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Pee sound lover

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Everything posted by Pee sound lover

  1. I choose desperation cause as a toilet pee lover, it's great to see em finally relieving themselves on the toilet
  2. I still have yet to say it to anyone, not by choice, I've been single for the majority of my twenties and have not been in a relationship long enough to talk about it, but I'm looking forward to that day sooner than later
  3. I would take desperation cause outside from the obvious needing to pee, I enjoy what girls say when they are desperate , " ohh I need to pee " , " can't hold it anymore " so on and so fourth
  4. I'm 27 now but I would say in my teenage years, I was on a family vacation and I was with my cousins female friend and we were walking around the beach in Mexico. We talked for a while when suddenly she starts figiting saying " i need to pee " we eventually find a bathroom , she proceeds to tell me, " can you stand guard? " I said " sure but I can't go in the girls bathroom, I'll just stand by the door " she says ok, rushes in a stall, I can hear her unzipping her pants, she then relieves herself with a sigh and all I can hear is a huge gush of peeing in the toilet... All I know is at that t
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