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Posts posted by 1badboy

  1. I moved to Utah to work on a Master's degree.  I rented an apartment near the University, and discovered that my apartment building was recognized as a Mormon "Singles Ward" for ages 18 - 29.  I was twenty-nine. 

    At first it seemed like a fantasy come true.  An apartment full of young pretty girls, all single, and all ready to marry.  I went to their dances, and socials!  I went to church with them.

    Of course there is always a catch.  I took a girl out on a date -- an innocent first date.  And the day after a guy came over to talk to me.  He said he had been sent by the Bishop of our Ward.  He told me it would take me two to three years to get my "Temple Recommend" after joining, and until then I should not date.  Because only then could I get married in the Temple.

    Then I turned thirty..  My apartment lease was cancelled, and I had to leave.  So I rented a basement apartment in a house.  But now I was viewed as 'too old' for the singles group I had just been part of.  And suddenly people were trying to set me up with divorcees with kids.

    I didn't my Masters, but I stayed in Utah and worked as a truck driver, because honestly I had a huge crush on a girl -- which didn't go anywhere..

    When I was thirty-six I moved back to California.   If I had it to do over again I would not have gone to Utah, and I would not have gotten involved with the Mormons.  Mormonism is too expensive (You must tithe 10 percent of your income).  Utah has one of the highest bankruptcy, and foreclosure rates in the country.  People go broke, go "inactive", and try to dig themselves out.  And the religion is too controlling.  You serve the "calling" -- do the job in the Ward -- that is chosen for you.   And you go through a "Temple Recommend" interview every year.  If you work at BYU, and you don't get your Temple Recommend, you lose your job.

    Back in California I continued to work as a truck driver, and it is not the best job for dating and marriage.

    When I was thirty-eight I got a local driving job, and brilliantly tried getting involved with the Christians again.  They also age segregate their adults, and their 'Young Adults' (singles) group tops out at thirty-nine.  So I was once again kicked out of their 'singles' group.  However they let the older single women continue to come -- because "They don't cause troubles".

    I went to the older group and found divorcees with kids.  I wanted kids of my own.  It felt like people were trying to push some other man's wife and kids on me.  And the kids didn't like it either -- and I sympathized with them.

    What would be so terrible about a forty year old man marrying a thirty-five, or a thirty-six, or thirty-seven,  year old woman?  I was told that if a woman couldn't have kids over forty than a man should not be allowed to either.  "Allowed"????  

    They weren't concerned about the age differences between the man and the woman in a couple.  They were concerned with excluding men over a certain age -- and forcing them to consider the divorcees with the kids.  And of course this isn't great for the single, never married, women in their upper thirties, and early forties, who might have married the excluded men.  And there are always more women then men in these groups.

    I would not waste my time with the Christian groups if I had it to do over again, and I wish I hadn't gotten involved.  I would have avoided many conflicts had I remained a little more anonymous.  And I didn't find my wife, and get married, until I left Christianity.

    As I got away from the 'Christians' I found that the non-Christians weren't as bad as I had thought, and the 'Christians' weren't as good as I had wanted to believe.  But with the non-Christians I found a much more independent group of people.  And I became more independent.  I wish I'd had that sort of independence at a younger age.  It's not about being wild, and destructive, it's about being personally responsible enough that you don't need the help of others.

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  2. There is something that I never saw coming when I was in my early twenties, and that is the fact that you actually have a relatively short time to find a wife -- a committed partner.

    In my late teens and early twenties it was extremely easy to date. The girl that dumped me for the other guy in the Christian group was only eighteen, but she was the Christian type who was ready to get married and start having kids.  I didn't have sex with her but I was living in the dorms and that was probably what saved me from getting her pregnant.  She REALLY wanted to have sex, and was continually dropping hints. She felt an urgency I didn't feel.

    I wasn't ready to get married, not financially, not emotionally.  When I was twenty-nine I moved to northern Utah, and I found that the Mormons move faster than most.  Their upper age limit for "Singles Wards" is twenty-nine.

    I turned thirty and I found out about how the religious groups age segregate their adults.  I will write more about this later, but this is something I wish I had known about and appreciated more when I was younger.

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  3. I agree with the people who say that they would have taken more risks.  I would have taken more risks, but I wouldn't have been wildly out of control.

    There were a couple of times that I went out drinking, and I got so drunk that I blacked out, and I was sick the next day.  I would not do that again -- and I haven't. 

