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Posts posted by wetwulf

  1. Dear Wet Carpet,

    A few weeks ago, I attended a party, and I feel what happened there is perfect for your magazine. Let me begin by saying I am new to this fetish, and it was because of this party that I am looking forward to enjoying myself more in the future.

    The party was for my sister's birthday and was held at the home of one of her close friends. The youngest of all of us, my sister had finally reached 30. I was ahead of that by five years, and our other sister was 32. The party was girls only, so it was the three of us, my mother, and two of my sister's closest friends. At the start of the party, there was plenty of wine, games, and meaningful conversations. We talked about our husbands and children, movies, television, politics. After about an hour, though, my sister looked a little bored. I watched her whisper something to one of her friends, the hostess of the party. Her friend stood up, walked out of the room, and came back a few minutes later carrying a tray of margaritas. Of course, we all cheered and sipped happily. It was a little heavy on the tequila but still tasted delicious. I finished mine quicker than I meant to, and as I looked around I noticed that some of the other girls had, as well.

    Once we had a few margaritas in our system, my sister stood up, a little carefully. "Okay, girls, we're gonna play a game." She pulled out a pink index card with a smiley face drawn on it. "I'm going to hide this card somewhere in the house. The first person to find it gets to flip the spinner and tell the number of shots everyone else had to take." She held up a small square that had a black spinner and the numbers 1-5 on it. As she did this, our hostess took out a clear bottle of vodka and laid out 6 shot glasses on the table. "The winner also gets to hide the card." My sister disappeared for a few minutes, and then came back. "Okay. Ready. Set. Go."

    We all scattered through the house, splitting up to search different rooms. After about three minutes, one of my sister's friends shouted, "Got it!" We groaned and walked back into the party room. The winning friend flipped the spinner and it landed on 4. We took four shots, wincing and laughing as we did. Then she hid the card. This time, we all staggered through the house. It took a little longer, but then my other sister called out. We laughed and went back into the front room, again taking longer. Once in the room, one of my sister's friends stumbled and fell over the recliner, fell head over heels, and landed on her butt. We all laughed so hard, chuckling and cackling for at least a minute. Then, the same girl sat up and grabbed at her abdomen.

    "Oh my god, I've gotta pee," she said. We laughed again as she tried to stand, but couldn't. "Seriously," she said, still giggling. "Oh, it's coming out!" Our laughter softened, but didn't stop as we saw a dark spot glisten between her legs. Her laughter had stopped, though, and she just sat still as the wet spot grew. At first I thought she was embarrassed, but as she looked up we all saw that her eyes were closed and her mouth was opened in an unmistakable moan of relief and pleasure. It didn't last long, but the crotch of her jeans was obviously soaked and there was a noticeable wet spot on the carpet under her. "I'm so sorry," she said, looking especially at our party hostess.

    "What was that?" my sister asked. "Did you... enjoy that?" The room was silent, but we were all wondering the same thing.

    "I mean...," the girl mumbled, "I've had to pee for a while. I'd been holding it, and then we took shots. Vodka always makes me a little...loose. And when I couldn't hold it anymore, it just felt really good when I let go." She was blushing, but I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or something else. "I'm sorry about your carpet," she said, again looking at our hostess.

    "It's okay," she said. "It's a dark carpet. In fact..." We all looked at her, confused, as she stood still. Then, we gasped in surprise as her jeans also glistened with an unmistakable flow of pee. Since she was standing, it made a wet spot in her crotch and then trailed down her pants legs. "Ohhh, I've been holding that in for too long." She sighed and the wet spot grew as a fresh flow of pee glistened between her legs. By now it was dripping off the cuffs of her jeans and dripping to the carpet. "If anyone else has to go, it's really okay with me. I'm gonna have to clean up after the party anyway."

