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Posts posted by Malika

  1. 14 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Peeing in pots/on flowers is fairly natural really - in nature all animals pee on the ground and often on plants.  Pee contains nitrogen which is a fertiliser, so is OK in moderate amounts.   I guess you could get problems if lots of people repeatedly peed in the same place though.  I have heard that concentrated pee can cause a kind of scorching to plants and grass.   However, it has certainly never stopped me peeing on vegetation of any kind.

    I agree that a plant pot is a very suitable place to pee for a girl when outside - especially if you are wearing a skirt and you can pretty much hide what's going on with your skirt.  Even with trousers, it still makes a good receptacle.

    As to pee volumes, for those that were querying it, there are various topics on this site that cover volumes in detail.  Search the forums for measuring or volume and I'm sure you'll find plenty including pictures of full jugs.  I believe everyone has different bladder capacities, but I would say there are plenty people who could pee the quoted 1.5 Litres between two people - especially when they have been drinking at a party, holding and releasing because they are at their absolute limit.    I know that when I get to the point of a strong desire to pee, but not absolute desperation, I can easily pee 500ml - I know this because I have sometimes been caught short whilst on conference calls for work, grab a pint glass and have to cut the flow to avoid overflowing it.   Those pees normally take about 40 seconds.  I have been far more desperate - e.g. when coming out of a cinema after a long film and a large drink.  Then I go in the toilet, so I can't measure it, but I've timed it at 1 minute 20 seconds, so that has got to be close to a litre I would guess.  I've seen videos of girls peeing 1.5L on their own, 1.5L between two is definitely feasible.  

    Here's a woman peeing over 1.5L in about 40 seconds:





    Great! Finally somebody who go the point in everything. About how comfortable it is for me to pee in a plant and about the capacity.

    Well about the effect on the plant, I can tell you that I noticed sometimes that the plants were dead after a couple of days I peed on them, especially because it happened sometimes that my friends and I peed all on the same plant.

    About the amount of pee that we released in the bowl I am pretty sure we added around 1,5 liters to the water and maybe more, because it was very full after we peed.



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  2. 45 minutes ago, Karol said:

    I suffer from parurosis, so I can't pee with someone unless I really want to, or I'm drunk. I can't pee even if someone is in the next cabin and can hear me. Don't you mind pissing when your friend is watching? He turns around when you pee, or goes aside, can he see everything? Have you ever compared the amount or stream of piss? Have any of you ever laughed at another, that you didn't so much? Forgive me for asking so many questions, but I like you very much, especially because you are so eager to answer, but if I didn't like this topic, I wouldn't post in this forum.

    Never heard about this feeling. I don't have any of these worries and generally speaking I never saw anything like this with girl friends. We usually pee together with no worries, also in front to each other and we do all the things that you mentioned. we compared streams, we laughed at each other and so on. No problems between girls.

    I answer gladly, I am here to chat a bit since I am trapped in the house and it is extremely sad and boring, so no problems if you have questions.

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  3. 47 minutes ago, Karol said:

    I never pee on any wall, because it's disgusting, and I didn't have that need either. I don't know if it's worse when several women pee in the same pot or different. When you pee into one, the flower has no chance of survival, and if different, they can survive, but you can destroy more flowers. It is certain that I would like to see it. I have a few questions. 1. Do you pee in the pots only after dark? 2. Do you have people walking on the streets? 3. Has anyone ever caught you peeing? 4. Is your city so big that you can't reach the public toilet in the house? 5. Do you like to pee with your friends?

    You see? To pee on the wall it is disgusting for you, like for me it is disgusting to leave a big puddle on the ground :-)

    Well, usually we pee in the same pot, there is no reason to pee on different, unless we want to pee all at the same time, but it is a bit risky. Usually we pretend to be stopped close to the pot to smoke a cigarette in case a fellow would appear and one by one we pee in the plant.

