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Posts posted by wetwulf

  1. When we made it back to the camp, I was the first out of my wet clothes, having peed through my bathing suit and shorts several times on the hike back up without even saying anything to the other girls. Along the way, Cara squatted and peed once and Savanna stood and wet her shorts and suit, as well. Sandy was the only one of us who seemed to stay dry. I wondered if she had been going secretly like me.

    As we stepped onto the cabin porch, though, the three of us removing our wet clothes and bathing suits at the door, Sandy smiled as she pulled her golden bikini bottoms to her knees, sighed loudly, and peed a strong stream that splashed messily from between her legs. "Ohh, I've been holding that in forever," she said. As she bit her lip, her flow became even stronger. We laughed, but part of me wondered if she enjoyed the desperation, as she moaned softly and continued to pee, leaving a dark spot on the wooden flooring of the front porch. When she finally finished, she tugged her bikini bottoms off and stood naked with the rest of us, our bathing suits and wet clothes in a pile by the door.

    We stepped into the front room of the cabin and right away I noticed how stuffy it was in the cabin. We went around, opening windows, still not dressed yet. I imagined how funny (or sexy) this would look to someone if they should barge in on us or if they were hiding out in the woods, peeking.

    "We'll have to do some more laundry later," Savanna said,"but there's no rush." She smiled at me as she said this, and I got the hint right away.

    "What if we don't get dressed for a while?" Cara said. We all looked at her, surprised. "What? We're out here, just the four of us, no guys to see us."

    "Although, that wouldn't be so bad," Savanna said. She was always proud of her figure and never embarrassed to show it off. Savanna and I, the bigger girls, were the most conscientious about our bodies. But among friends, we didn't mind.

    "So, you want to be nudists for a while?" Savanna said.

    "Why not? We're in the middle of the woods. It'll be like going back to nature."

    "I don't have a problem with it," I said. "It's kind of freeing."

    "Sounds good to me," Sandy said.

    "Okay, then," Savanna said. "So let's make it even more interesting."

    "Uh oh," Cara said, and we laughed.

    "Given everything that's happened so far, I think we can all agree none of us are shy about our peeing habits anymore, right?" We all agreed that nope, that cat was way out of the bag. We had all peed ourselves in some way right in front of each other several times, and it was obvious we all enjoyed it. "So if we're going to sit around naked, if you gotta go just go."

    After she said this, a tiny dribble appeared between her legs as she started to pee. She kept her legs together as a shiny trickle traveled quietly down her thigh and dripped from her knees to the floor. She opened her legs, sighed, and started peeing full force. Her stream splashed loudly onto the wooden floor, getting her feet wet, as well, but she didn't move as the puddle grew. She watched it, biting her lip in delight.

    Savanna's flow dwindled to a gentle trickle again and as we watched her enjoy every last drop, it was obvious we would all be spending the rest of the afternoon, and probably well into the night, enjoying ourselves.

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  2. While the three of them were walking to the small locker room to put their bags of dry clothes away, Danielle could not help but look around the room at other girls. In one corner of the room was a large open shower and she could spot a few girls standing under strong sprays of warm water. Others were slipping out of their clothes and into their swimwear. Beside the showers were two rows of toilets. Next to the lockers, there were a few changing cubicles for girls who appreciated privacy.

    Danielle walked to her assigned locker and turned the combination lock to the numbers the lady at the front desk had given her. As she did, a conversation from one of the cubicles caught her attention.

    “Just go ahead and do it. The floors are wet in here anyway.”

    “Hey, Kiki, Cheryl,” Danielle whispered. “Come here.” The two wandered over as Danielle pointed at the stall closest to them. “Listen.” There was a slight bit of space between the bottom of the cubicle door and the floor, so they could see two sets of feet.

    “I’m sorry, I’ve just got to pee so bad.”

    “Don’t worry about it. Just pee. People do it all the time.” Kiki and Danielle grinned as they watched intently.

    “But what if somebody hears it?”

    “Just put your legs together and let it go down your legs. Then it won’t splash on the floor. Trust me, it works.”

    Okay, I’ll do it. Just don’t tell anybody, okay?”

    “I won’t.” Danielle, Kiki, and Cheryl watched as one of the sets of feet moved together. They heard a soft sigh and seconds later they could see shiny trickles running down the girl’s ankles and forming small puddles at her feet.

