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Everything posted by YouCantPeeHere

  1. Does anyone else see pee in the snow in daylight and wonder if it is not only just dogs that are making it yellow? Hoping that dicks are whipped out and stained the snow yellow. Any men out there who can testify to the fact they add to the yellow that I am seeing and that it is not just dogs? Also, how do you pick a spot to aim, do you like to piss on bulging out pieces of snow? Drip Drip Drip... Dribble.... squirt. Big dick hanging out of pants.
  2. Are there any adult playground/bath house/saunas that exist for pee play? I have found a few but they are so regulated. What I'd want to do is piss towards people unsuspectingly in a locker room but I think pee play is not allowed at most bath houses. I wonder if there could be a locker room/ all gender bathroom or sauna set up where everyone there knows people will be peeing everywhere and aiming at one another and to sign a consent form before entering. So everyone who is attending has already signed off on the fact it would be okay to pee on or be peed on one another.
  3. I walk into a familiar bathroom and I am at work or a serious place, but have the urge in my dream to use the bathroom so badly that its bursting out. But the bathroom looks like a bath house. A large area with rooms and rooms of stalls and urinals, and other secret rooms, kind of like a large pool locker room. It stinks of water - bathroom - and the faint distant smell of man piss but very minimal. I walk through trying to find a bathroom and to do it in a respectful way in the toilet, but I get distracted.. The first thought in my head is to do some naughty pissing where I shoul
  4. Can you delete forum posts and replies if you want to? Or are they forever permanent? If so, how do you do this? I only see an edit option.
  5. It was incredible and one of the most unreal piss experiences I have ever had. It was so coincidental because I was so into watching pissing porn a lot, I had NEVER thought I'd see it out the window of my own house. I had my window wide open and my room faces the street. All the blinds were up and it was me and a friend over. We were arguing about something and he was facing me, and I was facing the window. Across the street there is this small blue bungalow next to these mansion houses. These two guys in their late 20s were taking a stroll during March 2020 (beginning of lockdown
  6. I wish I could see that with multiple guys and also have them piss on me. I also wish I could have been in your position and started unexpectedly pissing on them for fun in a horny naughty way, and splattering my piss into their puddle and having it splash them, while they're bending down to pee, including the girl showing her butt against the tree.
  7. Hi I have a hot video I made to upload. Its a narrated piss fantasy of peeing in a restricted public place and people saying "no you can't piss here!" with sex sounds and all. I just cannot find a good porn site to upload. I have already tried Xvideos, CinemaPee, Pornhub, and it seems you have to jump through hoops and give SO MUCH away of your identity to post anything online these days. how do other people do it? You can't just click a button you have to give so much personal info (like Pornhub - privacy violations) and XVideos needs a verification video where you expose your own body and vo
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