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Posts posted by Kev99

  1. I've been open with my girlfriends once we get to the sexual stage of the relationship, and had mixed reviews. One was very disgusted at the concept, one said to each their own but didn't feel comfortable participating, and my current girlfriend isn't into the fetish persay but is very happy to indulge me. I've had some amazing experiences with her, and am very glad I bought it up and am honest with her and myself

  2. I've loved the idea of peeing in the pool for as long as I can remember, just was never able to force out more than a tiny dribble when in the water. I've peed in lakes and rivers countless times while growing up though, so I wasn't sure why I couldn't go. Recently though while at a hotel visiting my girlfriend I finally did it. She knows about my fetish and tells me everytime she pees while swimming, though shes also never gone in a pool. We were goofing around by ourselves in the pool around 9pm, and I got the urge to pee. The water was quite cold so gf and I were snuggled up together to keep warm, and I made her aware of my need. She made no attempt to move as she didn't want to lose my body heat. Thinking this time would be the same as the last I relaxed and tried to let go. At first nothing happened, until I felt it come down and start spraying out with good force. I was finally peeing in the pool! Even better was that my gf was directly over my crotch and was recieving all the heat of my piss while making no moves to leave. I was well hydrated so unfortunately no yellow, but I felt proud of myself for managing to release a full bladder in the pool for the first time. Gf loved the warmth and commented that it felt nice, but didn't have to go otherwise she would have gone as well. I'll definitely be peeing in the pool again, and will hopefully get my gf to join the pool pissers club as well 🙂

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  3. A couple good stories too, that I had wished I'd gotten these on video. 

    This one happened on the Friday night before this weekend. Its been incredibly hot here and lots of wildfires in the area, as well as my job being very physical. I had been drinking tons of water to keep hydrated, and had sweated most of it out due to the heat. Though over the course of about 10 hours (Shift is 8.5 hours, drive to work is almost 1) my bladder had filled. During the last 20 minutes of my shift it got very busy and I was getting desperate. By the time the end came around, I was constantly walking around if I didn't have work to do at that moment and so desperate I had started to leak into my boxers. Once the horn blew to signal home time I made a mad dash for the toilet and barely had gotten my pants pulled down in time to unleash one of the most powerful streams I have ever had. I had just finished up and made myself decent as one of my female coworkers came to use the washroom, and had she been slightly earlier she would've gotten an accidental view as I had not closed the door in my rush!


    Another night early in the past week I hadn't pissed for a good 5 hours during my shift, and the need hit me hard on my drive home. In a bit of luck I had recently, I discovered that there was no cameras on the access road to my local shopping malls loading area. This road goes around a store that has access doors and a sidewalk along a length of this road. Remembering there were no cameras, I pulled into said area and released a nice long piss all over a door and its handle as well as the wall and sidewalk. The puddle was very big, and I loved being able to just see the wetness where I had directed my stream. This is definitely a spot I will get a video at soon.

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  4. I'm finally back with more videos! I'm working an afternoon shift, and all of these videos are taken on my drive home, meaning they're unfortunately all at night



    Pissing on the top of a picnic table, in full view of anybody if they drove past



    Soaking a rest area outhouse after DDing for a wedding, video kinda sucks as it was 4 am and I was really tired



    Peeing off a bridge on a backroad, still have my work boots on lol. I really want to get a daytime video of this spot



    Soaking another rest area outhouse, was a bit more naughty with this one



    A toilet piss about half an hour after the 2nd outhouse piss, I had to pee lots that night

  5. Sorry about the super long gap between posts, life got really hectic for a bit there. I've got quite a few videos to share from the last little while tho 😉

    Short descriptions below



    A nice tame sink pee



    Pre wetting my laundry



    Lid and handle of a garbage bin



    Seat of a park bench



    Distance pissing on public stairs



    Facing a busy road with no cover around



    Piss on the no trespassing sign


    I have lots of fun making these videos and peeing in different places, so if anyone has suggestions for new places for me to try and pee, I would love to hear them!


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  6. Happy Easter to yall!

    I've been incredibly busy lately, and haven't had a chance to post my most recent adventures but was wishing I could. Short description below links.



    In these 2 I pee all over myself and try to hold some in my lap.



    Pissing in my laundry is fun!




    More public bathroom peeing



    Another risky piss in the entrance to a locked public bathroom with houses behind me

    And a pic of the stains in my bed from letting some dribbles out being lazy 😉


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  7. On Thursday I had the house to myself, and decided to take advantage of that. Knowing that I was going to be doing laundry as well, I got a very naughty idea. I've been trying out some desperation stuff lately, and felt like doing a hold. So instead of having my morning piss and then drinking lots I just started drinking water and going about my day. I had held for almost 4 hours after waking up when I leaked the first dribble. I also really enjoy letting drips of pee out into my underwear, and decided to combine a couple of my pissing likes. I climbed into bed in just my boxers and tucked my dick in a way so that when I leaked and dribbled I would soak my underwear and my crotch. I kept "holding" and started watching videos of girls peeing in bed and anywhere else they felt like soaking. At this point my boxers were soaked in the front, and I was incredibly horny. I was incredibly desperate too, and accidentally let out a 1 sec long spurt of piss. It felt amazingly warm on my cock and balls, and it spread all the way down to my sheets under me. My mattress is unprotected, and as much as I wanted to I couldn't soak my bed fully. I then put my plan into action. I have 2 nice warm blankets on my bed, and one is a thick absorbent comforter. I knew I couldn't make it to the toilet or tub in time, so I got my dick out of my soaked boxers and started the video. I may have found a way to pee in bed without ruining my mattress. I had so much pee that it took 2 videos before I was able to stop pissing fully.