    “Oh, man, that feels so much better. Oh, my legs are getting soaked.”

    “It’s okay, you’re going swimming anyway. I think I’m gonna go, too.” Danielle’s smile widened as right away the second set of feet started to glisten and another stream of pee flowed down the other girl’s legs to join the puddles on the tile floor.

    “Come on,” Cheryl said, “let’s go find our spot.”

    Danielle caught the eye of a tall young man when she walked out of the mugginess of the locker room and into the cool moisture of the pool area. He craned his neck to admire her for a few seconds as he walked away and Danielle managed a surprised grin.

    “Oooh, somebody got their first eye-fuck for the day,” Kiki mumbled.

    “Whatever,” Danielle said, but her smile would not go away.

    “Over there, girls, in the corner.” Cheryl pointed across the pool to three lounge chairs in the grass that were separated a little from the others. They strolled over to the chairs, spread their towels carefully, and sat down. “You two can go hop in the pool if you want. I’m gonna lay here and get some sun.” Cheryl pulled the lever on the side of her chair and lay back, closing her eyes to relax.

    “You know,” Danielle said, “what did you two think about those girls in the changing room?”

    “Well,” Cheryl answered, as she began to spread on suntan lotion. “I think it’s just what the girl said. ‘People do it all the time.’ It’s just that they don’t let everyone know about it. We weren’t supposed to see that, just like no one’s going to see this.” Without opening her eyes, Cheryl sighed and the crotch of her bathing suit began to glisten. Danielle could barely see tiny droplets falling silently to the grass. This only went on for a few seconds and Cheryl sighed again to show her relief. “You see, Danielle, like I’ve taught Kiki, it’s about being secretive. That’s part of the excitement of it. You’re doing something you know you shouldn’t and no one has any idea. Now go swim, girls, give me some peace and quiet.”

    Danielle and Kiki stood up and wandered to the edge of the pool. They sat side by side and placed their feet into the water. “Your mom’s right, you know. A lot of people do it, and this is probably the most common place. I bet if I brought my mom here, I could get away with peeing myself right in front of her and there wouldn’t be a thing she could say about it.”

    “That’s an idea. Maybe she might even join you.”

    “Okay, that’s pushing it.” Both girls laughed. Kiki leaned forward, scooped some water in her palm, and splashed it over her legs.

    “I’m about to pee,” she whispered to Danielle.

    “Me too,” Danielle answered.

    “Just sit here like we have been and let it out a little bit at a time. As long as no one swims or walks right up to us, we’ll be fine.”

    “Okay,” Danielle said. “I’ve got to go right now.” Keeping her legs together, she released a little pee and felt it tickle her vagina as it seeped out of her slowly. “Wow,” she whispered. “This feels really good.”

    “I’m going, too, but don’t look. Just keep acting like we’re admiring the swimmers and having conversation.” Kiki parted her legs slightly and let her pee crawl out. She grinned as she could feel it caressing her vagina and enveloping her bottom with marvelous warmth and moisture.

    “Kiki, I’ve got to pee really bad and I don’t know if I can keep this up.”

    “Okay, then, just hop in the water.” Danielle stopped her gentle flow and jumped from her seat on the edge, into the water. She turned to face Kiki and watched as light trickles passed across the crotch of Kiki’s bathing suit and fell quietly to the tile floor beneath her. Danielle could see Cheryl’s point. At a distance, this would be almost impossible to notice. “Are you peeing?” Kiki asked.

    “Not yet. I was kind of wondering… Remember my dream?” Kiki did not need any explanation as she cut off her flow and hopped into the pool. She scooted close to Danielle until she could feel Danielle’s leg between hers.

    “Keep talking,” Kiki said. Both girls let loose and right away felt their legs become warm as they peed uncontrollably into their bathing suits. Kiki bit her lip to keep from gasping as she sprayed her pee against Danielle’s leg and felt the tickle of Danielle’s stream on her leg.

    “The night after we did that holding contest thing, I went home and wet my bed. Mom was so pissed off and I had to wash the sheets and my clothes and spray the mattress with Lysol.” Danielle’s flow was slowing, but she could still feel Kiki’s pee caressing her thigh as it mingled with the cool pool water. “She gave me this big speech about young ladies and how they don’t do stuff like that. The next night, though, I drank like a bunch of water. I waited for Mom to go to bed and gathered some towels, some dirty ones, and spread them on my bed.”