    I might have been the alcohol, but I was surprised when my own mother spoke up. "I'm an old woman with the bladder of a squirrel anyway." I felt like maybe I should be looking away, but I couldn't as my mother scooted forward to the edge of the couch, hiked up her skirt, and slipped her panties off. Just a few seconds later a steady stream of pee sprayed from between her legs and splashed onto the carpet. "Mmm, you were right," my mother said, "this does feel good." I looked at both of my sisters, who had their hands over their mouths in disbelief. She caught us looking at her as she continued to pee freely all over my sister's friend's carpet. "I'm sorry, girls," she said, "but your mother doesn't get very many chances to just let loose." She winked at us, still peeing, and I was both proud and a little grossed out. But she was right. Our father was a very proper man, who expected the same from his wife. He wasn't as strict with is, but mom was his woman who had to behave a certain way or it might reflect poorly on him.

    When my mother finished, we all agreed the game was forgotten and we were more intrigued by what just happened. Our hostess and the girl who fell had removed their wet jeans and panties. Our hostess went back into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with more margaritas, her bare pussy and ass on full display. None of us cared, though. As we drank, my sister again prodded the friend who fell about whether she had enjoyed wetting herself and if it was her first time. "No," she said, hesitantly. She admitted that, although she doesn't always wet herself, she enjoys holding it for as long as she can because the inevitable release is such a rush of pleasure that sometimes she even orgasms as she pees. As she was talking, I saw my sister (the birthday girl) cross her legs and sit up. It was obvious she was squirming. My other sister was relaxing in the recliner, sipping her margarita and listening curiously. Our mother even seemed intrigued, smiling maybe at the thought of having an orgasm. I wondered sadly (and a little awkwardly) how long it had been for her.

    "You know what, girls?" our hostess said, taking another sip of her margarita. "Since we already kind of christened my living room carpet, if any of you has to pee, feel free to use my carpet. Just, please, don't ruin the furniture."

    "Are you serious?" my sister said. Our hostess nodded. "That's good because I'm about to explode." She sat up in the recliner and started to unfasten her jeans. "I don't want to ruin these jeans, though." She slid her jeans and panties down and took them all the way off, tossing them onto the floor beside the recliner. Then, she scooted to the edge of the chair, and it didn't take long for a heavy stream of clear urine to come gushing out of her. "Ohhhh my god," she moaned. Her steady flow splashed from between her legs and dribbled loudly onto the carpet. My sister closed her eyes and as her moans of relief became gasps, she bit her lip and it was obvious to all of us that she was having a small orgasm. "Ohhh, wow," she said, her pee still dribbling from her crotch.

    "You're making me have to go again," the friend who fell said. She was still sitting on the floor and without moving she just sighed and let go as a stream of pee sprayed from between her legs and squirted directly into the soft carpet.

    Movement from the couch caught my attention and I looked at the birthday girl. Her face was red and she was still crossing her legs, obviously getting more and more desperate. She was wearing a tight skirt that reached her knees, so I wondered how tough it was for her to cross her legs tight enough to keep from peeing herself. I was also finally beginning to feel pretty desperate but still not sure if I wanted to join the others. I was still an exciting mixture of grossed out and turned on. I took a big sip of my margarita and continued to watch my sister.

    "What's wrong, girls?" my mother asked.

    "I just...," my sister said, "I don't know. This is all just a little... different."

    "Look, girls," my mother continued, "it's okay, really. This just might be our last chance to do something we've never done before. Something exciting that really feels good. I promise there won't be any kind of consequence other than you'll maybe really enjoy it. I know I did." As she said this, she scooted forward in her seat again, but this time she forgot (or maybe not) to hike up her skirt. We could hear her pee hissing as it sprayed out of her and soaked into her skirt and dribbled to the floor. "Whoopsie," she said. "But wow does that feel good. It's just spraying all over my thighs. Mmm." My mother gasped a few times and I could tell she was orgasming right in front of us. "You have to try this," she said, looking right at the birthday girl. "Your skirt is dark like mine. Just sit up, spread your legs as much as you can, and let it go." There was a long pause, and then my sister sat up. She reached under her skirt and slid her panties down her legs. After this, though, she crossed her legs again. We all watched her, a little confused.

