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Posts posted by Peesfully

  1. I was brought up being told that peeing in our back yard was fine, actually normal, though I never saw my mother do it. My father and I did it out of convenience. Sometime when I was about 6 or 7 I just assumed peeing in my room against the wall was OK.  No carpets were involved, just the wall and a wood floor.  Of course my parents discovered the evidence (of several pees), and told me in no uncertain terms that it was not OK, and I never did again (well maybe a couple times).  But I did find ways to be creative outdoors -- peeing from up a tree I climbed, peeing off the roof, peeing on the roof, peeing in various loose pipes, etc.  Something stuck with me through the years (I wouldn't be here otherwise).  There were a few decades of peeing mostly in toilets (the most boring way possible) before I discovered the world of naughty peeing about 15 years ago.  Life is too short not to find enjoyment in simple things.  My motto became "We all have to pee every day -- why not make it something fun?"  Carpet peeing is a rare treat -- it's a lot of fun but has to be done in a stealthy, non-destructive way.  Either in spots that will never be noticed or smell, or in a manner that is undetectable even if there is a security camera watching.  It's fun hearing the sound on a dry carpet, and also hearing the splashy sound after you've given it a good soaking.

    As for reliving my first naughty pees (peeing on walls), yes that is done, usually on restroom walls.

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  2. How about neither? If it’s a single-person restroom, I pee in the dark corners, behind the toilet, or under the sink, depending on where it’s least noticeable. Or just in the sink if there’s someone right behind me waiting his turn. It it’s a regular men’s room, but empty, do as above but be alert for the door opening! Or stand by the urinal but spray some distance away (like on the wall a few feet away) and be ready to face the urinal if someone enters. If the men’s room is occupied, then the urinal gets the pee except for a “careless” miss or two to either side.

  3. Be extra discrete and stealthy, since if the pee is detected the owner will be able to easily identify who did it (you); make sure everything dries and if you’re well hydrated that should be fine. You could try the bath mat also; it just goes into the wash and could be perceived as an accident (or from a lot of water dripping off you) if noticeably wet.

  4. I’d recommend peeing out the leg hole of a pair of women’s shorts that are fairly short but are loose around the legs.  You can easily pee nonchalantly that way.  That keeps you dry, though, so if wetting is your thing you’ll have to try something else. I’d also recommend skirts. They don’t have to be feminine — try a hiking skirt or modern kilt.

  5. I’d recommend peeing out the leg hole of a pair of women’s shorts that are fairly short but are loose around the legs.  You can easily pee nonchalantly that way.  That keeps you dry, though, so if wetting is your thing you’ll have to try something else. I’d also recommend skirts. They don’t have to be feminine — try a hiking skirt or modern kilt.

  6. (male) Peeing in the shower is standard… to make it more interesting I pee down my legs before turning on the water.

    i am tall so can easily pee in any sink. It’s also standard operating procedure, only naughty if done within sight of anyone. It does save water. But to save even more water I pee outdoors when possible.

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