    “Mmm,” Kiki mumbled as her flow finally halted. “Go on.”

    “I took all my clothes off and lay on my back, pulled the covers up. I wanted to just sleep like that and if I had to pee in the middle of the night, just go and let the towels soak it all up. But I knew Mom would find out. So I chickened out. I got up, put the towels away, got my pajamas on and just went to bed.”

    “Well that’s only slightly disappointing,” Kiki said.

    “I’m not finished. Some time in the middle of the night, I woke up and my bladder was screaming. I mean, it was so bad it hurt like hell. I was lying on my stomach and I tried to roll over to get up, but I was just so tired. When I finally did roll over, I felt a little trickle of pee warm my panties a little.” Kiki felt her heart flutter as if she knew what Danielle was going to say next. So I said ‘Fuck it’ and just let go. It came out really hard and fast and hissed so loud I was a little afraid my mom would hear. I stayed on my side and just enjoyed myself as I soaked my panties. The best part was how the pee just soaked into the mattress and my ass became so warm. I reached down to touch my panties while I peed and I pulled them away to let some of it spray out. It felt great splashing against my thighs a little bit. When my pee finally stopped, I rolled over on my back and just masturbated. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming, it felt so great.”

    “I’ll bet your mom was really pissed, then,” Kiki said.

    “A little, yeah, but it was almost like she expected it.”

    “What did she do?”

    “She made me clean up the mess, take the sheets to the washer, and do all the laundry for the day. And I had to pay for a new mattress."

    "Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Kiki asked.

    “Well, because I thought it was weird. Until I came to visit you and your mom, I didn’t really know that peeing yourself was such a common thing. I knew it happened, but I never thought of it as something sexual or that so many people did it.”

    “Come on,” Kiki said. “Let’s go lay out in the sun for a while.”

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  3. After breakfast, Savanna had an idea that we would all take a long hike down to the river at the bottom of the mountain. We had all packed bathing suits because according to her aunt and uncle, the river is cool and clear this time of year, perfect for escaping the hot sun. So after cleaning up our messes and putting wet sheets and covers into the washer (A hookup for a washer, but no toilet? I was starting to wonder about whoever built this cabin), we slipped into our bathing suits and pulled on shorts and appropriate shoes for hiking. Savanna filled a small backpack with plenty of bottles of water, also.

    The trail started behind the cabin and led down a slightly steep mountainside, with beautiful views of the valley below and other mountainsides. A quiet stream flowed down the mountain right next to the trail. We all looked at it and smiled because we were thinking the same thing: That sound was going to make one of us have to pee. But who would it be first? Savanna reached took a water bottle from the bag and sucked bag a big gulp as if to welcome such a challenge.

    Sure enough, about fifteen minutes into the hike and the trickling of the mountain stream was definitely having its effect. I could feel my bladder filling up from the coffee and water I drank before we left. I was wearing a one-piece bathing suit, so I knew what was going to happen if I had to pee. I could either take my shorts down, pull the crotch of my suit aside, and pee that way, or I could just pee through the crotch. My other option was to just let it go through my suit and shorts and not even bother.

    "Guys, I'm feeling it," Sandy said. "Coffee never lasts long in my bladder." We laughed as she stopped walking and grabbed at her crotch to show her need. She was wearing a golden bikini with denim shorts pulled over the bottoms.

    "Well, go ahead," Cara said. Sandy started to unbutton her denim shorts.

    "Why are you taking your shorts off?" Savanna asked.

    "Umm, so I can pee?" Sandy said, confused.

    "Really? After last night and this morning, you're going to just take your shorts and bikini off and pee normally?"

    "I was drunk last night. And this morning was because I was already wet."

    "Well, you're going to be wet as soon as we get to the river, right?" I said.

    "Yeah, but..." Sandy said.

    "Just pee through your bikini and your shorts. Who's gonna see you but us?"

    "I don't know..."

    "Well," I said, "I can't hold it anymore, so..." I parted my legs and without any difficulty at all, I let go. Right away, my warm pee filled the crotch of my bathing suit and warmed my tight gym shorts. I opened my mouth and sighed as the hot stream hissed out of my and created a growing stain between my legs. I watched it drip from my crotch and create a puddle at my feet.

