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Everything posted by GGlobeListens

  1. I don't know if you would like to call this a sighting, but it was so cool. I made some friends from around the world a couple of months ago (opposite gender mind you), but one of the women was kind of getting comfortable in a hotel room (we all were invited up because another one of the girls just kind of wanted to show off just how much she liked her room- it was nice and comfortable for me as well) and this girl getting comfortable takes off her shoes and starts stretching. Next thing I know she walks to the bathroom and leaves the door open (earlier that day she said she has no shame in bo
  2. I clean the ladies room all of the time at a train station. Think about it, when people are at a train station, chances are, they just gotta go to relieve themselves. Well, part of my job is to clean the restrooms whenever people are not in there. As for how I've been checking if anyone's in the restrooms, well if the door is closed, I sometimes knock. Sometimes instead, when the door is open, I just barge on in with my supplies and take a peek within the stalls. Always though, I make sure to listen, and today when a middle aged blonde woman decided to walk into the restroom after seeing me on
  3. Ever gone hiking? I was doing my routine walk last year and there's a little shortcut I like to take to get to my trail (still on foot), and on a usual basis I don't see anyone there, but when I decided to walk back from one of the hills that I usually begin on, I see a woman with her bags set down in that dimly lit spot just standing there, leaning against the tree, pants pulled down as well as her panties. I knew exactly what she was doing, but as I came closer to that spot, I just let her do what she was doing and I quickly walked around that tree in the opposite direction. A pleasant site
  4. Hello, now. My interest in pee has been off and on for my entire life. However, I can thoroughly remember the first grade (turning 26 this year): The stuff we learned to well, wetting myself. I think it was the only year I did it, but I think during that entire year, I peed myself about 3 or 4 times as no more than an accident. I'd say though that in those days, there was this girl I kind of liked. I thought she was strange, but also considered myself strange too. She did lots of things that I just thought nobody except for perhaps me and my brother would do - like weird gestures - I was a lit
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