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Posts posted by NortheastPeeFan

  1. Water main break meant I had no running water for a bit.  Unfortunately, I had to pee and I had to leave for work soon.  Fortunately, I had the house to myself, so I saw the opportunity to pee in my backyard and I took it.  I walked over to my usual spot, unzipped, whipped out my cock, aimed and let out a yellow stream onto some wildflowers.  I made sure to move my dick around so I could hit different ones.  Once I was done, I shook myself dry, put my cock away, rezipped, and left for work.

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  2. It doesn't hurt for me, in fact it's my preferred way to pee.  While seeing a guy pee naked is hot, and I have done that too on occasion, I love seeing a guy unzip, pull his dick through the fly and go like I do.  The dick shaking is nice to see too.  The whole process of unzipping, pulling the dick through the fly, aiming, pissing, shaking when finished, tucking it back in, and rezipping turns me on the most.  Just seeing and hearing a guy unzip his fly is enough to get me excited, knowing what's to come.

    I hate it when pants don't come with a fly.  Some of my summertime pajama shorts are like this and it's annoying (should have been more careful when I bought them).  Since I only wear them when I'm at home, I take them off when I go into the bathroom and pull my dick through the fly of my underwear.

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  3. 1) I picture a potted plant being located in the living room.  I mean I would probably seek out potted plants anywhere in the house, but since we can only pick two locations, I'm going with the living room because I feel like there is a good chance of finding a potted plant there. I would piss on the leaves of the plant and on the soil.  Really give it a good watering. 

    2) I would pee on a wall in the dining room. I imagine the wall being a lighter color that way you can see the piss stain more easily.  Like I would have a quick piss on the wall before sitting down to eat, or maybe after consuming a lot of liquids I would just excuse myself, pee on the nearest wall and then sit back down.

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  4. I have often tried to understand why I have this fetish too, but reading this thread has really made me look inside myself and I feel that I have perhaps come up with a better theory for why I have this fetish.  My pee fetish is specifically about watching other guys pee outside.  Breaking this down into multiple aspects, this what I have come up with:

    The fact that my I find myself more turned on by other guys peeing rather than myself peeing I think comes from something from my childhood.  Back when I was a kid, I never had many friends, I still don't, so when it was time for recess I would watch other kids play because I had no one to play with.  I felt like a spectator rather than a participant.  As an adult this has morphed into things like watching other people have sex (looking up porn) because I have no one to have sex with.  Basically, if it is something I can't do or can't have, then I find myself living vicariously through others by watching them have the fun that I can't have for whatever reason.  I guess that includes peeing outside.

    But why peeing outside?  What's the big deal?

    I only had a couple of peeing outside experiences when I was a kid, one I don't remember at all and only heard about from my mom and the other I kind of remember, but mostly because it annoyed my mom.  I had to pee and the only option was to pull over on the side of the road.  After that experience I never wanted to pee outside again for the rest of my childhood because I associated it with my mom being unhappy.  My mom has changed her tune since then because during a couple of road trips that we took since I became an adult, there were a couple situations where the only option would have been to pee outside and my mom actually said it would be okay if I did so.  I never took any of those opportunities.  But the experience during my childhood combined with hearing about all the scary consequences of getting caught urinating in public in some places, made me think "peeing outside = bad and risky."

    Yet when I see a guy pee outside, in movies, I think how bold, how confident.  To do something so "naughty", so "forbidden", yet act like there's nothing wrong with doing it.  This is why I see peeing outside as freeing, because it's like saying "I'm gonna do what I want to do."  But just as I see guys peeing outside exuding confidence, I see guys using the urinal exude confidence too.  Growing up, it seemed like guys who could use the urinal were the cool, confident ones.  It was during puberty when I had my problem of being pee shy at the urinal and I wished I could be confident enough to use one without issue.  It took me years, basically all of my teenage years to finally get to a point where I can pee at a urinal without much issue, though every now and then I will have a time where I can't go, but that only happens when there are a lot of guys around, like a stadium bathroom, and I don't have to go that badly.  Point is, I wanted to be confident like the guys who can pee at urinals or trees with ease, maybe that happening around the time of puberty somehow caused me to develop this fetish.

    As I state in my profile, I'm gay.  Now, in my situation there is no "mystery" around peeing.  I know how guys pee because I am a guy.  They say confidence is sexy and given what I said in the last paragraph about men who pee outside exuding confidence, I can say that when I hear a man say he peed on a tree that is sexy to me.  However, if a guy says that peeing outside is gross and disgusting, that is not sexy at all to me.  As a gay man with a history of confidence issues, not only do I want to be the man peeing outside, I want to be with the man peeing outside.  If it is one thing that I feel like I have in common with my straight brethren though, is that  part of the appeal of watching someone pee is to see something so intimate, something that is meant to be private.  While it is not uncommon for men to pee standing next to each other, there's an unspoken rule that says you have to keep your eyes focused on your own dick and stream.  In other words, keeping your eyes on your own business.  So my fantasies involve that rule being broken, for a guy to let me see him aim his cock and piss on something.

    So I guess the conclusion I've currently come to is that my fetish exists partly due to confidence issues, but also perhaps out of a desire to see something intimate?  Perhaps, I will never find the "right" answer, but I feel closer than before.

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  5. One thing that has been annoying me about the pee porn I have been seeing lately, specifically from my main source of pee porn, Reddit, is not showing where the stream is landing.  So many pictures on that site focus on the cock and stream, which, of course, I like seeing those things too, but I want to see where the stream is landing.  I want to see the puddle or the piss stain, the grass becoming wet, etc.  Not showing that stuff makes the picture feel more like a "spicy dick pic" than pee porn.

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  6. I get embarrassed about peeing next to some guy I know, so I tend to avoid going to the bathroom at the same time they do.  I don't get that way about peeing next to a stranger, but for some reason the idea of peeing next to a friend or just somebody I know makes me feel embarrassed.  It's ironic...my fetish revolves around watching other guys pee, yet the thought of some guy I know seeing me pee makes me all nervous.

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