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Everything posted by wjimmy

  1. I've always enjoyed Rebecca. I think she deserves a thread. (Incidentally, I've always assumed the artist known as Rebecca was a woman, but it's possible 'she' is male, of course. Whatever, s/he has a deliciously dirty mind.) I especially like the first one here, with the woman masturbating to porn on the toilet. Caveat: Since not all these are images are signed 'Rebecca', it's possible some were drawn by different artists. My source is here: https://www.pictoa.com/albums/the-erotic-art-of-rebecca-3859889.html
  2. I've only seen a couple of drawings by Rebecca here. I was surprised that my search of the Internet revealed so few images by her of cunnilingus, given her emphasis on woman-on-woman sex. But here are the ones I found. (I really like her drawings that include a slightly shocked female watcher, by the way.)
  3. I agree. Lynne Paula Russell's graphic work was wonderful. Beautifully detailed and deliciously dirty. She also starred in a few porn movies - from the 1980s, I think. She also published erotic art - mostly spanking and caning - as Paula Meadows. (Apologies, I couldn't 'like' your original post. The 'like' button had disappeared - for me, at least - on several posts n this thread.) A few pics of her from the site you linked to:
  4. wjimmy


    Brilliant. I'll investigate further ... Thank you.
  5. wjimmy


    This picture is soooo hot! The entirely 'unladylike' drool - but is it drool? - descending from her lower lip is very erotic. Her face seems familiar. I wonder who she is.
  6. wjimmy


    Her look speaks volumes. "Don't lie - I know you're looking at it! So what are you thinking about doing to me, exactly?" I've always thought eye contact between model and viewer, as here, is the essence of good porn.
  7. wjimmy


    Apologies for any duplicates. There are a lot of pretty slits in this thread.
  8. wjimmy