    "Oh god, I can't hold it!" she said, and an unmistakable hissing sound filled the room. My sister gasped as a stream of pee flowed into her skirt and dribbled out the front and to the floor. The hissing was loud, and so were her gasps. "Ohhh, that feels so good. Ohh, why haven't I tried this before. Mmm. Oh, god, Mom, I'm sorry, but this is not going to be the last time I do this." My sister made eye contact with me and smiled. "You...have no idea...how great this feels." I finally knew I wanted to know. I also knew the margaritas were working their magic on me in more ways than one.

    I stood up, feeling a little loopy and very naughty, as I unsnapped my jeans and pulled them and my panties to about mid-thigh. Then I closed my eyes and relaxed. Within seconds, a warm jet of pee sprayed out of me and splashed loudly into my panties and jeans. I could feel warm splashes against my thighs as I continued to pee freely. I also reached between my legs and touched myself, but all it took was a few quick flicks of my clitoris and I was gasping as I climaxed while still soaking my panties, jeans, and the carpet.

    The next morning, after sobering up, my mother surprised us by admitting that it wasn't just the alcohol. She had enjoyed wetting herself and peeing on the carpet. She also agreed that the party would not be the last time she would enjoy herself that way, either. I learned later that my mother had started using the laundry room as her secret place to wet herself. Since she knew my father never went in there, she had even found a place in the corner to stand or squat over the carpet and just "let it go," as she said. My middle sister unfortunately said the party was a one-time thing for her, brought on by booze and a matter of convenience.

    My baby sister, however, admitted that as soon as she got home from the party, she walked right into her bathroom, sat fully clothed on the toilet, and sprayed her pee into her panties and skirt. She said she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming, afraid her husband or kids might hear. As for me, I've found a corner of my room (I'm divorced, so I live alone), and I sometimes choose to use it instead of walking to the bathroom. Sometimes I do it naked, sometimes with panties, and sometimes I squat while other times I stand. No matter what, though, I know this is just the beginning.

    You'll be hearing from me again.


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  2. If you've been following along, you already know about my "adventurous" camping trip with my friends Savannah, Sandy, and Cara. We learned a lot about each other on that trip in just a few days. We learned that we all enjoy wetting ourselves, even though a few of us had a little more experience with it than others. I told the girls about how mine started after my husband left. But I didn't tell them everything.

    As I said in my story, after the divorce I was struggling. There were nights when I missed my ex-husband so much, both emotionally and sexually, that I either cried, masturbated, or both. But it wasn't until that night I also peed while masturbating that I discovered a new pleasure, and it soon had nothing to do with my ex-husband. I wet my bed twice that night and in the morning. After that, I knew it wouldn't be the last time, and since I had already ruined my mattress I decided to keep it around until the smell became noticeable and then see about replacing it.

    For a while, if I felt like repeating my wetting, I dared not use any place other than my bed, knowing no one else would use it or see it except me. While getting ready for work, if I felt I needed to pee I slid my panties down, sat on the soft mattress, and just let go, enjoying the warm puddle that grew under me. I loved to spread my legs and hear it hiss and dribble into my sheets and mattress. Then I would just pull my panties back up and head to work, leaving the dark puddle to dry on its own. As soon as I got home, I would bypass the bathroom and go straight to my room, undressing as I walked, then climb into my bed, relax, and empty my bladder, licking my lips at the soft hissing and splashing as I soaked my sheets and bed again.

    My "bed only" rule didn't last long, though. While sitting in the living room one evening in my night gown, sipping wine and browsing the Internet, I felt the need to pee creeping up. I wasn't desperate yet, so I ignored it. I was also feeling a bit horny. I opened a private browser and searched a few terms I thought might give me what I was looking for. Sure enough, after a few clicks I came across a video site that included videos of girls wetting their pants, panties, carpet, and even some furniture. In many of these, the girls were desperate, holding their crotches and squeezing their legs together until they couldn't take it anymore. Then, they would strip their pants and panties and pis right where they were, or they would just moan or sigh and wet their pants and panties.

