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Everything posted by Jan148

  1. Hi all! So, at the moment I still live with my parents. However that will change very soon, as I'm moving out to go and live by myself soon. I really look forward to this, one of the reasons being that I'll obviously be able to finally explore my pee fetish a lot more. There is however something I've been wondering about. I really like wetting myself, and I think it would be awesome, for example, to sit behind my desk all evening, just peeing in my pants whenever necessary, so I don't have to bother going to the toilet. Or to watch a movie without having to miss something because I can
  2. I've once been to a nude beach. Well, not an official nude beach, but many people were nude, it was allowed there. Some people had clothes on, but most people were naked. As for the ratio of men to women: I think it was roughly 50/50. Most people were a bit older though, but I've definitely seen some girls and boys in their 20's too (same as my age). As for peeing, this was not a sand beach nor was it a very big beach. So I guess people just went into the sea to take a piss, as there were no toilettes nearby and peeing on stones is not very subtle. The sea really was the only option, unless
  3. Sounds very usefull, do you have a link? Or a name? :)
  4. I've done it once. I was on a bike, soaked by heavy rain... so yeah, nobody would notice it anyway :p. Only a little bit though, I unfortunately didn't really have to piss.
  5. All of them, expect for the first one (desperation).
  6. No I haven't, but I'd sure like that :D
  7. I like the simplicity as well. And the pictures changing is just perfect, just one image would get a bit boring :wink: Something you might consider changing though: when you click 'new posts', the text under each topic title is a bit small. Makes it hard for me to see in which forum section they have been posted. Maybe you should make the text a bit bigger, or play around with the color? Try giving it the same red color as the titles maybe? :)
  8. I never payed for it, and I don't think I ever will... there's enough to be found for free, if you know where to look :)
  9. It was actually quite busy. I was sitting on the very last row on the top of the cinema room, and there were actually some people sitting in the same row, a few seats away from me. But it was very dark so nobody could possibly see what I was doing :). And it was a 3d movie, so everyone was wearing these 3d glasses, making it even harder for them to notice what I was doing!
  10. Weirdest place I've pissed must be the cinema, in a bottle of water... very hot!
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