    I would have taken more risks romantically.  And I'm not talking about just having sex with anyone.  I had sex, without a condom, with girls that I wasn't seriously interested in, and I wouldn't do that again!  Fortunately I never got any of those girls pregnant.  But back in University there were girls I had crushes on that I didn't dare to ask out.  If I had it to do over I would.   As I got older, I got braver, and I got rejected -- but at least I tried!  And I am married now, with a couple of kids.

  4. 2 hours ago, UnauthorisedGuy said:

    I agree with a lot of what has already been said. People being interviewed on TV are invariably asked, "If you could live your life again, what would you change?" I can't believe the number of people who reply "nothing". I don't think excessive navel gazing is particularly helpful, but you must be living a totally unexamined life if you wouldn't change anything. 

    Having a mentor is one thing I think would have really helped me. I'm thinking the best mentor would be a more senior person at work, but some universities and industry bodies offer to match people up with mentors, and that could work too. Promotions are always supposedly on merit, but from my observations, having access to another person's experience and networks is really valuable. 

    You need a candid mentor.  I'm cynical.  There are things that people will not tell you on jobs.  

    Let's say you are doing a white collar job and there is a "suggestion box".  The suggestions ask for your name, and job title.  Strangely nobody ever suggests the obvious solutions to the problems everyone encounters.  Why not?

    Well the suggestions don't go to your immediate supervisor, they go to his boss.  So if you put a suggestion into the box,  than you are bypassing your supervisor.  He is going to be embarrassed when the boss calls him in and asks "Why didn't you think of this?  Has anybody ever brought this up before?" And you are going to be in trouble!

    Your supervisor is going to be angry that you didn't talk to him (Even if you have), and the boss may be uncomfortable that you went over your supervisors head.

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  5. I was looking for a quote from Garrison Keillor, but I haven't been able to find it.  It was something to the effect that some people are "good" but that a group is not "intrinsically good".   My mistake, in my late teens, was believing that "Christians" were better than "average".  They weren't.  It was just a group of people.  And for the most part the group was only as good as the leader.  If the pastor, or priest, was friendly -- then the group was friendly.  If the pastor was exclusive, and selective, about the people he would talk too -- then the group tended to be too.

    However as a "Christian" I viewed other Christians as 'superior", and I viewed myself as superior as well -- which was not such a good thing for me...  It was limiting when I was in University, and to an extent kept me from socializing, and trying new things -- which I would do now if I had the chance.  I had an inferiority complex.  I had gone to a Fraternity rush party with a friend, who wanted to join that fraternity.  I did not want to join, but he wanted to go with somebody.  The fraternity had a wild reputation, but the rush party wasn't terribly wild, it was mainly just a dinner.  And shortly after the dinner I was approached by a couple of guys in the fraternity who nicely explained to me that it didn't seem like I was the type that they were looking for.  And it's funny, because I didn't want to join the fraternity, but it really bothered me that I had been rejected.  And my friend did get accepted....  But with the "Christians" I rationalized that I was with a "better" bunch of people -- who had not immediately rejected me.  Later I got accepted in some Christian groups, and rejected in others.

    But cutting to the chase, the Christian groups were really about making "friends" -- but MAINLY about meeting women.  They were "meet markets".  The friendships I made in those groups, and even in churches, were not always that great.  There was a lot of competition, and jealousy.  More than I ever encountered in any common interest groups.  And when it came to philosophy, very little of anything meaningful was ever taught.  And what little was taught was too self-centered -- especially for me when I was going through a period of insecure introversion.   I didn't need to be focusing inward on myself, I needed to be looking out at the world and taking advantage of the opportunities, and friendships, that I could make when focusing on others.  Its not about not masterbating, or not looking at porn, or not praying enough.  It's about looking out at the world, getting to know other people, being considerate, thinking about others.  Not talking solely about myself, learning about them, learning about other cultures, learning about views outside of the "conservative", "Christian", "Republican",  And allowing myself to view things without a limiting inferiority complex, and labels.

    In a way the internet was eye opening for me.  A young woman, in Ireland, who was discerning becoming a Catholic nun, seemingly discovered me.  And started contacting me, with Yahoo Messenger, at all hours of the night (In Ireland).  That of course didn't go anywhere, but I realized that there was a great deal more outside of the USA.  I had been spending thousands dating locally, so I decided, "Why not try 'International' dating?"  So I went on International dating sites and met scammers in the Philippines, Russia, etc.  And I 'met' women in other parts of the world.  Which led to travelling.  Is it an easy way to find the 'perfect' person?  Not really.  You can get married very quickly.  But you can get divorced just as quickly.  Again, you have got to be careful -- just like with Christianity.  You can easily end up with a very ambitious wife, who married you thinking she was going to get rich -- but the reality turned out to be quite different.  One thing that travelling did was to open my eyes to the fact that there is a lot more out there than the US and Christianity, and "liberal", and "conservative".  My wife is Buddhist.  And don't get me wrong I like Jesus Christs 'Judaism' but I am not such a big fan of Paul's Christianity.  But that is a personal opinion, and it wasn't really my problem with Christianity.  It just felt good to experience Asia, and take a break from the Christian dominated USA.