    Intrigued, I watched a few of these, meanwhile feeling my own bladder filling up. I crossed my legs and clicked on another video. This one was of a girl sitting on a chair, a recliner with a soft cushion, much like the one I was relaxing in. She was reading a book and squirming as she read, obviously desperate to pee as she grabbed at her crotch and crossed her legs a few times. This went on for a few minutes, the girl groaning and whining to show her desperation. She sat up in the chair and finally took her eyes from the book. "Oh my god, I can't hold it," she said. Then she looked down at her crotch, spread her legs, and her panties glistened as she soaked her panties and the chair. Her sighs grew to moans as her flow increased and a stream of pee pushed through the crotch of her panties.

    As I watched, I felt a small spurt in my own panties and I gasped. It startled me, at first. I was still not sure if I wanted to soak my chair in my living room where other people might sit. In the video, the girl continued to squirt a steady stream into the cushion of her seat, her moans now turning to orgasmic cries. I felt another spurt, this one a little longer. I could feel my bottom getting a little warm. "I can't hold it anymore anyway," I said. "I might as well just go."

    As the girl in the video gave one last cry, I let go, feeling my warm pee saturate my panties and dribble into the seat. I moaned as the puddle under me grew and grew. I licked my lips and relished the feeling of my trickling pee as it caressed my vagina with delicious warmth. The video had ended, but I wasn't even paying attention anyway, as I looked down at my own dribbling crotch and watched the steady flow seeping through my panties and soaking the seat cushion. I pulled my panties aside and started rubbing my soaked slit, gently at first, and then a little more roughly, feeling the tingles of my oncoming orgasm while still spraying a jet of hot pee into the chair. I cried out as I came, rubbing my pussy over the soaked cushion and still fingering myself. When my climax ended, I sat back into the chair, feeling both satisfied and spent. My pee continued as a dibble and wet the crotch of my panties again. When my flow finally stopped, I stood up and stared down at the large wet stain on my chair cushion. It was too late to go back now. I flipped the cushion over and was pleased to see that my pee had not soaked through, so I slid it in with the other side up.

    This set off an addiction I couldn't control. When I had to pee again later, I knew I wanted to try something new. I stood up and pulled my panties down, but only just a little until my pussy was exposed but the panties were close enough that when I peed, I knew I would be able to feel it splashing into my panty crotch. I also wanted to watch my pee as it splashed to my carpet below. I honestly wasn't worried about my carpet because I could easily clean the mess. It didn't take long for my flow to start again. I gasped as my warm stream splashed into my panties. I could feel tiny drops of it on my thighs and between my legs. I looked down at the drops of pee that fell to the carpet, making dark spots that showed almost immediately. I sighed and let go completely, enjoying the patter of my warm pee as it fell messily to the floor.

    At bedtime I undressed and decided to sleep naked. Once in bed, it didn't take long for my bladder to recognize the familiar feeling of my comfortable bed. I lay on my left side, getting cozy and ready to relax. I stretched out my right leg and before long I was peeing, feeling the soft dribbles as they fell freely from my crotch and soaked my thighs and my bed. I just let it happen, hearing the burbling sounds and enjoying the soothing warmth of my pee puddle as it grew between my legs. When it finished, I yawned and was soon drifting off to sleep.

    Since that evening, I have decided not to care about ruining furniture or what other people might think when they visit. I have wet my carpet a few times, soaked myself while sitting in the chair a few times, and soaked my bed too many times to count. I've scrubbed the chair cushion and the carpet and sprayed Febreeze. My bed, however, remains unprotected and untreated. I prefer the messy but absorbing feeling of my pee soaking right into my mattress. So far, the smell is bearable, and the rewards outweigh the possible flaws.

    And I am glad the camping trip gave me a chance to share my pleasure with my friends. I hope soon the four of us can get together again and maybe break new ground in our mutual hobbies. We will see.

