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Everything posted by Scorpion5

  1. Such a shame to hear such little sympathy from someone who should be so supportive to you and your situation. It's good that you can feel the support from the site, and try to take some comfort from the compliments. If it helps you through the situations, I hope it will continue. Although, what is most important, is that you put your needs first, in all cases. But it's great that you seem to find the site a help. I hope you will find a resolution to your husband's issues.
  2. Another great account, Jayne. I hope that, deep down, you find some enjoyment in what you do....and experience the pleasure that your accounts and photos give the rest of us.
  3. A few years ago I built up a list of places (outside) I'd like to go, or even better, see a girl go, in Devon and Cornwall. But never been brave enough to venture beyond the bushes.
  4. Great account of a very real-life personal experience. So nice to read such an account written with such openness and honesty. I look forward to more....
  5. Just wanted to say that Lizzie_loves_u posts are some of the best, and most intimate I have read. Absolutely love them!
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