    I am rambling on, but "Christianity" created conflicts for me in University, which were unnecessary.   People competed, spread rumors, took sides, and it was just plain too controlling.  Too controlling in my personal life.  Too controlling in terms of which 'circle' I was accepted into.  Too controlling in terms of who I was 'allowed' to date -- or who would consider dating me (Without getting into a conflict).  Outside of Christian groups there is a lot more freedom.  I'll try to explain.  I had a girlfriend in University, who I had met outside of any church or group.  We dated for almost two quarters straight.  I was a member of InterVarsity Christian,  And she asked me if I could take her to that.  Now I had not been taking her because, I suppose I knew that there would be competition from other guys there -- even though there were more women than men in that group.  So I finally took her, and the competition was unlike anything I had expected..  I almost literally had guys pushing between us, to talk to her.  And she left me for another guy..  Maybe I was lucky.  Maybe she wasn't really that serious about me and I just found out more quickly that way.  Should I have 'fought' the other guys in the group?  What should I have done?  I ended up dropping out of that University and leaving.  Honestly I had other problems there.  Academically I wasn't quite up to the level of that University, and I was on academic probation my first quarter.  I don't regret having left, but I regret having gotten involved in that Christian group.  I admit I still got involved with Christian groups after that -- but I never found a steady girlfriend in one of those groups, or ever took a girlfriend to the group meetings either.  I continued to go because there were so many women there.  If I had it to do over again I would not get involved at all.  It is not hard to meet women at Universities.  Usually there are considerably more women than men there.

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  6. I was thinking about why I would not get involved with Christian groups, in University, if I had it to do over again.  Forgive me but I want to try articulating it here so that I can later clearly explain to my own kids.

    I will start by saying I considered myself a "conservative" "Christian".  Those terms are pretty vague and I found that there were many different definitions.  I have found that it is better to define your beliefs -- in clear terms -- than to identify yourself according to a label.  I ran into people who identified themselves as "conservatives" but had beliefs completely different from my own -- and hated me.  And I encountered the same problem with "liberals", Republicans, and Democrats.  I now loosely define myself as a Libertarian -- but the same problem exists with that label too.  It seems that to really fit into a group you have to change at least a few of your own beliefs, or principles, to be accepted.

    Anyway this is kind of involved so I will continue later.  Hopefully I will be able to later sum things up in fewer words. 

    An old man, who lived next door to me (He was 98) told me that he had become an atheist.  He said that the main reason he would join a religion was for the social aspect.  He had been raised a Mormon, and he feared the potential conflicts that could arise if he were to join another religion.


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  7. 15 hours ago, likesToLick said:


    The resulting lack of exercise,  combined with the reduced social life and wasted commuting time put me on the road to become fat, suburban and boring, and that really messed up my life. 

    I know what you mean.  At one point in my life I decided that, if nothing else worked out,  I would be a truck driver.  So I became an "over-the-road" truck driver.  And I got really fat and out of shape.  That really hurt my social life.

    I tried aerobics (oliptical machine, treadmill).  That didn't work.  I didn't lose a pound.  Then I tried less aerobics combined with weights.   That is what Clint Eastwood did so I figured it would work.  It worked -- but it took me over a year to see any results at all. The only thing that saved me was that I became friends with people in the gym so I kept on going -- so I could hang out with my friends.

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  8. "Too soon old, too late smart."

    If you could live life over again, or if you knew then what you know now, how would you do things differently?

    I'm getting 'old',  but I have young children.  What can I teach them so they don't make the same mistakes I did.

    I live in the USA.  I think in High School I would have concentrated more on my grades.  It would have allowed me to try a larger variety of professions after graduation.

    I got involved in the 'Christian' groups in University.  I don't think I would do that again.  I wouldn't join a fraternity either, but I would go for the common interest groups instead (The ski club, crew, etc.)

    I passed up an internship, back when I started working on my Bachelor's degree.  If I had it to do over again i would do any internship related to my major that I could get into.  Even if it cost me money.

    There are lots of different summer jobs you can do while at University but the best paying ones are those with a 'skill'. A  'skill' I would recommend is, believe it or not, truck driving.   You can always get work and it pays well.  There are a number of seasonal jobs available in the summer.  After graduation, if nothing else, you can still drive and basically live anywhere you want to.

