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Posts posted by pee01

  1. There are many road trips I have been on as a kid. There were time during the road trip I tough I was going to pee myself because I was holding for so long. During the road trip I would drink lots of soda and hold my pee in. When I would get to the rest stop I would walk quickly to the rest room. Then when I got to the toilet I would be standing at the toilet and couldnt go. Then when it started to come out it felt great. If you any stories about road trip pee leave a message below.

  2. I remember as a kid and even as a adult ever time I got to the movie theater during halfway thought the movie I have to pee really bad. When I was a kid I always would get the large soda and popcorn or candy. During the movie half way I would be moving around in the chair trying to hold my pee in. There were times when I wanted the movie to end so I can pee. There were some movies that were more than 2 hours long that made it harder to hold it and watch the movie. I wanted to take the soda cup and take the lid off of it and pee into it. Everyone knows there is always long lines after the movie is done. I would always see how much longer the line for the ladies room was. See the ladies bending over in the line for ladies room trying to hold there pee.

    I would just hold it and pee at home. Any other stories like this please post them below.

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  3. This a time my mom and I went to Virgina and pee desperation story. A couple of years ago my mom and I were together for a trip to Virgina on a road trip. We left during the morning for the trip. My mom had some hot tea and water I had coffee and some water. My mom did the driving half through we both needed to pee very badly. There is a rest stop we both remember we stop at in the pasted on the highway. This time the rest stop on the highway was closed for constitution which didnt help both of us. It was another 3 more hours both of use had to hold in are pee. There was some good traffic on the highway too that didnt make any easy. During the whole time my mom and I looked for a rest stop somewhere. About a half and hour to go then my mom saw a gas station off the side of the highway. My mom turn very quickly into the parking lot lucky there was a first row spot. We both walked quickly into the gas station found a unisex rest room and were lucky at the time no one was using the restroom. My mom say that I can go in with her its a unisex but she had to go first she really had to pee much more than I did at the time and couldnt really hold much longer. So I went in with my mom she quickly pulled down the pants and underwear and sat down. The second she sat down on the toilet her pee came right out very fast and long. Then she move so I can go and I couldnt let go it wont come out. Then she moved out of the restroom and I was by myself stand by the toilet and finally went a little. I was shocked both of us can hold it in that long.

  4. Here is another story of peeing with my mom. This story happen a years ago that I can remember. My mom and I went to a Italian restaurant for dinner. During dinner my mom had a lot of water to drink. After dinner my mom stay she wanted to get some things at my work but first she really had to pee badly. My work is only across the street from this Italian restaurant. When my mom and I got to my work when with her to the bathroom but I stud outside waiting for her to go. My mom then say she couldnt go because there was a guy cleaning the ladies room. So she say she would hold for now and try later after her shopping. When she was done shopping I went with her again to the restrooms and the guy was still cleaning the ladies room. My mom asked how much longer it was going to be until he was done cleaning ? I say i dont know it takes some people longer to clean. My mom was bending down holding her pee in. Then my mom asked if there was anyone in the mens room room and having me check. I say no one was in there my mom say okay take look out. I stud by the door my mom walked quickly into the mens room. Then she opened the stall door locked pulled down her pants and underwear. She then hover over the took a took a long pee it was loud too. When she got done she say she needed that and couldnt hold it anymore.

  5. This a time my mom and I went to Virgina and pee desperation story. A couple of years ago my mom and I were together for a trip to Virgina on a road trip. We left during the morning for the trip. My mom had some hot tea and water I had coffee and some water. My mom did the driving half through we both needed to pee very badly. There is a rest stop we both remember we stop at in the pasted on the highway. This time the rest stop on the highway was closed for constitution which didnt help both of us. It was another 3 more hours both of use had to hold in are pee. There was some good traffic on the highway too that didnt make any easy. During the whole time my mom and I looked for a rest stop somewhere. About a half and hour to go then my mom saw a gas station off the side of the highway. My mom turn very quickly into the parking lot lucky there was a first row spot. We both walked quickly into the gas station found a unisex rest room and were lucky at the time no one was using the restroom. My mom say that I can go in with her its a unisex but she had to go first she really had to pee much more than I did at the time and couldnt really hold much longer. So I went in with my mom she quickly pulled down the pants and underwear and sat down. The second she sat down on the toilet her pee came right out very fast and long. Then she move so I can go and I couldnt let go it wont come out. Then she moved out of the restroom and I was by myself stand by the toilet and finally went a little. I was shocked both of us can hold it in that long.

