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Posts posted by Hidengo

  1. 19 hours ago, Carpetpisser said:

    I've never been to New York City- is it really that open so you can pee pretty much anywhere?

    Oh, it’s a fine if you’re caught, but enough people have a “Not my circus, not my monkey” mentality toward… most things.

    I work at a hospital close to one of the most used train stations in the Bronx, and I’ve seen dudes in broad daylight decide that they were gonna pee on the sidewalk, next to some structure that offers no cover. And people literally just. Ignore it. 

    “Oh, that guy’s pissing in the street. Keep walking before he starts begging us for money.”

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  2. A few days ago I woke up a bit early for work and it was raining. Purposely held in my morning pee and left early to catch the bus— it’s at max a 4-minute walk to the stop and I had 10 for the bus to arrive— so I could pee behind a car or something while I waited. Lo and behold, big 18-wheeler parked close to the stop. Stopped to rest my foot on the back tire to tie my shoe (which I actually needed to do) then walked to the middle wheels to hide behind and pee all over them. It was a hard stream and a good 35 or so seconds. 

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  3. It’s more generally accepted in rural areas, sure. But there are more people full-stop in Urban areas, so even if there’s less likelihood overall, there’s still more people doing it. That’s why certain things are worth comparing per-capita instead of numbers. 
    If 50% of people in a population of 10,000 people pee in public, that’s 5,000 people. 
    If .5% of people in a population of 1,000,000, pee in public… that’s still 5,000 people. 

    That being said, NYC has more people, and not a lot of available public bathrooms means a lot of those people are choosing the street or an alley in an emergency.

    I’ve personally seen at least three different guys choose to pee on a light pole in broad daylight in the same week. 

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  4. On the subject of flies: who designs the flies in underwear? Because since my body started changing and certain parts started to grow to adult proportion, I’ve found that no underwear has a properly accessible fly. I stopped wearing boxers entirely because the hole tends to just… be open so that my junk can venture out out into the wilds of my pants whenever it pleases, which seems to be “whatever time would be the least opportune.”

    but I can’t even make use of the fly in briefs or boxer briefs because the elastic is constricting on the sides. 
    I’m basically forced to flop out over the waistband if I want to get any urinating done. 

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  5. My folks are from one of the more rural areas in Jamaica, where indoor plumbing wasn’t a thing many people had access to. It was pit toilets and bushes and bathing outside with a washtub for them as kids, so they kind of grew up with public urination as a necessity. I, on the other hand, grew up in the US despite being born in Jamaica (the second story happened in the US by the way), and honestly I think I already started connecting peeing with a “weird feeling” really young, so I didn’t feel comfortable doing it around other people.

    I did pee with one of my cousins one time down in Jamaica. I was maybe 6 or 7 and my uncle was driving between St. Elizabeth and Portmore (3+ hours per-highway). I was holding it for a while, until I couldn’t anymore and they pulled over on the side of the road. There was a short wall at the side of the road, kind of like the metal guards on the shoulder you have in America, except… a brick wall, and I busied myself with wetting that instead of my pants. My female cousin who was about 4 came over next to me and squatted. It was too dark to see much, though, but I’m sure I would have been bothered if I hadn’t been so desperate.

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  6. I remember when I was in the single digits one of my parents would bring me to the bathroom a few times, or standing near me when they led me to pee outside (usually in the rural areas of Jamaica). Once at my great grandmother’s house the plumbing wasn’t working, and I’d been holding for hours, too shy to say anything, until my mother realized what was going on and basically carried me to the backyard and told me to pee on a fence post. I was desperate past shyness at this point, and I swear I peed several yards through the fence into the neighbor’s property (it was a wire fence).

    Later, but when I was still in the single digits, my folks and I had gone… somewhere to buy… something with my female cousin and her mother tagging along. I was bursting to go again, and when I asked the store owner if they had a bathroom and told no, my mother heard and took me out into the back parking lot and told me to pee on the wall. I was afraid my cousin would see (I think it was a strip mall type of deal, and we all split off to different stores or something?).

    But again, desperation won out over shyness and I started to go. Not five seconds later my cousin showed up, asking what I was doing, and relief quickly turned into embarrassment as she watched the whole time. 

  7. Frankly, between the decades/centuries of women being sexually repressed, the higher chances of women being taken advantage of sexually (especially by men), how a woman is likely be treated if she was taken advantage of sexually, and the general backlash to women being open about their sexual preferences (See the reaction to WAP, for example), I would posit that there are proportionally similar numbers in both men and women, abut women are simply less likely to accept this part of themselves, AND less likely to seek out like-minded individuals, than men.

    Basically, there probably IS a more equal spread of men and women who like this kind of thing; we just don’t SEE it.

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  8. I’ve encountered men in public restrooms on the phone while using the urinal, and on numerous occasions seen someone enter a bathroom while on the phone. I always wonder what it’s like on the other end of that call. Personally, I’d probably be mildly offended if I found out, in most cases, as I didn’t consent to being taken into the bathroom with them. Though, I suppose if they informed me what was happening, I’d probably give an “if you’re quiet, or at least alright with me hearing what you’re doing.”

  9. This happened Wednesday morning. I’d had some really strong tea the night before, and while the caffeine didn’t keep me awake, it must have done something to my bladder because I woke up about 30 minutes before my alarm with a painful urge. Unfortunately, the sole bathroom was occupied, and I sat there for 5 minutes hoping they’d get out, but then the shower turned on. It was raining pretty hard, and that sound didn’t help anything.  

    I normally wake up at quarter to 6 to get ready to catch the bus that comes around 6 to get to work, but after checking the bus times and seeing one would come in 15 minutes (roughly 5:50ish) minutes, I made up my mind to get ready, head to the bust stop, and find a big enough car to hide behind and pee before the bus came, since I figured I would be alone this early in the morning, and the rain would hide any puddle I made.

    I was wrong about being alone. On my way to the bus stop, there was a lady walking about 20 feet ahead of me, who stayed and waited at the bus stop.

    So I headed to the next stop, which was about a block away, but before I crossed the street, I turned the corner. Found a nice spot where there was a big tree and a van, blocked myself on one side with my umbrella, and whipped it out with seconds to spare. I wasn’t even in any mind to count; I just knew it took long enough that I was concerned about cars coming down the road at random. I was careful to aim for the already wet ground, but let a bit splash on the car I was hiding behind, knowing the rain would wash it off anyway. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Wetling said:

    I think there's a difference between real transexuals and those who confuse it with autogynophilia. In any way, "TERF" is a dismissive political buzzword meant to delegitimize differing opinions and an attack on people who are fighting for women's rights. Please don't spread hate. Twitter has become extremely toxic in the past few years and all people do there is trying to hurt others in the most effective way.

    The term “terf” stands for “Trans-exclusive radical feminist,” and it existed before you’ve been seeing it on Twitter. Until recently, the term itself was used by the very people who believed in their ideology. Their alleged fight for women’s rights have an odd tendency to center around the idea that the rights of “real” women are threatened by… *checks notes* transgender women existing and minding their own business. As that is not an opinion I want to legitimize, that means the word is doing its job.


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