    In University I would have taken advantage of the language courses.  The world is a big place and the more languages you speak the more freedom you have.  Want to try living in China? Vietnam? Korea? Japan?  Get an education degree, and learn the language.

    I would have done more traveling if I had things to do over again.  I was too insecure at a young age to be that adventurous.

    Anyway those are a few thoughts.  Maybe I will add more later.  Please add any thoughts or ideas you have.


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  9. I don't know, this fetish is weird.  I've been messing around on these forums for a long time but I go through periods -- like now -- when I am really not into it.  And I feel a little guilty or shameful.  

    Look at how apologetic that band was after their singer peed on that guy.  Honestly I found the whole thing hilarious -- and certainly not a big deal.  But other people don't feel the same.

  10. My religious views are definitely controversial. I was banned from five different religious forums -- two Catholic, and three 'Christian'.  And I ultimately decided that they had done me a favor, because I was wasting my time debating various issues.  But I did find that I had a HUGE influence on many people -- and that is kind of scary.   

    And curiously Literotica rejected every story I ever submitted.  One of the last stories I posted was Grizzly Mountain.  (I wrote multiple versions, and I think this one was the best).


  11. I don't know, maybe what I don't like about my last story is that none of the characters were really all that likeable. 

    Just a bunch of people all behaving badly? Even if they were getting even with Nick, who was a really bad guy.

    Sometimes I like to watch Korean dramas as therapy.

  12. Is it rebellion?  My writing seems to be making me more aware of the morality I am comfortable with -- like monogamy.   I find even porn more gratifying if there is ultimately monogamy.

    And I find stories more gratifying if at least one 'enemy' is befriended rather than defeated.  

    I wish I had known -- when I was younger -- what I know now.  And Christianity oddly didn't provide much of that wisdom.

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    I've been feeling oddly a little guilty lately.  Probably in part because I'm a little sick. 

    I'm an atheist, but I used to be a very 'conservative' Christian.  And I wrote a story titled "Full Bush", where my character became a pastor for a while.  And it got me into thinking about 'morality'.  Not 'Christian' morality, but rather how we can live a fulfilling life.  I'm not really any good at writing 'Christian talk' so I just plagurized off the internet.

    Anyway, when I was done with that story I didn't feel bad at all about it.  But now weirdly, after the mindset I had writing that, I find myself feeling oddly guilty because of the "immorality" in my subsequent stories.

    In my "A Cruel Cruel Summer" story I tried to bury what was really going on with my characters inferiority complex.  It was supposed to be dark humor because 'Rich' actually believed all the insane things the girls were saying -- and they were just being really bad and messing with him.  And then there was the lack of monogamy -- which weirdly makes me feel guilty too...

    Do you ever feel guilty because of this fetish?  It's more of a dark humor fantasy to me -- because I know better than actually doing these things in real life.  Some naughty peeing though would be pretty harmless.

    I don't know, maybe I sort of changed my mindset when I wrote 'Full Bush', and put me back into my old Christian mindset?  I almost feel guilty that there is no redeeming value in my "A Cruel Cruel Summer".



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  14. 1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

    Definitely a different storyline to average and some excellent stuff in there.   Several twists and snippets to get the reader thinking about what might be - some I saw things coming, others not so much..   A good way of writing and a lot of fun.

    Thank you, I had fun writing this one.  

  15. "You think Nick's going to get angry?"

    "Nick's already angry." Veronica thrust a glass of water at me. "Rich, drink this!  You drank so much fucking beer, last night, and puked so much, that you're dehydrated as hell! There's a pitcher of water on the table."

    "Are you angry at me?"

    "Why would I be angry?  You just had to fuck Jen, and Liz one last time -- because you're so fucking jealous of a couple of spoiled fucking rich kids!  You fucking passed out, face down, in your own fucking puke!  I had to literally fucking carry you up here and give you a fucking shower!   Then I had to fucking carry you to bed!  Why the fuck would I be angry?!" Veronica turned away from me and faced the broken french door window.  

    Veronica turned back towards me.  "When you recover from your fucking hangover you can clean up all the fucking broken glass around the house.  These windows all come out.  I want you to take all of the fucking broken windows out to the gate.  I'll call maintenance to get them fixed." 

    Veronica stopped for a moment and yanked the arrow out of the couch.  "You can clean up the fucking glass in the foyer too.... My dad has a little shop in the basement.  You can get a roll of plastic, and a stapler, and put the plastic over all the missing windows.  I'm going to get dressed and see if I can clean up the living room.  I think we're going to have another fucking bonfire tonight."