    "Ooooh, Larissa, you're making me have to go!" Sandy cried.

    "Just... go then," I said, really enjoying myself as my flow started to dwindle.

    "But I really don't want to soak these shorts. Maybe I can just..." She unsnapped her denim shorts and pulled them and her bikini bottoms down to her knees. Then, with her fingers, she adjusted her labia and closed hr eyes. "Okay, now I can... Ahhhhhh." After her sigh, a strong but straight stream sprayed out of her and struck the dirt with a loud splash. "Ohhh, I had to pee so bad." Her knees buckled a little as she peed and I kind of worried she might fall over.

    "Okay, that's it for me!" Savanna yelled. I looked over at her and she was pulling the crotch of her bathing suit and shorts to the side and almost immediately a messy flow of pee sprayed out of her. Splashes of it stained her light blue shorts, but she didn't seem to care. "Mmm, that's nice," she said. To my surprise, she let go of her suit and shorts and sighed as she let the rest go. A shimmering stain grew between her legs.

    "Well," Cara said. "How am I every gonna beat this?" We laughed. It was funny how each of us, since last night, had sort of tried to find ways to "one-up" each other, or at least find new ways to enjoy our new peeing habits.

    As Sandy and Savanna's flows stopped, we all watched Cara as she walked over to a large nearby rock and sat on it. She was also wearing a bikini, red with blue trim, and denim shorts. She pulled her shorts and bottoms down to her feet and sat her naked butt on the rock. Then, she bent her knees and reached her fingers between her legs. Still watching, we were all entranced as she gasped and a messy stream of yellow pee sprayed out of her and splashed loudly back down onto her crotch. "Oh!" she cried out. The heavy flow continued and we could hear it drumming against her crotch, just above where her clitoris would be. "Oh, god, that feels good." Her fingers were getting wet with her pee, but this obviously didn't bother her since she continued to pee full force, clearly enjoying the warm splashes against her naked pussy. She bit her lip, threw her head back and squealed and we could all tell she had just had a small orgasm.

    As her flow dwindled, she lowered her legs and just let the rest go. It trickled down the rock, creating a dark stream against the rock's pale surface that led to the ground.

    "Yep, that definitely beats mine," Savanna said. We laughed as Cara collected herself and pulled her bottoms and shorts back up.

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  4. I woke up to the sound of quiet clanging and the smell of bacon. When I opened my eyes, I noticed Savanna wasn’t in her bed. She must be the one responsible for the heavenly smells rolling through the entire cabin. The sun was just peeking through the downstairs windows, lighting up the cabin.

    I also noticed the cool dampness of my bedsheets and covers. I smiled and rolled over on my back, ready to empty my bladder and warm the bed again. At some point last night, I had removed my panties and was sleeping bare bottomed. I spread my legs, closed my eyes and relaxed. Right away, I felt a gentle trickle caress my clitoris and vagina. I sighed and let go completely, feeling my warm pee splash against my crotch and thighs as it pooled between my legs, soaking the sheets again. I could hear it hissing out of me and burbling into the growing wet spot that warmed my naked bottom. There was so much of it that I could feel it running up my back, as well, but there was no way I could stop even if I tried. I closed my legs, moaned, and just let it happen, spraying it all over my thighs and crotch. I only had to touch myself for a few seconds before I was cumming again, softly and quietly.

    “Mmm, what is that smell?” Cara asked from downstairs. My flow had finally stopped, so I sat up in bed and looked down from the loft. Cara was sitting up on the couch, her legs still stretched out across it, her hair a shock of red strands going everywhere. Sandy was laying on her back in the floor, still snuggled

    “Breakfast,” Savanna said. I couldn’t see her, as she was around the corner in the kitchen area.

    “Umm, Savanna?” Cara said. She looked startled by something.


    “I think I must have wet myself last night. The couch is wet.” Savanna laughed.

    “Well, add that to the list of things I have to explain to my aunt.”

    “I’m so sorry,” Cara said. “I haven’t wet in my sleep forever. I must have been really drunk last night.”

    “It’s okay. That’s what I’ll tell her. We all got smashed and some of us can’t hold our drinks in very well.”

    “Will she be upset?”

    “Probably not. She’s pretty cool about most stuff. And they only come up here once a year, so… She might ask me to help with cleaning fees or something.”