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  3. All of these are self edited, and I am fully aware of the problems that may arise from that. I personally feel these are little more than rough drafts, which is fine for what I'm using them as, writing practice.

    I have the next few sections in the raw, but I haven't even reviewed them myself yet. It is taking me longer to get to the end, or even a stopping place, than I thought it would.

    I didn't mean to sound critical. What I meant was that I thought it was romantic that Sara would say, "her Lily." If it was a mistake, it was a good one. :-)

  4. Of course the camping trip was all my idea. I had been needing some time away from the stress and chaos at work, and what better way to relax than in a peaceful forest cabin with my friends.

    And yes, I knew there were no bathrooms, just like I knew my aunt and uncle wouldn't care about our "accidents." I had told the girls I would make some excuse, but the truth is I became a wetter because of my aunt Debbie.

    When I first started college, I needed a place to stay. Tuition was expensive enough, and I was not yet in a place financially to afford staying in the dorms. My aunt and uncle lived about an hour from campus, which wasn't a great commute, but they would let me stay rent free. My aunt also promised to keep my belly full of excellent food. My cousins were all grown and moved out, so I think my aunt had a little empty nest. But of course I said yes and was soon moved in to their impressive four-bedroom home.

    Things first got a little weird one evening when I was sitting in the living room with them. They were watching TV and I was finishing an assignment for my Composition class. My aunt sneezed and then said, "Oooh!" as she jumped out of her seat and ran down the hall. My uncle laughed and shook his head. I was confused until she came back in and apologized. "Sorry, Savannah," she said. "When you get old like me, even a sneeze is enough to send you running." I laughed it off and continued my assignment.

    That night, I was sitting up, reading a chapter in one of my textbooks, when I heard footsteps. They were moving pretty quickly toward the bathroom. I smiled again as I suspected it was my aunt. I peeked my head out the door and was about to make a joke when I saw that she had not even shut the bathroom door. She was sitting on the toilet with the seat and lid still down, her panties still on, and she threw her head back and sighed. I couldn't help but watch as her panties darkened and a heavy stream of pee flowed out of them. I couldn't believe that I was seeing my 50+ year old aunt, who looked more like a hot 40, soaking her panties on purpose. It's possible she started to leak before she got there, but it was obvious from her expression and her moans of pleasure that this was more than an accident.

    I didn't say anything about what I saw, but I almost had the chance a few days later while out shopping with my aunt. On our way home we hit traffic. Almost right away, my aunt groaned the familiar groan of desperation. "Great," she said. "I knew I should have taken the back route."

    "Is it faster?" I asked.

    "Well, not when there's no traffic. It's longer, but almost always clear. Dammit." We were both looking ahead at the line of cars that stretched too far for us to tell where it ended. Then we heard sirens as a police car and an ambulance sped past us along the shoulder. "Uh oh," she said.

    "What?" I asked, even though I knew.

    "That means we could be here a while." She groaned again and this time she squirmed in her seat. Maybe driven by curiosity or something naughtier, I decided to try something.

    "I hope it isn't too long," I said. "I have to pee." I really did have to pee, even though I wasn't desperate like my aunt. I hadn't wet myself since childhood, other than peeing my bathing suit at the pool, and this just might be my chance to try it.

    "Oh, sweetheart, me too, trust me." She squirmed again.

    "Just don't sneeze," I said. She laughed and then winced.

    "Oooh, don't make me laugh. Oh, man, I have to pee."

    "What are we going to do if traffic doesn't move soon?" I asked. "We can maybe get out and pee beside the car?"

    "Young lady, I am not having you expose yourself on a busy highway with cars full of people to see you. And I'm sure not exposing myself."

    "Okay, okay," I said. I almost backed off after this, but my heart was beating faster. "So what are we going to do?"

    She sighed and bit her bottom lip. "I have an idea. You might think it's weird, and you can't tell your uncle." I tried to hide my smile as she continued. "If you want, you can pee in my car."