    I soaked the bed in sweat, but the water helped.  I vowed to never again get so drunk.  Pissing around the room helped me vent the frustration I felt with myself.

    Around two o'clock I felt better. Veronica came upstairs, showered with me,  and made love.  She served a simple lunch of soup. Then she took me down to her dad's freaky little workshop.

    The workshop seemed to be more of a surveillance room than anything else.  There had to be at least twenty computer screens mounted on one wall.  The whole system was turned off, but I imagined that there had to be cameras hidden all over the property -- and inside the house.

    Jen had broken just about every window on the backside of the house.  I swept, and vacuumed until four o'clock, then I used a little quad, I found parked on the side of the house, to cart the windows out to the gate.

    I wasn't done covering the window, and french door openings, until almost eight.  It gave me time to think.  Veronica was right, Jen and Liz's rich boyfriends, were just 'kids'.  I was a full grown man feeling jealous of kids!  But, why did it seem like they had it more 'together' than me?

    I only ventured a glance at the remains of the trashed living room.  It had been shocking, disturbing, and even a little upsetting -- but the sex was unbelievable.  I showered and changed into clean clothes, in my bedroom.

    I found Veronica in the kitchen.  "Rich, have some lemonade.  It's just regular, non-alcoholic lemonade."

    "Sure, thanks!" I unzipped, pulled out my cock, and took aim at the puddle, and tissue, on the floor.

    "You're not going to piss in my face, or my mouth?" Veronica sounded disappointed.

    "Nah!" I laughed as I peed. "I never really pictured myself as the domination sort.  Veronica do you think the whole submissive female, dominant male thing, evolved from early humans need to reproduce?  The females who submitted to the males got pregnant, and had kids.."

    "And the males who were more dominant reproduced at a greater rate." Veronica cut in.

    "Exactly!" I took the glass of lemonade that Veronica had filled for me.  "I think you want me to be more dominant."

    "I want you to cook dinner!" Veronica laughed. "I made a salad, but you can grill the steaks, and eggplant."

    "Sure!" I set the lemonade down and gave Veronica an aggressive hug, and a kiss.

    "Rich, help me move one of the couches outside."


    Liz hadn't totally destroyed the couch, but she had given, the formally beautiful couch, more than a few vicious chops.  The only furniture left in the living room was a couch, and two recliners.

     Veronica had added a few broken end tables, a loveseat,  and more railing pieces to the charred metal remains of the piano.  We set the couch on top.

    I grabbed Veronica in the dining room, and kissed her. "We're going to have a decent sized bonfire."

    "Well.." Veronica eyed the axe leaning against the back of our one remaining couch and smirked at me. "Want to chop up a few of the dining room chairs, and add them to the pile?"

    My heart beat faster.  "Sure…" I picked up a chair.

    "No!" Veronica ran over and grabbed the axe.. "Just chop them up here!"

    "But I could hit the table!"

    "So?' Veronica walked towards me with a smirk on her face. "Get back!" She wound up with the axe. CHUNK! She drove the axe into the top of the dining room table. CHUNK! CHUNK! The axe stuck on the third blow, and put a crack down the center. "Don't fucking worry about it!"

    I chopped up four chairs, but left the remaining two.  Then I planted the axe in the wall for good measure.


    "The candles are a nice touch." Veronica sat down on my lap. "Why'd you move the lounge over there." 

    "It seems like a nice location to get you pregnant." I rubbed Veronica's wet crotch. "Oh, that's warm." I peed my own pants as Veronica peed on me.

    "You want to get me pregnant?"

    "I find the idea a turn-on." I watched the fire burn.

    "Me too." Veronica agreed.

    "Veronica,  is that a real compound hunting bow, over there?"

    "Sure is!" Veronica laughed. "Jen even wore a wrist protector."

    "I didn't even notice.."

    "Ever shot one?"


    "It's got quite a pull.  I'll show you after dinner."

    When we were done eating Veronica chucked the dirty plates into the bonfire.

    I looked at the surprisingly large pile of arrows Veronica had collected. "Wow, where did Jen get all of these arrows?"

    "I don't know, I think she found every arrow my dad ever had.'

    "It's a good thing you didn't burn them!"

    "I would never burn them!" Veronica snickered, "These are way too much fun!" She raised the bow and shot an arrow into the side of the house.  Then she let me shoot a couple.

    "Want to shoot more?"

    "No!" I grabbed Veronica. "I want your  body. Your shapely rear.. your child-bearing hips!" I rubbed softly over her mound, and between her legs. "Let's make a baby!" We fucked like animals as the crackling furniture burned.