    “So…what if I just sat here and peed right now?” Cara asked. I laughed quietly. I had almost expected that question.

    “Go for it,” Savanna said. “It’s already wet, so you might as well.”

    “Okay, good, ‘cause I can’t hold it anymore.” I watched as Cara just stayed seated with her legs stretched out in front of her. She tossed her covers onto the floor and spread her legs apart just a little. “Ohh, here it comes.” A dark spot appeared between her legs as the crotch of her Spongebob shorts became saturated. The warm flow spread to the couch cushion and even from the loft I could see it darkening the material. “Ahh, that feels good.” Then, she reached between her legs and pulled the right leg of her shorts to the side and continued peeing, squirting a thick messy stream of pee all over the couch cushion, licking her lips in pleasure as she did.

    “Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Savanna said. I heard her running sink water, and suddenly I marveled at the bizarre situation of a cabin with running water, but no toilet. There was even a shower and two sinks.

    “Mmm, I am.” Cara said.

    “Larissa, are you gonna sleep all day?” Savanna called from the kitchen.

    “No, I’m awake,” I said. Cara was finished peeing and she draped her legs over the side of the couch, then used one of the towels on the floor to dab at her thighs and crotch.

    “Sandy, you gonna join us?” Savanna asked. Sandy squirmed in her sleeping bag, but she didn’t open her eyes.

    “I’m about to,” she mumbled. “Just… going to… Ahhhhh…” Even from the loft, I could hear the loud hiss on Sandy’s morning pee as she let go and soaked her sleeping bag again. I could just barely see a damp spot forming in the divot of the sleeping bag between her legs. “Mmm, that is so warm. The pee…just goes… everywhere. Ohhh.”

    I got up from my bed and climbed down the loft ladder. Cara was watching Sandy as Sandy licked her lips. “I think I might be using my sleeping bag tonight,” Cara said.

    I laughed and walked through the front room to the kitchen. Savanna had two skillets on the stove, one filled with beautifully golden scrambled eggs with several green and red looking veggies mixed and the other with sizzling bacon. A third burner was covered by a camping coffee percolator, which was spurting quietly. The oven light was on, as well, so I assumed there were biscuits cooking. “Thanks for this,” I said. “It looks delicious.”

    “You’re welcome. Thanks for last night. Your story and what you did… I think you’ve started something.” She giggled and I smiled. I watched Savanna standing in front of the stove, wearing her tight red pajama shorts that hugged her full bottom and her tank top that smoothed out her curves and large breasts. I could just barely see her nipples poking through the fabric. She was stunning as she brushed away her hair with her fingers and stirred the scrambled eggs. She caught me looking and smiled. I felt my face get hot.

    Then, she placed a finger to her lips. “Shhhhh,” she said. “Watch this.” She bit her lip and moaned quietly. As she did, a dark spot appeared between her legs as she let go and soaked her shorts. Shiny rivulets of pee snaked quietly down her legs and trickled to the floor at her feet. She continued to stir the eggs as she sighed and peed full force. I watched, entranced, as her warm flow poured out of her shorts and down her full legs. “It feels really good running down my legs,” she said. “Ohh… and when I keep my legs together like this... Mmm… it’s like it tickles my clit more… Ahhhhh.” Her shorts glistened again as another wave of pee rushed out of her. Then, it dwindled as the last few drips fell to the floor. She giggled again and shook her feet to knock off a few stray drops.

    “So,” I said. “What are our plans for today?”

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  5. Later, we all got dressed for bed. I was wearing a thin blue nightgown with spaghetti straps and matching lacy panties. Savanna slid on a pair of red pajama shorts and a white tank top. Cara put on a pair of colorful but cute Spongebob pajama pants and a matching shirt with Spongebob's big smiling face. Sandy slipped into a very thin and lacy teddie and a pair of g-string panties.

    I crawled under the covers in the loft bed and could feel the pressure soon to be out of control in my bladder but didn't say anything. Savanna cut out the last of the lights and the cabin became very dark. The only light was a thin layer of moonlight creeping in through the windows.

    "Wow, that's dark," Cara yelled from the downstairs couch.

    "I know, right?" Sandy said. She was snuggled into a sleeping bag on the floor downstairs. "I hope I don't have to get up for anything in the middle of the night. A beer buzz plus darkness doesn't go well together." We all laughed.