    "Are you serious?" I asked. I really wasn't sure if she was serious.

    "I've done it before. You uncle hates my car, so he never drives it. So sometimes, when my weak bladder hits me, I just have to go."

    "So we're really going to do this? We're going to pee in your car?"

    "Yeah, I can't hold it anymore, so... I'm sorry if this grosses you out." As I watched, my aunt sat up straight in her seat and spread her legs. She was wearing a dark blue skirt that reached her knees, so I couldn't see anything, but I heard the soft hiss as she started peeing herself right there, soaking her panties, skirt, and seat. "Ohhh, that's so much better. Oh, that feels good." The hiss grew louder and I could finally see a shiny puddle trickling from the hem of her skirt and soaking into the seat cushion. "You can go, too, Savannah, if you want." Of course I wanted, more than anything. But I was wearing jeans. So I looked at my aunt, as if seeking a solution. "It's okay," she said. "Just take your pants down and you can pee in the seat."

    I did as she said and pulled my jeans down to my knees. "I'm just gonna leave my panties on," I said. By now my aunt's hissing had stopped and she was watching me, curiously. I sat back in the seat and relaxed. It took a few seconds, but as soon as I felt the first small squirt in my panties I gasped. It was so warm and somehow both soothing and arousing at the same time. "Oh, wow," I said. "Mmm, this does feel good. Ohhh." I let go completely and sighed as my panties filled with my warm pee. It dribbled through the crotch and pooled between my legs before slowly absorbing into the seat cushion. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it as the flow caressed my pussy lips and continued to soak my panties and seat. I felt a tingling and before I could stop it I had a small orgasm right there in my aunt's car.

    When I finally came to my senses, my aunt just smiled. "Did you enjoy that?" she asked. I blushed my answer. "It's okay," she said. "Look, you're going to be staying with us a while, so I need to be upfront with you." I nodded as I pulled my jeans back up."Sometimes, my accidents aren't accidents. Do you understand?" I said I did and she smiled again. "And, sometimes I enjoy it...much like you did just now." I nodded again.

    It took forty-five minutes for traffic to start moving again. My aunt peed her seat twice in that time, and I took my pants down and soaked my seat and panties once more before we started moving. When we finally got home, my uncle questioned our delay. My aunt told him everything except my wetting, and he just shook his head, laughing. "You and that tiny bladder," he said.

    I had to pee again, so I stepped into the bathroom. As I pulled off my jeans and soaked panties, I looked at the toilet and smiled. My uncle was a good man who always put the seat and lid down. Remembering my aunt's experience a few nights before, I sat on the lid and leaned back against the back of the toilet. Closing my eyes, I sighed and started squirting my pee all over the lid of the toilet. It hissed and pattered and I could hear it dripping to the floor. Feeling very dirty now, I slipped my finger between my slit and rubbed my already moist clit, not caring about the pee splashing my fingers and making a mess on the toilet and floor. I bucked my hips and rubbed my pussy lips against the cool porcelain lid as I continued to pee and stroke my clit. I finally climaxed and squealed as quietly as I could as my flow dwindled.

    Since the car ride, my aunt and I were very open with each other about everything. She told me about some of her deliberate and accidental wettings. I confessed to her that I really enjoyed peeing myself in her car and wanted to try more. I told her about what I did in the bathroom. My aunt gave me some towels and a thick quilt. She also brought in an old (but still nice) dark rug from the basement. "I'll let you figure out what they're for," she said, winking. After that day, there were moments when I would need to pee, but instead of going to the bathroom I would stand in my room over that rug and wet right through my panties, enjoying the warm dribbles down my leg. Another night, just before bed, I was changing into my night gown and as I sat naked on my bed, feeling the big quilt my aunt gave me on my bare bottom, I felt the pressure in my bladder. I sighed and just peed right into it, licking my lips at the warm feeling between my legs.

