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Posts posted by -Z.

  1. I think it’s an easier subject to bring up to a guy vs. a girl since for most men, it’s easy to “whip it out” and let go so we tend to be more disarmed about the notion of pee outside the bathroom, and probably also the idea of it being sexualized. Guy to girl imo is much harder. But that being said, I definitely subscribe to the notion that caution is key, and subtle test questions or hints go a long way, and do you much better than full on bluntness. 

  2. As a little kid I remember having this cassette player/holder that was a Sesame Street themed school bus. I always had this nagging urge to pee on the top area where the cassettes could be stored, and eventually did one day when my dad was at work and my mom was in the living room. It eventually dried, no one the wiser, I’m sure I only did a small amount, but I was super guilty and eventually some time later told my mom, who I think was very confused. 

    from there, despite growing up in the court the apartment complex we were in had Concrete stairs that were hollow underneath and there were bushes surrounding them. My friends and I used to go back under the stairs and pee whenever we had to go, and have Pee contests. After I moved to a new neighborhood pretty decently far away I found other kids like doing that too, just inside these big pine type trees instead that were all around the neighborhood (it was a townhouse community). I tried to convince some girls we hung out with but they never would do it. One almost did but then backed out. 

    I think that curiosity always stuck with me and now here I am, an adult who loves piss. 😅

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  3. It depends if it’s shared or not. If I am by myself, then it’s usually masturbation, however I have elongated my playing by doing something similar. I love peeing into a glass and then dipping my hard on into the glass and letting it sit in there. The warmth and smell and all of the tactile emotions put me into sensory overload. Then I’ll pull it out and touch myself.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Riley said:






    Thank you guys so much! I honestly didn't expect people to be interested in this story but I thought I would write it anyway 😂

    Would it be of interest to do something like this again? I don't know how I could make it more exciting but if anyone has ideas or just wants me to do this again I guess I could😂😂

    Absolutely, yes please!

  5. 3 hours ago, JesseP said:

    Buy incontinence bed protectors and overlap them, they will absorb the piss and just change them as they get full. Put the full ones into bin liners.

    I was hoping for a bit more elegant solution if possible, but I may just do this. It’ll definitely be a good fall back option should nothing else materialize. 

  6. On 7/21/2019 at 7:21 PM, Alfresco said:

    You can always tell the reception staff that one of you has a bit of an incontinence issue and they will usually fit a protective cover on the mattress.   If you don’t want to do that then you could take your own protective sheet or a shower curtain and put that in place yourself.    If you use towels on top of a protective cover then the towels will take the brunt of it and the protection will stop anything getting through to the mattress. 

    Thank you! Do you have any protective cover recommendations? 

  7. Hey everyone!

    So, for the last few months I have been getting to know a fellow water sports lover very well. She’s amazing, we like the same kind of playing and even outside of sex we have similar taste in things. Unfortunately however, she lives very far away and has roommates and a dog. Getting someone to watch her dog is difficult, as is enjoying the kind of water sports that turn us on with two other people in the house, so we decided instead of her coming here to where I live (and where I can pile blankets or something in my room and not worry about what I’m about to ask) or me going to where she lives, I’d grab a hotel near by and we’d spend most of our time there playing.

     This is great and I’m excited, but I want to take steps to protect myself from possibly ruining (and having to pay for) a hotel bed. Carpets in less worried about. I’m going to get spot cleaner for where we piss on the floor and I already know how to handle it at my house, so I doubt it’ll be a big deal. The place I’m going to stay has a quite a few floored areas too which makes it even better and easier. My biggest concern is the bed. What do you all use/recommend to keep it from getting destroyed, because we both like casual pissing a lot and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to do it. 😇

    i think no matter what the sheets are going to get soaked, but we can ball them up and set them aside for the cleaning staff. I’m going to leave a nice tip too. 

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