    "Rich.." Veronica watched as I cooked french toast.  She aimed the hunting bow at a painting in the dining room. Thunk!


    Rich, Nick's Rivian was weird.  It rode like a heavily loaded pickup truck.." Veronica concentrated.  Thunk!  'It had no power, and the battery never lasted very long."

    "Rivian's aren't very good?" I piled the french toast on a plate, and grabbed the plate with the eggs.  Veronica waited for me as I carried the food to the dining table 

    "Rivian's are great."  Veronica aimed the bow into the kitchen. CRASH! The arrow lodged into an upper kitchen cabinet doors.  She smiled with satisfaction. "Rich, Nick had something heavy hidden in the truck!"

    "Like... gold or silver?"

    CRASH! "Like gold." Veronica set the bow down, removed the quiver of arrows, and walked over to the table. "Mm, that looks pretty good.  I should have had you take over cooking a long time ago."


    "Rich are you a very good fighter?"

    I snickered, "I've never lost a fight, but the last fight I was in was in Junior High."

    "Do you know any martial arts?"

    "Yeah! I'm a black belt in Karate."

    "You're an expert?"

    "No way!" I laughed. "It just means I have mastered the techniques and moves.  Just because I can correctly kick, and punch, properly doesn't mean that I'm any good.  It's like tennis.  You learn how to hit forehands, backhands, serves, volleys -- but it takes more than that to be a champ.  

    "You played tennis?"

    "Yeah.. tennis, basketball...  I ran middle distance in track."

    "I played ice hockey.." Veronica almost whispered.

    "Really? I've never played that.  I've never even ice skated."

    "Yeah, but you're from California."  Veronica took a deep breath. "Would you like to camp out tonight?" She stood up and pulled down her jeans.  "Sleep in a tent, cook our food on a little kettle grill….. Fuck me in front of a roaring fire?" 

    I looked at Veronica's hairy pussy. "In the woods?" 

    "No." Veronica sat back down. "In the front yard." 

    "Okay, sure.  Why not?" I listened to Veronica's pee splash noisily on the area rug under the table. "But you know," I finished my french toast, and took a sip of coffee. "..we're kinda running out of food.  We're gonna need to go shopping."

    Veronica got up and grabbed the bow. "We're fine.  We can have pizza for lunch, and hamburgers for dinner.  She aimed the arrow at the center of the china cabinet. CRASH! Bing! Ting! The arrow broke the glass, the plate behind it-- and knocked down, and broke, the plates on either side.

    I walked over to the broken china cabinet.  "I guess that would give us an excuse to go to town tomorrow." I pulled my cock out and aimed it through the broken glass. 

    "We'll go to town tomorrow!" Veronica smirked as I made the mess even bigger.  

    "What do you want to do today?  Wanna take a hike, and go for a ride in my Ferrari?"

    "Sounds perfect." Veronica aimed the bow into the living room.


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  16. If it's a private hot tub, and you're with your girlfriend, AND alcohol is involved -- then you have the perfect excuse!

    The most important thing to remember about hot tubs, and pools, is that they have chlorine in the water.  And chlorine has a way of 'drying' out a woman's natural lubrication.  Have you ever heard of the "No oils in the hot tub!" rule?  Some people try using 'lubrication'.  Just don't have sex in a hot tub, or a pool!

    • Thanks 1
  17. "Go on! Go outside and get some sun." Veronica goaded me. "It's beautiful outside."

    "Rich!" Jen set down her book. She lay on the lounge, under the covered portion of the back patio."My dear boyfriend!" She spread her legs. "I await your love." She spread her pussy with her fingers and curled her tongue 

    "Jen stop messing with me! Why are lying under here?" I glanced at Liz who lay on a lounge out in the sun.

    "I am but a fair city girl." Jen sat up and faced me. "I desire not the dark weathered skin of a peasant." She grabbed my shorts and pulled them down.

    "Oh Jen!" I gasped as she tickled my balls and licked my cock. "Maybe I will join you."

    Jen scooted over and I sat down next to her. She guided my hand to her swollen clit. "We saw the YouTube video you made here." She stroked my cock, and tickled my balls.

    "Would you like to be in one?" I kissed her softly on the cheek.

    "No." Jen grinned stupidly and lay back on the lounge.

    "Discretion.." My heart pounded as pulled off my shirt and moved into position between Jen's spread legs. Oh my gawd I was really going to fuck her!!!

    Jen's shaky hand guided me in. I set a hand on her erect nipple. Her heart was pounding as hard as mine. Birth control was the greatest thing ever!!

    "Mm!! Mm!! Mm!!"

