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Posts posted by kailord42

  1. On 4/16/2024 at 6:10 PM, Cute wetter said:

    My bladder is definitelt quite large. Back in my schooldays, I was able to hold it until the end of the day. When I got home, I would sit on the toilet with my pants down but my panties still on. Then I'd pee through them and usually for a whole minute without stopping. I loved holding it until I was desperate and peeing my never-ending stream

    A whole minute!! Wow that's crazy. You should get together with @Sophie and have a contest to see who can pee in panties for a longer time. Maybe the winner gets a new vibrator or something. I am amazed at how much you can pee!

  2. Back in high school we had a marching band show that went pretty late. It was about a 2 hour drive back to the school and naturally everybody wanted to pee before they left. There were about 4 porta potties in the parking lot and around 200 of us (that was just the students - we had a very large band!) At some point while we were in line the toilet paper completely ran out in all 4 porta potties and the ladies were freaking out. It wasn't long before our leaders were taking paper towel rolls and ripping off portions to pass to every lady in line. A lot of girls blushed pretty hard but my girlfriend at the time was having a pretty hard time with it. She was very innocent and I think she didn't want men knowing how ladies went to the bathroom. (I had discovered porn a few years back and while I was "sober" at the time, I had definitely seen thousands of ladies peeing before as the process fascinated me.) She tried to hide the paper towel in her sweatshirt which made me giggle a bit. But I just gently told her that "a lady's got to do what a lady's got to do." I think that made her feel marginally better. I let her go first in line, partly to be a gentleman and partly because I wanted to hear the sounds of a lady doing what a lady's got to do. She had a fairly full bladder that night and made a nice tinkling hissing sound. And the paper towel was definitely gone when she came out of the porta potty :)

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  3. Hi Riley! Looks like this thread's been inactive for quite awhile but it would be fun to revive it if you were interested! 


    First off, very cool that you like the How to Train Your Dragon series and are very musically inclined. 🙂 


    So my questions are a lot like what I asked Sophie awhile back. a) What's your pee backstory (when did you realize you like to pee yourself) and b) do you have any wetting routines? (locations, outfits, positions, type of underwear you like to pee in, how long it takes to pee, what you do after etc.)

  4. Hi Sophie! 3 things from me today. 1) What's your pee backstory? (When was the first time you realized you liked peeing yourself or peeing in different places in general)

    2) After you pee yourself, do you like to do any naughty play down there? (touching, rubbing, etc.)

    3) What do you do with your hands while you pee squatting? (holding your lips open, feeling your bladder contract, holding tp to wipe with etc)

    Hope that wasn't too many but you always have such great detailed answers to things!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Have you ever heard of a menstrual cup? I use one of those paired with period panties and am happy to share my experiences. I haven't used a pad and tampons in years. 

    Yes I have! I hear they're very popular among hikers who don't want to deal with the hassle of the frequent changes. Is that accurate? What's your experience been like?

  6. Hey everybody! I'm Kai. My username references Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series (kailord) and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (42)

    I've been fascinated by pee for as long as I can remember. I'm especially curious about how women do their business and all the various aspects that entails - the many positions, the cleaning techniques, dealing with pads and tampons, etc etc. as it's so different from what I experience as a man. It's also interesting to me hearing accounts of women wetting themselves, intentionally or otherwise. My primary purpose with this site is to engage with questions and gain some new insights. I hope I don't offend anyone with my inquires but please let me know if I ever upset you. I don't want to ruin anyone's day! Happy peeing everyone!

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  7. Hi Chrissy! It's Kai. Happy almost birthday 🙂

    I've got a few questions about your outside pee habits.

    1) Do you pee outside regularly or is this more of an occasional thing? Are there any places/environments you especially like to pee? (grass, leaves, sand, etc.)

    2) Do you have a favorite position and, if so, why?

    3) How do you clean up after?



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  8. Hi again! A few more questions, this time about your wiping process/technique. When you're not wetting yourself or peeing in the shower, how do you take care of cleaning "down there" after a pee?

    1) How much tp do you use, do you fold or crumple, and what position do you wipe in? (sitting on toilet, standing afterwards, or just how does it work for you?)

    2) Is the process any different when you're in the woods?

    3) Lastly, what do you think of the way guys shake after peeing? Is it gross, amusing, hot...something else entirely? What comes to mind?

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  9. Hi Sophie! Kai here. I've got a few questions regarding your wetting habits. First I'll summarize what I know to be true based on what I've read and then I'll ask my questions. As I understand it, you usually wet yourself at least once a month, generally in thongs and sometimes wearing your favorite jeans. You usually do the peeing inside, but sometimes in the backyard. Sometimes your husband watches you do the deed. You don't like the thickness of diapers but would be comfortable wetting something thinner like a liner. Is that all correct?

    Anyway, so a few questions about the process for you.

    1) When you decide to start peeing, how long does it usually take for the flow to get going out of your princess parts (I hope this name is a better name than pussy) and how long do you normally pee for?

    2) What's your favorite position to wet in and why?

    3) How do you keep the kiddos from finding out?

    Thanks for your time and sorry if there are any repeats! 🙂

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