    "Good night and good luck with that," Savanna said.

    There were a few minutes of silence as we got settled. The pressure in my bladder was getting uncomfortable and I knew I would have to figure out something soon.

    "Savanna?" I whispered.

    "Hmm?" she said.

    "What would your aunt say if I peed in this bed?"

    Savanna chuckled. "You naughty girl you. I knew that was why you hadn't gone yet."

    "I'm serious, though. I'm about to burst. I mean, if you don't want me to wet the bed, I can try to find the chamber pot and just do it there again."

    "Just go ahead," she said. "If she says anything, I'll just tell her that you got really drunk, and I didn't know until it was too late."

    "Thank you," I said. I rolled over onto my back and reached under the covers to slide my panties to the side. Then I took my hands away and just relaxed. Only a few seconds later I could feel warm pee trickling out of me and warming the sheets under my bottom. I sighed and let go completely, soaking the bed between my legs and splashing my hot pee all over my thighs, my panties, and the bed. A warm puddle was forming under me and I moaned to show my pleasure.

    "You know what you want to do," Savanna whispered. I could hear her squirming in her bed. Even in the darkness, I knew she was touching herself as she listened to the sounds of my peeing pleasure. I started caressing my clitoris gently as I continued peeing, getting my fingers wet but not caring.

    "Savanna?" It was Cara.

    "Hmm?" Savanna was trying her best to maintain her composure.

    "I have to pee again, but I can't see. Can you turn a light on?"

    "There's a lamp," Savanna said, sounding a little out of breath, "on the table...beside the couch." We could hear movement and then a few short clicks. By now, I had stopped peeing, but I was still rubbing myself as quietly as I could. I could still hear Savanna's soft moans of pleasure, as well.

    "It's not working," Cara said.

    "The bulb... must be burnt out. Just... do whatever you have to do."

    "Well, I'm sure as hell not going to get up and walk around this place in the dark. I'm just going to pee on the floor again."

    "That's fine," Savanna said.

    "Just don't pee on me," Sandy said, laughing.

    "I won't!" Cara said.

    "It doesn't matter, really," Sandy said. "I'm probably going to be soaking this sleeping bag soon anyway."

    As Savanna and I kept stroking ourselves quietly, we could hear more movement downstairs. Cara sighed and then a loud and obvious splashing echoed through the cabin as she apparently peed from the couch to the floor.

    "Yep, that does it," Sandy said. "I can't hold it... Ahhhhh." At the sounds of Sandy's relief as she obviously let go into her sleeping bag, I felt my orgasm building. Savanna also seemed to be stroking harder, even though I couldn't see her.

    "Ohh, this is so warm," Sandy moaned. "Mmm, it's just spraying right through my g-string and splashing all over my crotch and legs. Oh, god. I'm sorry girls, but I'm... going to have to touch myself, this feels so hot."

    "Go for it, girl," Cara said. I wondered if she, too, were rubbing herself in the darkness.

    Savanna giggled as she no doubt found the humor and hotness in four girls masturbating in a cabin in the wilderness. It wasn't long before Sandy's moans grew to gasps and Cara's whines of pleasure answered my earlier question. I rubbed more furiously and felt my own orgasm building to climax. I stared across in the darkness and imagined Savanna squirming and stroking herself, hopefully also close to climax. I wanted to cum with her.

    "I think I'm gonna... pee," she whispered.

    "Do it," I said. "It feels amazing." Her panting became gasping as she seemed to be rubbing her pussy faster and harder. Then, she groaned out loud and I felt my climax coming strong as I bucked my hips and rubbed my clitoris hard with one hand while plunging the fingers of my other hand deeper into my vagina. "Just go in the bed," I said.

    "Oh!" Savanna cried, "Oh, god, I'm peeing. Oh!" Amid the squishing sounds of mine and Savanna's masturbation, I could also hear loud splashing as Savanna peed loudly and messily in her bed while she climaxed. "Oh, it's going everywhere, but I don't care. Ohhh!"

    After her scream, Sandy's squeal of pleasure followed by Cara's rough sigh as they, too, reached their climax.

    When I finished, I sunk comfortably into the bed. There was a little bit of pee left in my bladder, so I just lay there and let it go, feeling it warm the sheets and mattress again.

    "Mmm. Good night," Savanna said.

    This was going to be a good five days.

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