    "Uhh!! Uhh!! Uhh!!"

    We were two wild animals, and she was in heat!!

    I barely hung on until she began to orgasm. "Oh-ho-ho!!" My body seemed to melt into Jen's 

    "That was so fucking horny!" Liz destroyed the mood.

    "You can have him next.." Jen sighed.

    It took me a second to figure things out."Okay!" I agreed.

    I joined Liz on a lounge out in the sun. The sex was slower with Liz. We seemingly tried every possible position. We ultimately finished on our side. I allowed myself to slip into a delicious nap snuggled intoxicatingly with Liz.

    When I awoke I was alone on the lounge -- in the sun!. I was going to have a bit of a sunburn.. I dressed quickly and headed inside.

    Liz and Jen were in the kitchen -- still naked -- drinking beer.

    "Isn't it early to be drinking?" I got myself a glass of water.

    "It's almost two o'clock." Veronica said from the dinner table. She was drinking a beer too, but she looked serious and preoccupied.

    "We're gonna have a piss contest!" Liz laughed. "Com'on!" She beckoned me giddily to follow.

    Jen and Liz rushed over to the big couch that faced the coffee table, the fireplace, and the huge LED TV above. Both girls sat down, spread their legs, and leaned back.

    "Okay!" Liz said breathlessly "One.. two.. three!" She released a little fountain that splashed across dirty magazines on the coffee table and arched onto the carpet beyond.

    Jen took a breath "Here goes!" She sent a powerful jet of pee all the way across the room. It actually hit the wall to the side of the fireplace.

    "Wow Jen!" Liz shrieked. "That was so.."

    "So what?"

    "So gross!" Liz sat up in a squat and peed a little on the cushion.

    Jen tried to pee towards Jen but she didn't have anything left.

    Liz and Jen.. drunk -- and still full of energy! 

    "I'm going to go and take a shower." 

    I tossed my shorts and t-shirt on the bed. Maybe a shower would wake me up.

    I adjusted the water and stepped under it. That did feel good!

    "We need a shower too!" Jen squealed.

    Ah man.. I wasn't really ready to have sex again.

    "Mmm.." Jen pressed her naked body against mine and Liz's hands found my cock and balls. Okay.. that did feel good..

    We soaked together in the tub after the shower and I fell asleep again. I woke with Jen asleep on my chest, and Liz gone.  

    "Don't bother dressing." Jen suggested.

    "Okay." I checked myself out in the mirror. "I didn't get a sunburn! I guess my skins dark enough." I noticed that Jen was only a little lighter skinned than me but I didn't say anything.

    I felt a bit of an exhibitionistic thrill as I walked naked up to Veronica, at the grill outside. She wore a long red sundress. Veronica smirked at my cock. "Just grilling some steaks, shrimp, and zucchini's."

    Liz walked up naked sipping a beer. "Veronica!" Liz grinned madly, "I think Rich wants you to suck his cock!"

    I felt myself growing hard. Would Veronica really do it?

    Jen walked over to us. "Do it Veronica!" Jen grinned broadly.

    Veronica eyed Jen and Liz warily, "What are you two up to?" She put the steaks, shrimp, and zucchini's on a big plate. "If Rich wants some love than maybe he should make the first move." 

    It was a little weird because I was totally naked and Veronica was fully dressed. But it also made me feel a little more animalistic and aggressive.  

    I moved towards Veronica perhaps a little overly aggressively, grabbed her womanly body, and pulled her close for a kiss. Her kiss was so warm and intimate that I closed my eyes in pleasure. When I opened them again Veronica was kissing her way down my body 

    "Oh gawd!" I caught my breath at Veronica started kissing and sucking on my balls. "Oh-ho-ho-ho!" 

    "Let's kill him!" Liz laughed. 

    "What?" I managed. " Mmm.." Veronica began giving me a blowjob.

    Liz squatted on one side and Jen squatted on the other. A blowjob from three girls all at once? They were going to kill me!

    I didn't last long. I came inside Veronica's mouth with a ridiculously intense orgasm that felt horny as hell! And yet.. and yet still not as mind blowing as regular sex -- when the woman's body orgasmed along with mine. It left me wanting sex..

    Dinner was delicious, but Veronica seemed -- despite the oral sex -- a little distant and preoccupied. Maybe I should have fucked her? Or was that just a guys idiotic solution for every relationship problem?

    Veronica got up just as soon as she finished eating. "I'd better go and check on my real estate." 

    "Rich.." Liz spoke in a hushed voice, "..Jen and I will take care of the cleanup. Go check on Veronica. She's been a little weird lately."

