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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Hello😂 I guess I could do another hold if people are interested 🤷‍♀️
  2. So as many of you know emojis now have all different skin and hair colors but there's one issue. There's no redhead emoji 🤷 this is kind of a half joke post but I kind of wish redhead emojis were thing. What do you think?
  3. I peed and measured xD i got 165mL xD
  4. Im dying to pee right now , I feel like im about to erupt i have to pee so bad. Im going to measure soon
  5. One time out of curiosity i put tape over my slit to see if it would hold pee. Unsurprisingly it didnt work very well xD
  6. well someone thinks like me lol xD
  7. i mean it wouldnt be that hard to do yourself. For fun a few times Ive taped a ziploc bag around my slit and peed into it but this all you would need to do is tape or glu the end to a bag and your done
  8. Though I guess you could connect that to a bag?
  9. no im talking like with a storage system so you could pee in the car and store it in a bag to discard later or something
  10. I . wonder if anyones thought of a way to discreetly pee in the car so you dont have to pull over besides in a cup or something xD
  11. yeah. I have to pee right now but I kind of want to wait and measure how much I pee
  12. I have to admit it does seem like some of my female friends never could pee themselves. Like one of my friends held it for many many hours and desperately needed to go but held it in. For me I would never have been able to hold it but she did. Do some people just have really strong muscles or something xD
  13. Guys do have longer urethras and stronger sphincter muscles so that could be why?
  14. I have a lot of desperate car stories xD
  15. Sometimes Ill drive on my own and meet people so I can stop as many times as I need. Traffic is like my worst nightmare though xD
  16. i try to but on road trips its really awkward to tell them you have to pee like less than an hour in xD When im with my friends they know my needs and we plan for it but with people I dont know very well Im naturally a shy person and telling someone i have to pee super early in is super awkward
  17. Im sorry if I'm being invasive by asking, but do you ever involuntarily lose control. Like is there a point where it just comes out or do you never reach that point?
  18. and by the end im like shaking with pee covered hands desperatly trying to hold it in until it involuntarily flows out
  19. if i completely dont drink for several hours and then start a hold the max i think ive gotten is 3
  20. you can hold for 3-5 hours? thats really impressive, i wish I could hold like that!
  21. Also if I drink any amount of fluids ill have to pee within the hour and then consistently pee afterward. Like after I do holds here i usually am peeing every like 20 minutes xD
  22. usually ill plan ahead and not drink any fluids for a few hours hours before leaving so i can last a few hours before needing to stop, but sometimes it wont work out and like 40 minutes in ill need to go badly xD
  23. I have to go all the time, even if I don't drink a lot. My friends a lot of times make jokes about the fact that i pee a lot xD Road trips can get a little complicated for me xD
  24. one liter is like 6.5 times my bladder size xD
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