    After the end of the 2nd video, I couldn't help but release one last hot spurt of piss in the air and onto my stomach. I was so turned on I stroked myself to the most amazing orgasm, cumming all over the soaked blankets. I quickly got up and stripped my bed to make sure no piss soaked into the mattress. I got ready for a shower, and had to pee again by the time I was in the bathroom. Seeing how my boxers were soaked anyways, I just pissed in them before taking them off and showering. In 1 naughty piss session I satisfied my love of wetting, bed peeing, and had some holding fun. Very successful peeing fun that day 🙂


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  8. I've had lots of opportunities for pee fun lately, and its been making for some great fun and giving me lots to post for yall. As you know I love pissing where I shouldn't, especially on the floor of a bathroom. While spending some time with my friends I sent a few spurts of pee onto the floor of yet another gas station bathroom, even getting some on the toilet brush and plunger as well. I don't have any pictures or video of that, but later in the night I had a wonderfully large piss over a bench in a park. I hope you enjoy the video 🙂


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  9. I've just realized that the puddle can't be seen in the picture lol, but the mark on the wall is there as well as some drips. The puddle covers the back 2 boards and a bit behind the toilet. 


    The links are for my next 2 pees, and not a drop went into the toilets 😉



    The 2nd piss is a bit shorter because I couldn't get the video started in time to catch the first 5 seconds of hard pissing

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  10. I had today off, and decided to go for a little road trip to a city about 3 hours away. I made sure to drink lots so I could have lots of peeing fun along the way. 45 minutes into the trip I stopped at a gas station for some drinks and my first pee. I managed to forget my phone in my car and missed videoing a decent sized pee all over the wall beside the urinal. Said pee spread out over the floor of the stall beside the urinal, leaving no dry patches anywhere. My 2nd piss was at my destination, and largely in the sink and toilet due to the fact that the bathroom was tiny. Had I fully let go onto the floor the pee would've run out underneath the door. I have a picture of the little puddle I made that I'll attatch to this. I'll post again when the videos are done uploading 🙂


  11. I enjoy a good piss in the sink, as do most of the people here. I discovered that I liked peeing in the sink while drunk at a house party, and some interesting circumstances happened. I had been drinking for awhile at this point and hadn't "broken the seal" yet. The booze had also given me some liquid confidence, and a mighty urge to piss. I made my way to the bathroom only to find 2 girls also waiting there. We started talking and discovered we were all in high need of a pee. I suggested we all go in at  the same time, and save the wait time for the others. Surprisingly they agreed, and when the door opened we all rushed in, with the girls heading for the toilet and shower stall, and I for the sink. We all started our respective pees, and the girls both commented on how nice it would be to stand at the sink and piss like I was. Being a bit turned on I made a remark about how it looked quite fun to have a piss in the shower with no water running, and the girl agreed with me! I also quite enjoyed seeing the pee coming out of her pussy, and the fact she didn't wipe when she got done ;). While nothing else like that has happened since, I gained a love for just casually letting my piss flow down the sink drain

    I hope yall enjoyed the story! Bonus link to a morning sink piss from a couple days ago


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  12. As of writing this, I'm uploading some piss videos I took over the last couple days that I wanted to share, and will post the links when I know they'll work for sure. 


    My last post I mentioned peeing on the floor of the bathroom in the sawmill. At first, I was incredibly timid about it as I was scared someone would know that I did it. Because of that my first many times were just a few drops of pee, but it still felt incredibly naughty to me. As I gained confidence in the fact I hadn't been caught, I managed to pee slightly more when I used the bathroom. It took a long time, but I eventually managed to be able to release a full bladders worth of urine onto the floor. The rush I got from deliberately peeing like that was wonderful, and I was hooked. Until I left that job to go to college, I would make a puddle 2 or 3 times a week on that floor, and I loved every minute of it


    Sorry about the short story tonight, longer stories coming 🙂

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  13. I discovered my pee fetish around the time I turned 18, and I'll only tell stories from times I know I was 18+. 

    This story is another work experience, and it came from necessity. At the time I worked in a sawmill, stacking the rough cuts into their respective sizes and lengths. My area was short handed , and it was a high production day. All was well until the water caught up to me and I couldn't ignore my need to piss anymore. Being shorthanded meant I had no one to cover my job while I ran to the washroom. Seeing some stacks of lumber about 20 feet away gave me an idea, and I quickly ran between them. When I finally let my piss flow I realized just how easily I could be seen if someone glanced in my general direction, and that risky feeling seemed to unlock something inside me. Over the time I worked for the sawmill, I would pee between the stacks between 1- 3 times a day. I would also pee small amounts onto the floor of the bathroom if I could, but thats a story

    Thanks again for reading!



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  14. I'm going to post a bunch of stories at first, as I don't currently have any photos or videos saved, though I'll definitely bring some when I know how to post them lol. My posts will probably be quite infrequent, and at random times as I work and study lots at the moment. I'm a 21 year old guy from a tiny little place on the west side of Canada, and love driving my car to new places to explore and maybe have some peeing fun. I'm not very comfortable with sharing personal info, so thats all yall get to know for now 😬

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