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Everything posted by AmberRainArt

  1. Hello to you! And welcome. Can't really add to what's been said, but I hope you enjoy you time here!
  2. A warm welcome to all! This will be my thread on Magick! I hope you find this useful and informative. I'll be covering Magickal Theory and Practical Application (for the time being). Let's begin...
  3. Thank you WantonLee. I can understand if isn't for you, but I'm glad though that you liked the writing anyway. Thank you.
  4. Awesome picture Carthoris! Yeah, I figured that I would use the toilet like a lover in the story. I sick idea to some I know, but I tried clarifying things in the prologue. With a fetish like this the toilet kinda has to be a character and have a life all its own. Or at least I think so anyway.
  5. You know I honestly cant say. It was just something I went searching for one day. I expected to find something, this is the internet after all, but believe or not there wasn't anything there. I looked for years off and on, before I came across something. Then, when I finally found it there was hardly anything there, a few pictures and stories and several very devoted people in the community. So I elected to start making my own content, it's what got me started rendering. I've made several series, I haven't posted them yet, their pretty long. But, honestly it was something that I thought was co
  6. Thank you! I get that response a lot from this story, actually. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it!
  7. Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it. I've noticed that even if that story isn't to most peoples tastes, they still enjoy it. Ah-ha! I wondered what the deal was with scat. Thanks, for clearing that up for me. I don't usually do scat though. Speaking of which I should make an addition to first post up there. Thanks again!
  8. Ah, yes... See that was what I was worried about. There is a thing in medical science were if you're born with different chromosomes your usually considered male, regardless. It's terrible in my opinion. Even if they mutilate you at birth. But I wasn't assigned female at birth, so they assume my chromosomes are XY. Honestly, in my experience though, that doesn't mean a whole lot.
  9. You it's funny, I thought that was Dark Souls when I first saw it. *laughs* Could you imagine a peeing mechanic in that games? You're about to get stomped into the ground by a giant demon and then suddenly you have to pee. Ah! I better not give them any ideas. But yeah, that's pretty cool. And a mechanic like that makes sense in a Fallout or Elder Scrolls Game, shame they can't put something that in the vanilla game though. Thanks for showing us will64!
  10. You needn't worry. You've been very respectful, thank you. As for my chromosomes I honestly can't say. They've never been checked. (No surprise there, I don't even know own blood type.) The problem is my chromosomes could be ZZ for all I know, but if causes me no issue, then medical science doesn't care if I grow horns. (I do know my DNA is messed up though.) When I went through the change of life not a whole lot happened... I got taller but that was about it. So, sadly I can't say. *thinks a minute* I didn't misunderstand your question did I?
  11. Thank you for the welcome! I'm glad that you like my work, and I'm going to try to keep at it. And thank you for your suggestions as well, I'll try to keep them in mind!
  12. This is the first Flush Fetish story that I ever wrote in full. I hope that you enjoy it. Toiletica by AmberRainArt Chapter One The day had been a long and hot one, with an occasional gentle wind that had blown through the ash trees and across the open fields of grass that lay beyond them. The sun had shared the sky with little more than a few wispy clouds. Now, though, the sun hung low in the sky and exhaled a deeply golden red light over the landscape. Even the cicadas that had no doubt delighted in the sultry atmosphere since sunrise, having spent the
  13. I'm starting this to explain what Flush Fetish is and also try to promote it some. I imagine that there some fans of it here some place, maybe? To start with Flush Fetish is an erotic desire to flush or be flushed down a drain. It can be a toilet (which is fairly common and my personal favorite), a sink, shower or tub. In sort, if it has a drain it can be flushed. Other fetishes, like peeing and scat, can be included, although, somewhat counter intuitively, they are generally frowned upon by the community at large. There are three main aspects to a Flush Fetish scenario. The first th
  14. Et tu, Brute? (I'm sure that no one has ever made that reference before! *laughs* But I felt that given the quality of your writing, that I've only begun to explore, that I would have been remiss to not make the reference to Shakespeare.) Thank you so much! I look forward to exploring the Fictional Story in greater detail in the future. I want to be able to writing about urination in far greater detail then I do now. I don't simply want write: "And then they went pee". Instead, I want to write something more like: "Then, not wishing to hold it back any longer they relaxed, at last allowin
  15. I hadn't thought of it as a game. *ponders* But if you're enjoying yourself, so be it. Ask as you wish.You intrigue me.
  16. Goodnight! And thank you very much for your welcome. I'm glad that you said something. And you've given me a lot to absorb, and a lot to explore, thank you. To answer your question, "Flush" was a sub-category of vore, but we're taking and trying to do something else with it, and make it a fetish all its own. But it has do with being flushed down a toilet. (It had nothing to do with your English, don't worry. English isn't my first language either and I'm always messing it up.) Again, thank you. I look forward to reading through your art thread.
  17. Blessings be, and a kiss also unto thee. Wow, this quite a welcome. Thank you! In regard to your question about me, I'm neither. To go further, I've never been in a relationship with a straight girl, or a gay man.
  18. Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm a writer and I also make 3d renders... There is an example. I do more then urine though. I also make Vore, and Flush, content. I'm trying to expand the topics that I write and render, as well as trying to integrate them as well. If you're interested in my work or have any ideas let me know!
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