    What a gorgeous picture! So warm and pink, and she has a lovely smile! Incidentally, I've only just discovered this thread. The word 'slit' is exciting in and of itself. I look forward to the day when the fashion industry gets round to designing women's clothes that reveal the slit as everyday daywear. It'll probably take a while but I'm sure it'll happen sometime.
  9. Thanks very much for that, Pontepee. It's an interesting, detailed, informative article. "As an alternative, you could always try peeing on her instead of in her. It's not the same, but it's completely safe." I found that bit very sexy, given that it comes from a medical expert. "The bottom line: As long as you're both infection-free, you only do it occasionally, and your wife doesn't experience any irritation from it, you're probably in the clear." So a very cautious go-ahead. However, I still accept what Bacardi said. Even a small risk of catching a nasty vaginal infectio
  10. Thanks for replying, Bacardi. What you say is actually what I'd more or less assumed in general, but I'd never had it confirmed. Of course, I didn't know about vaginal PH levels when I was a schoolboy and heard the advice not to do it for the first and only time. Hence the mystery for me. I thought it was probably dangerous but didn't know why. So thanks for the clarification.
  11. "Men must never piss while they're fucking a woman, with their cock actually inside her vagina, because it's dangerous and can make her sick." - True or not? This may very well be a naive question, but it's something I heard when I was at school and I've always wondered if it's true. Putting aside the fact that it's quite difficult (though not impossible) to piss while one has an erection, is it really so dangerous to piss inside a woman? Or is it simply something that people don't do? Of course, an extension to this question would involve the safety or otherwise of one woman pissin
  12. I'd never heard of Alice Levine or her TV programme but I'll keep an eye out for her from now on. This is a very sexy story, Kupar. The photograph makes it all the more exciting. Her parted lips and half smile make me imagine all sorts of sexy-dirty things. What is she thinking about? The thought that Alice might actually be into piss play - which you use in your story, of course - is intoxicating. Thank you.
  13. Perhaps because I'm a (very) long-term porn user, I have a lot of fetishes and kinks. After I got used to the shock of actually seeing girls masturbate or people fucking in photos, my next step up was seeing a man cum in a girl's mouth - which was much less ubiquitous at the time than it is now. It shocked and disgusted me on first meeting, but the shock was a huge turn-on, so I sought out more of the same. Of course, I got used to seeing cum-in-her-mouth finishes eventually, but I still enjoy watching it - a lot. Oh, and I was turned on by women swapping cum and drawing out sticky cum-strings
  14. My introduction to piss porn was pre-Internet, via Sex Bizarre magazine, bought mostly during wanking excursions to Amsterdam. However, I joined Rebekah Dee's NeedaPee site a few years ago, and found it very good value. At that time - later 2000s maybe? - she actually communicated with customers and also did live feeds, usually whispering into the microphone because - supposedly - her parents were at home. That made the experience feel very naughty for a voyeur like me. The site's films were very sexy too.
  15. For porn I'd nominate Düsseldorf. It is - or at least was - the centre of the German porn industry, so there are lots of porn shops as well as video peep show cabins. Duisburg, just up the road, is similar. They may have changed since the arrival of online porn, but I'd recommend a visit. I've always meant to visit Budapest (recommend by Steve, above) but never made it. I wonder if they have live sex shows there? If the picture Steve posted is anything to go by, they'd be very hot.
  16. I tried to rejoin yesterday, not having been there for a long time. I jumped through all the sign-up hoops and it told me it would send me a password, but nothing arrived in my in-box. So I suspect the site isn't working properly.
  17. I wonder if she'd allow anybody, male or female, to piss in her mouth? (Though not on TV, of course.) It would be lovely to see her in a lesbian piss orgy. "Open your mouth a little wider, Sally."
  18. I absolutely love the way that women like this one (in the top picture) gently hold a flaccid cock to direct the piss stream into their mouth. And I love this woman's smile as she does it, and the piss running down off her chin.
  19. greedyneedygirl: The careful analysis and background in this thread on 'Sex Bizarre' is both sexy (very!) and informative. I learned a lot from you about the history of the mag. I can't stay away from this thread. I used to buy 'Sex Bizarre' whenever I was in a country where it was legal, mostly in the 1990s. I remember my acute embarrassment - I was really trembling at times - when I took it to the counter and bought it. Even in a sex shop, it felt especially shameful to be buying a piss mag., even more so when a woman was behind the counter. But the shame was delicious, of course.
  20. Another thread for Sex Bizarre pictures in case anybody's interested. (But these are from later issues than greedyneedygirl's focus.) www.peefans.com/topic/15160-sex-bizarre
  21. Sex Bizarre was the first pee magazine I saw as well, probably in Amsterdam. I never got tired of it and, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a piss magazine that gets anywhere close to its standard. The thing I liked - and still like - about Sex Bizarre is that the pictures were rarely, if ever, about domination or sadism. The models at least gave the impression of enjoying their kinky fun and I'm pretty sure a lot of them did. Thanks very much, greedyneedygirl, for starting this thread and for going into so much detail about the magazines.
  22. I'm not a psychoanalyst - or any other kind of psych-expert, in fact - but I think the idea of 'outgrowing' an erotic fixation originates with Freud and carries over into a subsequent medical model of 'psychic health'. In fact, I think Freud was part of a more general, misguided, 19th century intellectual tradition that believed in the inevitability and 'health' of 'evolution/progress' - e.g. Marx's idea of social evolution towards an ideal state of communist freedom; the early 19th century anthropologists' (e.g. Frazer's) idea that 'Man' evolves from the 'primitive' to a 'civilized' state; a
  23. https://txxx.com/videos/16216163/krista-kass4/?promo=11914 Apologies if I've posted this link in the wrong place. There is a lot of piss in it, but there's also a strong focus on sperm - and both sperm and piss are combined with food and drink. The video starts with a straightforward M/F fuck, which didn't do much for me. But the second long scene has Tima*, assisted by two other women, taking cum in her mouth from a line of men. The other women bring various props - a bunch of grapes; an oyster; a bottle of beer; a pastry case plus a big pot of jam - and sperm is combined with the
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