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Posts posted by Schmitty20

  1. I was very young and the neighbor girl and I were the same age and we would play together. She would never want to take time out to go to the bathroom when we were playing. I think the very first time we were in her yard and she started to hold herself and dance around and at the time her mother was outside cleaning up and she said Janie must you go potty and she said no I am ok. About 15 minutes later we went inside and we were playing a game while sitting on the floor and Janie kept holding herself and then she started peeing in her pants right on the hardwood floors. She just continued playing until her mother came in and saw the floor was wet and she said oh Janie go the the bathroom and her mother was really mad. I remember she did things like that several times after that and her mother would get so mad. She then took her upstairs and changed her pants and came down and cleaned the floor. 

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  2. Just now, Schmitty20 said:


    Mary, I was in middle school when this happened to one of my classmates. We were in class all reading quietly and we only had about 10 minutes left until class was over and all of a sudden we heard splashing on the floor and the girl sitting in front of me totally peed in her pants. Other classmates started laughing and talking and saying did she just piss her pants. I didn’t say or do anything as she was a good friend of mine and we walked home from school together as she lived in my neighborhood. I can only imagine what she was feeling like and I really felt bad for her and she was a really nice person and a good friend. The teacher walked over and said Ann why didn’t you say you needed to go to the bathroom but Ann just put her head down. The teacher told the class to be quiet and continue reading and she called the janitor to come clean up and took Ann to the nurses office. I found out later that they called Ann’s mom and she had to bring her a change of pants to school to have her change. She eventually calmed back to class although it was a different class but she finished out the day. After school we did walk home together like we normally did and she said I am surprised you still want to be seen with me and I just said hey we’re friends I am not going to think anything other and besides I feel really bad for you because I can only imagine the embarrassment you are feeling. She just said I feel so stupid I had to go to the bathroom and I thought I could wait another 10 minutes until the end of that class but all of a sudden I couldn’t and it was too late. I just said oh well it was an accident and I won’t tease you or bring it up anymore. She just said well you might not but I am sure the others will and I just said well ignore them then. I really felt bad for her.

  3. On 3/26/2024 at 8:55 AM, Mary Moon said:

    You should know that during my adolescence in middle school, several accidents happened to me due to my incontinence problems. Some quite embarrassing and humiliating. Now i have fewer of them because i know how to manage myself better and sometimes i use diapers. I'll tell you some of them:

    Once at midle school, i peed on myself in the gym during gym class because the teacher wouldn't give permission to go to the bathroom during class. Some of my classmates laughed at me and it was very humiliating. But most of it helped me. Towards the end of the lesson, i was playing volleyball, i had a great desire to pee and i couldn't wait for the time to run to the bathroom to be over, unfortunately one of my classmates, while trying to catch the ball, bumped inside me causing me to fall, and i completely lost control of my bladder, soaking my leggings. I burst into tears from the humiliation with my classmates who were there watching me, i remember that some males were laughing, while some of my classmates and the professor accompanied me to the locker rooms. The professor was very sorry, and he told me that I should have told him that he had an emergency.

    Another time, it happened that i was doing a literature test, and during the test I wasn't allowed to go out to go to the bathroom, i had been holding the pee for more than 2 hours which for me is a long time. I finally finished the test and left the classroom to rush to the bathroom. But when there were a few meters to go my dam gave way, at that point i had to tell the janitor to call my teacher and i was really mortified when she saw me with my trousers completely wet, she consoled me and called my mother to have me take her a change of clothes, she was very kind because she kept the accident a secret from my classmates, saying that I had simply felt dizzy.

    Once, we were on the bus for a school trip, and during the trip i had the urge to pee, but we were still far from the next stop, and the bus couldn't stop on the motorway. I was forced to ask one of my teachers for help because i was about to pee on myself and in the end she gave me a plastic container like that for holding lunch and took me to the back of the bus to allow me to free my bladder. I remember that i was very ashamed because there were other kids looking in my direction even though they couldn't see anything because i was covered by the seats and the teacher, it was very humiliating, even if necessary because otherwise i would definitely have had an accident.

    These were the most humiliating incidents in school, they didn't help my self-esteem or social life much. They probably contributed to the fact that even now i am very introverted and insecure


  4. Has anyone ever been with someone that had an accident and tried to hide it but you noticed it? 
    what did you do or did you say anything to them? 
    Did they eventually admit it and tell you to not say anything? 

  5. I can remember back in like fourth grade I went to a catholic school and we were sitting in class doing our assignments and all of a sudden I heard this splashing on the floor and this girl Ann who was sitting in front of me totally pissed her pants. The teacher came over to her and asked why she didn’t ask to go to the bathroom and she didn’t say anything she just started crying. The teacher sent her to the nurses office and they called her mother and her mother brought pants to change her and about 2 hours later she was back in class. I think all of us really felt bad because we never said anything to her about it but I thought it was kind of interesting.

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  6. This was about 12 years ago I was living with my girlfriend at the time and she had a 20 year old daughter who lived there yet. There was only one bathroom in the house and there wasn’t even a lock on the door. My girlfriend would often come in and use the toilet while I was showering and a couple times while I was shaving. Then her daughter started coming in while I was in the shower. She would knock on the door and say I really need to use the bathroom and I would say ok but I would always stay in the shower until she was finished. The one time she came in hurrying and didn’t knock but just said I need to pee and as soon as she got in she was peeing and of course I waited until she was finished to come out but this time she let her pants and panties on the floor next to the laundry basket. I was about to go tell her to not just leave her pants on the floor when I picked them up to throw them in the laundry basket they were really wet so she must have not made it to the bathroom in time and pissed her pants quite badly and she left them next to the laundry basket to dry. 

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  7. Hi Sophie have you ever been busy working around the house and had to pee but wanted to finish what you were doing and were really squirming trying to hold it and ended up not making it to the bathroom and accidentally peed your pants? 

    were you ever busy working around the house and had to pee and didn’t want to take the time to go to the bathroom and just went in your pants on purpose.

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  8. Hi Sophie, I really love all your content you post. I have a couple more questions.

    1 have you had anymore total accidents lately?

    2 have you ever peed your pants and had a guy change your pants for you?

    3 have you ever let someone wipe you while on the toilet after you peed?

    • Thanks 1
  9. Oh ok yes there is a story! We were out at a party and we were all dressed up and when we left my girlfriend said halfway home I should have went to the bathroom before we left I really need to go. We were on the highway and I asked if I should pull off the exit and find a place and she said no I should be able to wait until we get home. When we got home she rushed into the bathroom and I went into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom and said she didn’t quite make it in time I peed my panties and I laughed and said let me take a picture of this and she said ok just don’t show my face. She was a little embarrassed but it was only me there and she didn’t really care.

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