I'd be home! I just turned around to grab my travel mug and go pee before heading back to work. That's not your fault. Plus, your the man of the house, right? I'm just the guest here, you should be able to pee with the door open if you want" She laughs to her self, a very charming laugh, she puts her hand on my shoulder.

    I blush, I want to jump on that, say I'll take her up on her offer but I can't get a word out of my throat. I shouldn't say that anyway. Should I say that she also has the right to pee with the door open? No, dammit, it was a joke, you're being stupid. You're being a creep. 

    She looks at me staring for too long and says "alright, I've embarrassed you enough" and she enters the bathroom. I half expect her to keep the door open to keep things fair but she puts that barrier back up between us. I stay by the door and look down at my pissy pants and the throbbing boner underneath. The door is thin and after a few seconds I hear a firm, racehorse like hiss emerge from the other side, my body clenches. Maybe we're surprisingly simular in more ways than one.

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  5. On 8/4/2023 at 8:26 PM, Bacardi said:


    I had such a stressful day today, wherein I spent most of it in the hospital. I went to pee and found the toilet up like this. Ya'll 💀 why does it look like a face???? I had a laughing fit in the bathroom just looking at it.

    Also say hello to my foot lol. Cant be bothered to crop it out rn.

    A blessed and deserving soul got reincarnated 

  6. 2 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

    I just went to see P!nk last night and the women's bathroom lines were insane. I just went into the men's room and as I looked towards the entrance after I used the urinal an army of women just materialized out of thin air. 

    A trendsetter! 

    I saw you bring it up before, do you use the urinal often?

  7. Nothing beats a post movie piss, except maybe a mid movie piss. 

    I've never braved the parking lot after a busy screening (and seeing as I live in a city and don't have a car, I'm not the parking lot anyway) but I regularly go to the movies by myself and some of my most desperate pisses come after a movie, I remember being in so much pain and letting a throbbing piss out for what felt like two minutes after Top Gun last year, so I need to try a post movie public piss some day. Love that you got that you got that, that looks wonderful.

    I've, on occasion, when in a pretty empty theatre, "refilled" my drink part way through, which is exciting but also keeps me from missing the movie.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Simpfan4 said:

    I'm okay with anyone wanting to see/hear me pee, if that's the case. When my husband helps me to get my chair into a public restroom, I tell him he's more than welcome to stay while I use the toilet, but he always declines. There isn't much for anyone to see; just me transferring from my chair, pulling down panties (and leggings if I'm wearing them), and sitting myself on the toilet. It's not as though I'm putting on a show. They probably wouldn't even notice my lady parts, if they were in the bathroom for the same purpose. And given that he usually has to pee immediately after I do (power of suggestion?), having a urinal right there would give him an opportunity to pee too. 

    Enough of a show for me and plenty others here I'm assuming haha

  9. 2 hours ago, Wetling said:

    I think there's a difference between real transexuals and those who confuse it with autogynophilia. In any way, "TERF" is a dismissive political buzzword meant to delegitimize differing opinions and an attack on people who are fighting for women's rights. Please don't spread hate. Twitter has become extremely toxic in the past few years and all people do there is trying to hurt others in the most effective way.

    The word TERF is a pretty friendly term invented by the people who are against it's use now, it's the same terminology creep the alt right used. People realized what the beliefs are so they make up a new name and decide they're "gender critical" now and in 6 months when everybody's caught up, they'll make up a new name and say gender critical is a slur too.

    Autogynaphila, however, has always been a pseudo-scientific term used to dismiss trans people as dangerous perverts.

    Moreover, this is generally off topic and uncharacteristic for a fetish forum, while @fourluvclover made a welcome and on topic post.

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  10. I've done it once, but it was at like 3am and I was very drunk. I had just left a friend's apartment by myself, we were drinking I was horny, excited, and ready to burst. I was planning to pee on the walk home (at the time I liked to pee and walk, whipping my cock back and forth so I could keep moving and soak the sidewalk without getting it on myself) but I had the bright idea to try something so I let out a long and wide stream that soaked the entire carpet. I never heard that there was any complaint afterwards so I wasn't caught. 

    The building was old, the elevator was rickety and had no cameras. Still, it's such a huge, exciting risk, since the doors could open and someone could be there. Maybe I'll take that risk again some day but I don't think it's likely haha

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  11. On 6/26/2023 at 4:19 PM, Cupcake said:

    I was listening to Reddit stories on YouTube and found one about NSFW stuff that happened at summer camp, but so many were about people naughty pissing around the place!
    I was wondering if anyone here had any stories or experiences they could share? 
    I’ve never been to summer camp now I feel like I was missing out! 

    Do you have a link to the reddit discussion?

  12. I don't have a specific number but this question did bring up a memory of being in high school (or maybe a little after high school but not in college) in my small farming town, I was drinking with a group of guys. We were walking back from a midnight snack run, very drunk and came across a public pool surrounded by a chain link fence, we decided to have a contest to see if anyone could pee into the pool from outside the fence. So the (I think) five or six of us all lined up and put our cocks through the chain link fence. The pool had to be a good ten-ish feet away from us so none of us got in, plus I think in the ranking I only came in the middle distance but it was a pretty fantastic sight to be a part of, the beautiful array of streams. 

  13. I know every once and a while a thread goes around asking for mainstream movies and tv shows with pissing scenes (I'd direct you to thepml.net for the current best resource on that) but I was thinking about scenes that are specifically about piss kink. 

    I started thinking about this when recently listening to a podcast that James Urbaniak was on and he referenced an episode of Law & Order: SVU where he played someone caught installing toilet cams. The episode has this very funny brush over that most urophiliacs were sexually abused and retreated to attraction to their own body.

    A few others that I can think of were, recently, Babylon (2022) opens with a wild 1920s Hollywood party, and shows a women peeing on a mans chest and face (a pretty week stream haha) while doing coke, as part of its debauchery. Examples of characters talking about it are in Death Proof (2007), when Mary Elizabeth Winstead claims that her boyfriend (the luckiest man in the world) likes to watch her pee, and in Righteous Gemstones, Edi Patterson is talking sexy to her husband, says how wet she is and says it's not piss and he responds "good, save that piss for my chest"

    Would love for have a collection of these examples!

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