    "Rich!" Jen stopped me. "When you cum in a girl's mouth," Jen giggled, "..does it feel like you're peeing?!"

    "It's different!" I laughed. "But not totally different.. I guess it is sort of like peeing in her mouth!"


    I had never been upstairs. The stairs were broad and carpeted. I thought I noticed a few subtle stains where Veronica had peed.

    A single long hallway ran the length of the upstairs floor, which appeared to consist solely of bedrooms.

    The only bedroom with a closed door was the one at the end of the hallway. Veronica obviously wanted her privacy. Was I being inconsiderate by invading that privacy? I took a breath and knocked on the door 

    "Rich?! Come on in.." Veronica sighed morosely.

    I pushed the door open. Veronica sat at a desk in front of a computer screen wiping the tears from her eyes. On the screen was a picture of a woman's mutilated body.


    Veronica nodded, "I'm sure he's the one sending me these pictures. He likes to shock women."

    "Have you reported him?"

    Veronica nodded again. "He's using my old email addresses. He has the police convinced that I'm trying to frame him.. He's a really good talker.."

    "Do you think he's killing those women?"

    "I hope not." Veronica's voice shook. "He's using pictures he's getting off of the internet. Rich.." She studied me. "I like having you here… Let's take a shower, make love, and get some sleep."


    The dense forest surrounding the huge house gave it an ominous feel in the dark.

    An extremely tall figure dressed completely in black opened one of the front doors for me. I stepped inside. A mammoth chandelier perhaps ten feet wide, and ten feet tall hung over the entry foyer. A wide staircase branched in both directions upstairs.

    To my right a man in a black suit faced into a walk-in closet. He had his cock out and was peeing into the closet, onto the tile, as he talked to somebody inside.  

    I headed through the double wide open doors to my right. The carpet was a plush light pink pile that made me want to take off my shoes. A woman's clothes were scattered on the floor in front of me. Two men lay on their sides with their grey suit pants pulled down. They were savagely double penetrating the nude skinny blonde between them. It was not Liz!

    "Richard!" A tall blonde with short hair and full hips called me by name. She smiled as she unbuckled the huge belt that held up her white tight shorts. "There's beer and drinks in the living room.". She almost peed her shorts as she squatted. A thick messy shower of pee sprayed from her hairy pussy onto the carpet.

    The huge room in front of us was obviously the 'living room'. Two tall brunettes, who looked like models sat on the edge of a coffee table drinking bottles of beer and talking. Their torn jeans were around their knees and they were clearly peeing on the carpet.

    Behind the brunettes, a group of people dressed in black leather sat on the couches, and chairs, talking. Some of the men had whips hanging coiled at their waist. The women all had black hair, heavy black makeup, and looked very goth to me.

    Jen entered the room carrying a tray covered with drinks. She was dressed in a black and white french maids outfit.

    "Ah, mixed drinks!" One of the men said. The naked woman, scooted off his lap, and he stood up. He unzipped his pants, and pulled out his cock. "Over here!" He urinated on the carpet.

    Jen headed over to him but seemed uncertain of what to do.  

    "Set that there!" He pointed to a small table. Jen set the tray down, and he pointed to his dripping cock. She nodded, got down on her knees, and 'cleaned' his cock with her mouth.

    A second man got up and began urinating. "Mine too!" He called to Jen.  

    Jen waited for him to finish peeing then got down on her knees in front of him. He took one last little squirt in her mouth, then slid the tip in.

    "Please!" A third man unzipped his leather pants and pulled out a medium sized cock. He pointed at his cock.

    Jen looked confused.

    "Hurry!" He pointed urgently at his cock again.

    Jen gave the man a pained pleading look -- then got down on her knee. He impatiently slid his cock into her mouth.

    "Mmmm!" Jen whimpered. Her eyes widened. I could see that she was swallowing.  

    "That's mean!"

    "Rich, can I borrow your car?" Jen asked.


    "They're making her drink..." I watched Jen struggle to swallow as a queue formed behind the man.

    "So?" Liz said nonchalantly, "Jen is not your girlfriend."

    "Are you my girlfriend?"

    "No!" Liz sounded annoyed.

    "Who is my girlfriend?!"

    "I'll be your girlfriend!" Veronica said sweetly.

    I opened my eyes and Veronica smiled at me. "Rich, you woke me. I'm sorry…. Liz and Jen are not serious about you."

    "I know..."

    VRROOM!! A car revved loudly outside.

    "My car!" I jumped up and ran to the window. "Ahhh! Jen and Liz just took my car!"

    Veronica frowned, "Liz doesn't drive a stick."

    "Yeah.. but apparently Jen does."



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