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Everything posted by lineyoga

  1. Holding it has different levels while in line. 1: touching hands at side 2: cross your legs 3: sway side to side 4: rythmacilly rub legs 5: bend your knees 6: wiggle with knees bent 7: marching in place 8: jump jump jump jump jump! The two highest levels maybe even four have your hands on your crotch. This desperation is typical if you hold it for hours.
  2. During a few days in seventh grade, my bladder behaved really weird. I would get the urge, then I would only pee a few drops. The cycle was unrelenting where it was use the bathroom, then end up wiggling side to side in the next class, use the bathroom, shake my legs in the next class, use the bathroom, wiggle the next class....I was scared. However, by the end of the week it just went away like that. Maybe my bladder had a clog.
  3. Since my name is lineyoga, I love yoga and lines! This is about a young yoga student's encounters. Julia put on navy blue yoga pants, then a pink sports bra. After that she tied the beatuiful curly brown hair into a bun. Julia only put her hair up once a week, for this yoga class at the gym. She wanted something as a tool to get away from her husband's sculpture art career. When Julia was finished she decided she should use the bathroom but when she got there the door was closed cause Martin was in there. She stood outside for a few minutes figuring out that he was pooping, so she decided
  4. Pretty much it is like pretending someone's in the bathroom or your toilet is s**t. We need a reason why to pee all over.
  5. When you're at home bored during the day, do you simulate wetting after having to pee bad. I do, get myself desperate, and pretend that I'm stuck. I sit in my chair at my desk and pretend to do paperwork, stand outside my closed closet door in a pretend line or sit on the edge of my bed like on a train. I can do it for hours on a day off.
  6. In my opinion, three out of every four sexually enjoy it. I don't care if an actress is thin or has a bigger size on her, as long as her legs move and she looks in pain, that's good enough for me.
  7. Have you ever been stuck in a super long line and were you able to pee? I really haven't but would like to someday! My favorite thing about lines is when someone gets near the front of the line but must return to work or the bus or something like that.
  8. When reading true & fictional stories I have a major conflict of emotions. I'm both aroused and I also feel bad for the characters having to hold it for a long time. I remember times where I was unable to find access to or was denied permission and my bowels or bladder would hurt so much. Being in the main character's shoes is interesting. Do any of you feel the same way I do. My favorite names for women are Brooke, Rachel, Erin, and Emily.
  9. Wear loose jeans with heated undies. Let go along the side. Pull your jeans down with your butt facing the side. Let 'er rip.
  10. After probably 45 minutes of needing to go I start needing bad enough where my body begins to move side to side. About, another hour after that, it is continually pee dancing bad. I want to hold because I think I can hold it for awhile and I eventually want to piss my pants. My arousal to answer your question comes from both the movement and the situation of "having to" hold it for hours. I can't wait to have to wait in a long line for the men's room at the local park for example even though it is not realistic. I would love to be constantly bouncing around fourth or so in the line.
  11. When I would have to go even just a little when I was a kid, I would start to bounce up and down while my legs would bang together. A situation like a car ride for 4 hours w/o a rest stop was the root for my fetish. My legs not being able to be still probably felt "good" and I wanted to experience what it would be like again. The first time I peed my pants was in second grade at recess. I tried to wriggle to stop the flow but I couldn't. When you do things like bobb, wriggle, and squirm, why does it give us an arousal?
  12. My username does indicate that I love lines and the desperate people that are in them. 1. About 25 guys in front of me at my State Fair. 2. The longest line I ever saw was the female line at a concert, boy was it long around 40 I guess. Being in line is so much fun because I get arousal from hopping, bouncing, wiggling, swaying which your body wants to do when needing to empty your bladder.
  13. My absoutle dream is that I am stuck in line to use the bathroom. Many many many folks are ahead of me, I'm glancing towards the door bobbing up and down and up and down aaaahhhhh! My bladder is so full that every flush of the toilet, every run of the faucet, and every squirming member of the line makes me spurt. Man I feel like my kidneys are gonna explode just like your siblings tell ya when you're a kid. I finish the fantasy with getting to only 3 or 4 people ahead of me and I either wet myself or I end up having to go back to my office, to my next class, go home, or my bass (large musical
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