    So, as you see, my aunt is not the type to be put off by a wet couch or a wet bed. Maybe some day I can introduce her to the girls.

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  5. Another incredible story, WetWulf. I saw a suggestion on your last story that you continue writing about these characters now that they're home from the camping trip. If you decide to do this, I would love to read more about thesr girls, especially Larissa and Savanna.

    Yeah, it is very possible you will hear from these four again. I may pull away and follow each girl individually, just to mix it up a bit, and then bring them together as more stories progress. I get into the habit of making my stories very formulaic, which is sometimes good and sometimes predictable and not so good.

    Thanks for the input, everyone.

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  6. You asked for it...

    I had an amazing dream that night, possibly influenced by our pissing adventures at the camp.

    I was a very important business woman working in an office building of some kind. At the beginning of the dream, I'm on an important business call. The person on the other end is talking about selling their company. As I continue to convince them not to sell, I sit up in my seat and lift my black skirt from under my bottom. We continue arguing, and I scoot forward in my seat and slide my panties to the side. I sit up straight, looking very inconspicuously professional. But I sigh and a warm stream of pee sprays noisily from between my legs and splashes onto the carpet under my desk.

    While still peeing and arguing, my office door opens and one of my coworkers, who looks a lot like a girl I used to wait tables with, rushes in. She mouths the words Are you peeing? I bite my lip and nod my answer as I continue the argument on the phone. Without saying anything, my coworker walks over to the cushioned chair in the corner of my office, sits down, and I somehow know exactly what she is going to do. She leans back gasps as she starts peeing full force into her skirt and the chair cushion. I smile and watch her close her eyes in ecstatic relief.

    There is a tap on my office window and when I turn I see another coworker, a guy, his penis hanging out and a strong stream off pee jetting from it and splashing onto the floor. Behind him is a woman who looks a lot like my mother sitting on her desk, legs spread, a steady flow of pee dribbling onto the edge of the desk and dripping to the floor.

    I woke up to movement under the covers next to me. I had decided to just sleep under the covers on the cabin floor, so I was a little surprised. I blinked and tried to see in the darkness. I could just barely make out Savanna's curvy figure as she crawled under the covers with me.

    "I'm sorry," she said. "You were tossing and turning in your sleep. And the chair was getting lonely. Can I join you?"

    I giggled. "Sure," I said. As I scooted over, though, I felt the familiar pressure in my bladder. "Umm... I kind of have to pee, though." I started to move, thinking she might not want me to just piss the blankets while she lay right next to me.

    "What are you doing?" she asked.

    "I was gonna get up to pee."

    "You don't have to get up. Just pee right here."

    "Are you sure?" I asked. Savanna scooted closer to me. I could feel her the soft skin of her legs against mine. I slid a little closer until our thighs and lower abdomens were touching.

    "I'm sure," she said. Then she sighed and I could feel her warm pee splashing from between her legs and against my tummy and thighs.

    "Oh my god," I moaned. Savanna grabbed my ass and pulled me closer as she continued to pee, pressing her round and hairy mound against mine. I felt strong and hot sprays of pee tickle my slit and dribble between my thighs. This aroused me and intensified my own need. I reached around and grabbed Savanna's ass, as well, pressing our slippery vagina lips together. "Oh... I can't hold it... I'm gonna... Ahhhh!" As I cried out my climax, my bladder exploded and a hot jet of pee erupted from between my legs and splashed loudly and messily against our crotches and thighs. Savanna also cried out as she pulled me as close as she could, grinding her pussy roughly against mine, our wet bodies slipping together, the covers over us and under us getting soaked.

    When we finished, we both just lay there in our wetness, laughing and exhausted.

    "You two are outrageous," someone said. Savanna and I both gasped, even though we recognized the voice right away as Cara's. We laughed again. "I guess I can't say too much since I know this trip has messed me up, too." In the darkness, we could hear a soft hissing coming from the couch. "My couch...ohhh...at home... is never going to be dry again...Ohhh."

