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Everything posted by iliketopiss

  1. I forgot the name of it but it's this special carpet cleaner that breaks down urine and urine stains on carpet, wood, linoleum. You can buy at the store in the pet department I think. It can be used for both animal and human urine is what is says on the bottle
  2. I found a youtube video that is similar to my fantasy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H481efLUdAY
  3. oops, I didn't mean the "Last year" part, I was looking at the wrong post
  4. Ok so I just joined this website and found this thread and I know the last post here was from last year but I still want to mention my fantasy. There is this group of obnoxious boys at the college I got to. One of the boys is my crush (although he is the least obnoxious) and all the boys are lowkey cute. (I'm a girl btw) Well our college is a couple stories and we have an elevator. My fantasy is getting in the elevator with this group of boys and then the elevator breaking. For a couple hours we're stuck there and eventually I have to pee. I'm wearing shorts not a skirt so it'd be totally awkw
  5. I'm sitting on the floor on a towel about to burst I want to make it fun though! I need really crazy ideas! Plz let me know your ideas!
  6. So I have to pee really bad. I haven't used the bathroom all day and I want to make it more fun! In the back of my closet is the boiler room and it has a drain so I can easily pee on the floor and not worry about it or being interrupted but it's gotten boring and I want some pretty crazy ideas. I'll try almost anything.
  7. So my parents, me, and grandparents all live together. That means that someone is almost ALWAYS home. I like to pee in places I shouldn't but I never have the house to myself and my grandma can be nosy. What are some naughty places to pee in your room or have some fun with the least amount of risk? I mean, I know that there is always risk with this sort of thing but I don't mind taking my chances if I find a really good idea. My parents are gone a lot so I have the upstairs and my bedroom to myself. Any ideas? I need really creative ones. I'll try almost anything.
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