  6. Here is another story of peeing with my mom. This story happen a years ago that I can remember. My mom and I went to a Italian restaurant for dinner. During dinner my mom had a lot of water to drink. After dinner my mom stay she wanted to get some things at my work but first she really had to pee badly. My work is only across the street from this Italian restaurant. When my mom and I got to my work when with her to the bathroom but I stud outside waiting for her to go. My mom then say she couldnt go because there was a guy cleaning the ladies room. So she say she would hold for now and try later after her shopping. When she was done shopping I went with her again to the restrooms and the guy was still cleaning the ladies room. My mom asked how much longer it was going to be until he was done cleaning ? I say i dont know it takes some people longer to clean. My mom was bending down holding her pee in. Then my mom asked if there was anyone in the mens room room and having me check. I say no one was in there my mom say okay take look out. I stud by the door my mom walked quickly into the mens room. Then she opened the stall door locked pulled down her pants and underwear. She then hover over the took a took a long pee it was loud too. When she got done she say she needed that and couldnt hold it anymore.

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  7. When I go to the movies I always have to pee. I remember getting the large soda then drinking it and really had to pee in the middle of the movie. I was a kid and dint know better and as a kid your bladder is not as big. I wanted to take the lid off the soda and pee into it. Worst part is the line for the restroom was always super long. The mens room is always quicker then the ladies room. I always felt bad for them because they had to wait so much longer. That is a good story on movie theater pee and everyone has to go after the movie over. Dont be a shame that you can only hold in your pee for that long. Some people cant hold it in for that long they have weaker bladders. Sometimes holding it in for that long is not good because then you cant go and puts more pressure on your body. Around a mintue 1s is normal how long me pee is if I hold it for a while.

    Your second story is very good too. I have been in your shoes lots of times with long car trips. When you have to pee really bad during the car trip worst part and having no where to stop at. I go a lot too drink a lot of water makes me go.

  8. There was anther time when I did go to the ladies room with my mom. This a time when my mom and I were at graduation for my cousin. It was a few years ago but I still remember it. My mom and I were early for my cousin graduation my mom and I both need to pee. My mom say I can go first and go to the Mens room but the was locked they didnt open the door yet. I told my mom the Mens room was locked at the time. She say okay you can come into the ladies room with me. I say okay I followed her into the ladies room. In there I took a stall and she took a stall. We both locked the stall doors I stud up pulled my zipper down and took a long pee. Then I heard my mom pull down her skirt down and hover over the toilet and took a long pee too. This felt wired being in the ladies room at the time. There were more ladies that came into the stall and heard them pee too. None of the ladies say anything when I was in there.

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  9. I asked everyone on here how did they get into peeing. Today I would like to talk how I got into peeing.

    There are times when I would be out in public as a kid and I would see long lines for the ladies not the guys.

    I always saw the moves and heard the sounds ladies were doing trying to hold there bladders. As a kid I didnt know why ladies made the moves and sounds they need when they were trying to hold and made. Then latter in life I heard the sound ladies make when they pee and started to like it. I always wanted to try hear the ladies peeing in the ladies room or sneak in too. I been always wow how the sounds when a ladies pee how they try to hold it. I like when ladies hover over the toilet the best hear the pee the loudest.

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  10. Through the years I have read desperation stories on forums and they have been interesting to read. I have always been interested in how long they can hold and how long was there pee. I always like to hear where people were the most desperation and how long was your pee lasted. Being in public makes it harder hide desperation when you need to go. I am always interested and seeing what techies people do to when they are desperation.I like to hear the pee too. When they finally let go the relieve they have.

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