    "I second that," Sandy said. We laughed again as the unmistakable sound of Sandy soaking her sleeping bag matched Cara's waning dribbling sounds.

    We were all a little sad to know the trip was almost over, but thrilled to know we would never be the same again. That seemed especially true for me and Savanna.

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  7. Dear Wet Carpet,

    They warned me, but I didn't listen.

    This was the first year some friends and I got to travel to New York City to watch the ball drop in Times Square. We arrived early, around 2:00 in the afternoon. At that point, all of the restaurants and shops were open so if any of us had to pee, some of the group would hold our spot as the rest found a bathroom.

    Once the crowds started gathering, though, it got to be harder and harder to shuffle through hundreds, then thousands of people to get to the nearest bathroom. It was me, my friend Sadie, her sister Kara, and Kara's best friend Denise. Expecting to find some parties after the ball dropped, we were all wearing tight and short dresses that hugged our curvy bodies. But because it was also very cold, we wore tights under our dresses to keep our legs warm and big coats that unfortunately kept any guys from admiring our otherwise skimpy attire.

    As the crowd began to really pack around us, about 10:00, Kara put her legs together and groaned.

    "I have to pee, you guys. Who's going with me?"

    "I'm not fighting that crowd," Sadie said. I shook my head.

    "Staying right here," Denise said.

    "Oh, come on, you guys. I don't want to walk through all of that by myself. And I really have to go. I've been holding it for a while anyway."

    "If you're going to the bathroom, you're on your own," Sadie said.

    "Well, what am I supposed to do? Just pee right here?"

    "That's up to you. You can walk to the bathroom if you want. I'm just saying none of us want to go with you."

    "Oh my god, you guys suck," Kara grumbled. "Oooh, I really have to pee."

    "Well, pee then," Denise said. We all looked at her, our eyes wide with surprise. "What? The ground is wet from people spilling drinks, you're wearing black tights. Who's gonna know but us? And it's not like no one had ever peed themselves in Times Square on New Year's Eve before."

    My jaw dropped at the logic of Denise's argument. Kara grabbed her crotch and groaned again.

    "I guess I could just... Ah, screw it. I already peed a little anyway. I'm sorry girls." We watched as Kara straightened up and took her hands away from her crotch. A few seconds later and we could see a few drips falling from the bottom of her tights and trickling to the ground at her feet. It only lasted about thirty seconds, but she sighed when she finished. "Ohh, that's much better."

    As it got later, we were standing almost shoulder to shoulder because the crowd had become unbearable. I started to feel my own urge to pee getting stronger. I knew I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without losing my spot. The crowd was so loud that only the nearby music could be heard over it. Sadie said something to me, but I could barely hear her. When I asked what she had said, she pointed discretely at her crotch and I saw a glistening and growing wet spot between her legs. I gasped and Sadie just shrugged.

    Five minutes to midnight and I thought my bladder was going to explode. I was wincing and biting my lip. I really didn't want to have an accident in front of thousands of people, but my options were slim to none and I was sure my bladder would decide for me soon anyway.

    Three minutes and the screaming of the crowd around us was deafening. The screaming in my bladder was painful, too, as I squeezed my legs together to keep from leaking. I felt a tiny spurt as the clock counted down to just under two minutes, but I managed to control it.

    As I continued to hold, I saw a girl in front of us lift her hands in disbelief as the crotch of her jeans darkened and a few of her friends pointed and laughed. One of the laughing friends said, "Oh, oh, now I've got to pee," and a trickle of urine started from under her skirt and flowed down her legs.

    As the clock started counting down from thirty, I couldn't take it anymore. I finally sighed and relaxed, joining in the countdown as a flow of pee sprayed out of me and warmed my crotch. It wasn't unpleasant as it swirled around in my panties for a few seconds before trickling down the legs of my tights and running in rivulets to my ankles. I knew I was leaving a wet spot at my feet, but I didn't care as I delighted in the warm sensation between my legs and counted down, ready to ring in the New Year.


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