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Posts posted by EMJCP7

  1. Hi and welcome here, like @gldenwetgoose says a lot of us here would love to watch someone peeing especially knowing they are enjoying being watched too! 

    It has become a fantasy of mine to be peeing in the woods one day and a women catches me and asks if I mind if she joins me and starts peeing next to me then on me and we have wet sex after.

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  2. Today was a first for me since being a toddler and I wet myself uncontrollably!! While at work I had my usual 2 large coffees and preceded on my journey to visit 2 contractors in Derbyshire, usually takes an hour and half and I have a few lay-bys and other spots I like to pee on when I get there. This time there was an accident on the A1 though and it took over an hour to move 10 miles. By this time I was bursting but had reached the junction off I needed but to my horror the A1 was closed off and all vehicles had to take the exit so once we got over the roundabout I decided I wasn't going to make it to a lay-by and to pee in the Costa cup I had ( I have peed in one before without issue while stood in traffic). It is a large one and I soon filled it but as I pinched myself to stop the traffic moved so I put the cup in a cup holder and drove on holding myself until we stopped again, so I tipped the cup out the window and released my cock to pee again but the pressure was so great it spurted all over the windowscreen, steering wheel and everywhere! The traffic started moving again so I just thought bugger it and finished peeing half in the cup and the rest on my seat and floor. I only had a couple of McDonald napkins to clear up which didn't do a lot and at the next roundabout when I turned the wheel a load more piss fell out the crevices! I was mad at the time but looking back I find it funny and can see why people enjoy wetting now 😂


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  3. On 9/11/2021 at 5:14 AM, Bacardi said:

    So I found myself full tonight out in public. I hate using public restrooms but tonight was an exception. I don't want to go into details about where I was, because I made the biggest mess of the public bathroom thar was on site 😖

    Before I even got to pee, the bathroom was trashed. There were paper towels everywhere, including in the toilet and sink, no toilet paper, what looked to be blood in the sink, and it smelled really awful. This was the only bathroom available, so I'd have to make do. 

    Now, I've never hovered over a toilet to pee before. Again, I'm more content with holding my pee till I get home because I hate public bathrooms for this reason 🤮 So I told myself I'd have to learn tonight. So pants came down, undies came down, and and positioned myself over this toilet. 

    Well, as you can assume, that was a total fail. 

    Not only did my pee NOT end up in the toilet, it ended up everywhere else too. It trickled down the side and onto the floor, it ran through the seat, and it even got on my pants! At that point I panicked, stood up and clamped my flow off. I was still so full of pee, but peeing in the toilet just wasn't working 😭😭 I looked around, wondering what my alternatives were when I spotted a drain not too far from the sink. It had been covered in paper towels 🙄 I had practice peeing over a drain at the pool a few weeks ago and thought I could probably pull it off, but I gave the toilet one last try.

    So I pushed myself back further and hovered again, but after peeing a little while longer I lost my balance and almost fell over. At that point I didn't even care. I didn't have that much pee left anyway so I shuffled over to the drain and kicked as many paper towels out of the way as I could, moved my pants out of the way, and let the last few seconds of my pee out over it. 

    I cleaned up the little bit of pee that was left on the toilet, but left the rest. Then I walked back outside and pretended none of it happened at all lol!

    Thanks for sharing your story, sorry it wasn't as you planned but it makes the story even hotter from my perspective 😜

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  4. What a great story thank you for sharing, so hot! It reminds me of a similar situation i had one New Years eve a few years ago where we went to our local cathedral for midnight after drinking in the pubs, on the way back into town i was bursting so popped down a side street and stood next to a garden gate and peed forever up the wall next to it. As i finished and turned and zipped up some middle aged lady was stood on the other side of the gate and said feel better now do you? I just said yes and ran off embarrassed. 

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