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Everything posted by Tyrone917

  1. I understand that and my mom has taught me to just pee on a wall as we grew up on an acrige so instead of always gaining inside to pee we just peed outside
  2. Thats awesome that your friends know and are cool about it.
  3. Do your friends know your pee? And thats awesome that it doesn't smell do you drink a lot of water that your pee is dilute?
  4. I have done this after a hockey game the were long line up for the washrooms and nobody wanted to wait so the was a bug group of probably 8-10 people women and men who all peed in the same area.
  5. Thanks for the advice on track pants and good to know that they are absorbent. Does it smell the next day or does it stay mostly dry when you pee?
  6. I guess a skirt is alot less clean up. You should message me id love to talk more.
  7. So you have never wet your pants?
  8. If i had carpet i would we have all hard wood and tile in the basement so ill try the tile. Do you pee out side aswell ?
  9. Thanks for that tip about minimal cleaning never though about that. As well thanks for the tip about trying new things different way or location I tried one today im thinking of posting here.
  10. Thanks for the tip and you pee in public or home?
  11. Hahaha fair. I would love to find a girl like you near me. 😂
  12. I would love your guy's advice and recommendations on how to get into it more and not get caught. I live with 3 other people. Thanks
  13. I found this site through others I've talked with online. They recommend it and I have really enjoyed the site and stories people have shared .
  14. Does your friend know your into this? And I think its hot that you are so free to goo on her steps. I hope next time you pee there are pictures again.
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