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Posts posted by pee01

  1. I went to a couple of bars over the weekend both bars asked if I wanted the 22 oz glass the bigger one. I say yes to them the first bar I had one glass of beer and glass of water hold it too. Then at the second place they asked the same thing I got another 22 oz of beer and water. By this time I really need to pee but I held it in. Then by the second beer and water I really had to go more. After finishing the second beer I went to the restrooms on the other side of the building. I couldn't wait to get get it out then when I was in the restroom. Lucky no was not many people in there I went into the first stall. Then I got my thing out took a few secs after holding it for that time. Once it got started I felt so good letting it out. I went for a minute long or so. It didnt all come out so I had to go again second time not as long. Then drank water and beer at home I took a long pee at home after all those drinks.

  2. When I get up I normal drink a lot of water and have tea or coffee. I try to hold it in the morning during the time that I am drinking the coffee or tea. Then I when I go to the gym I take a big water bottle with me. During the workout I drink the water and fill it up a few times at the water fountain. The restrooms are right by the water fountain but I do not use them, I just hold it in. Hallway though the workout I really feel the need to pee but I hold it in. Then go home try to try drink more water and finely take a long pee at home.

  3. I used to have to clean the ladies rom at my work as a bagger. A few years ago I was mopping the floor when a lady stud by the door. I told the lady all had to do is mop the floor. She end up walking into the ladies room when I was in there and went into a stall. I heard it all she locked the door pulled her pants down sqaut over the toilet and took a long pee. I was still in the restroom.

    Another time I was cleaning the ladies room again at my work. A coworker stud by the door and then walked in. She say I dont care if you dont walk out of there I just have to pee. She went to a stall locked it and took a loud pee. I heard it all she didnt say anything about me being in there.

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  4. I understand what your talking very well. Most women dont want to pee outside and dont blame them. They dont want expose them self to much. It is harder for them to pee outside. There is more to take off so they can pee outside. Some events are interesting to see where pee at and see how desperation they get when they need to really bad.

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