    I try to answer your questions:

    1) Usually yes, only after dark. It would be too risky in daylight  2) Usually we find a place where hopefully nobody is walking by, anyway as I mentioned above, we do one by one so in case somebody would appear the situation is not so clear at first glance... he could notice only a couple of girls smoking a cigarette 3) Yes, it happened, a bit embarrassing, but nothing bad happened 4) yes, it is the capital of my country  5) Well, I could not pee in a dark alley alone, yes I like, we pee gladly together it makes me feel that we are helping and supporting each other.

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  4. 28 minutes ago, Karol said:

    1.5 liters for two, that's a lot. Once, when I was very full and had nowhere to pee, I filled a bottle of beer (0.5 l). I wouldn't be able to do more. Do you think you could do more? Just because your friend has been pissing for longer does not mean that she has pissing more. Pee power also counts, and you had to hold on longer.

    I am pretty sure we could do more than 0.5 liters each. Very sure. And about the power, the stream of my friend was extremely powerful in fact it made a lot of foam in the bowl since it was hitting the water very strong and also she peed very long time.  Also my stream was very strong, but I was a bit quicker than her.

    Anyway, I peed in the bowl after her, just because she already did it, otherwise I would not have dared to do it first. When I mentioned it I was somehow joking, but she did it really, so I did it really too, without thinking too much about volumes, capacities and so on.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Karol said:

    A typical golfish bowl has about 6 liters of capacity. You have pissed about 1/3 or more of this together. If the drawing is reliable, it is about 1 liter per person. Is it possible? What do you think, which of you soaked more?

    How could this drawing be reliable for calculations? It is just a simple scheme to show the situation more or less. Of course I didn't measured the level that night, before and after, we just needed to pee badly, just this. It is just a stupid scheme just to give an idea. In my opinion, but I could be wrong, we could have added together something around 1,5 liters to the existing water. But it is just a rough estimation. We are speaking about something happened about 10 years ago!

    Anyway, my impression is that my friend soaked more than me. It seems to me that she squatted a bit longer than me.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Karol said:

    I am sorry to say that I am writing about this not out of love for flowers, but rather the power of women's pee turns me on. Such a fetish 😉

    What do you mean? About me, I love flowers, I like them very much and I grow them in my garden. When I pee on flowers I don't mean to do it on purpose to kill them, but just because I am in a real need to pee and for a woman it is not so easy to pee comfortably like a men, so I need to help myself a bit :-)

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  7. 3 hours ago, Karol said:

    I agree with Rajpatel that urine volume matters. However, its concentration is also important 😉 If you drank a lot of water and the urine was clear, the fish could survive.

    Well, I am sorry to tell that my friend and I didn't drink any water that night... we drank a lot of beer...  and the color of the water after we both peed was not clear at all...    :-( 

    I will attach a simple drawing just to make clear the exact situation...    

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  8. 2 hours ago, Karol said:

    Do you pee in your flower pots? Are you not afraid that they will die?

    My flower pots? No never! If I am at home of course I can use my toilet, why should I pee on my flowers and spoil them? I meant that occasionally I pee in flower pots that are in public places or outside buildings around.

    Well, of course I am afraid that they will die, I am aware of it and I am very sorry, but when I gotta go I gotta go and so I need to pee as much comfortable as I can, sorry for the plant.

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  9. Just now, glad1 said:

    I guess I don't spend enough time in a city. And, when I'm there, I always try to find a park or some other place where people aren't always walking by.

    Well, in some cities there are not so many parks or green areas. For me it is very comfortable to pee in a flower pot if available. Of course if not, I can pee also on the ground, no problem, but I prefer the flower.

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  10. 1 minute ago, glad1 said:

    Peeing outside is always the preference for me, as well. But, what's wrong with leaving a gross (as in large) puddle?


    Well, the problem is that it is a bit gross especially in the city, in a nice place, it is not nice for people who could walk close, to see a pee puddle on the ground. Instead if I pee in the flower pot I don't leave anything visible for other people and in addition I keep my shoes and ankles dry.

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