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Posts posted by PissFanOmega

  1. Kind of defeats the purpose of a chat room when members don't actually... I don't know... chat😕

    Despite that, I've wandered in to see what's up with it.

    EDIT: Which turns out isn't a lot. Not much actual conversation going on, most people that are logged in don't say anything.

    Also, the reason you see everyone saying "hi" is because the chat rules state that if you don't, you'll be kicked as a lurker or something. Ironic, since most of the active users on there right now seem to be exactly that. At first, I thought it would be a good place to chat about pee-related things, but it just isn't active enough to warrant staying longer than a day.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/22/2019 at 9:38 AM, Riley said:

    Do any of you have a "type" in terms of like dating? Like certain hair style, length, or colors that you like. Or a certain body frame, or something completely different🤷 


    Actually yes. But sadly, even when I'm not picky about what I want, or whom I want to be with, my options are severely limited, so I don't really see much point in talking specifics about it.

    I do like a certain hair color above the rest.

    I do like a certain boob size scale.

    I like preferably shaven or trimmed.

    I do like a certain body type, and I can't help but be attracted to only a certain point.

    So yes, I do have a type, and it does go beyond just the few points I've mentioned, but as stated, I'm not going to find her, so it's pretty irrelevant.

  3. 2 hours ago, Dante_Heart said:

    I'm also annoyed when the video is titled as peeing, but it's 95% other stuff, like desperation or dildoing. So I usually skip past it and the pay off is like 30 seconds at most. 

    Yeah, those vids are annoying. 30 seconds of action isn't even enough to get hard in most situations.

    • Like 1
  4. On 7/7/2019 at 10:37 PM, Blackinksoul30 said:

    And still no one is trying to argue against the opinion i have that a majority of members on here would be against me or someone else posting any gay watersports videos or any gay photos/videos. That lesbian stuff goes over fine here, but chances are gay stuff wouldn't. No one's said, "Gay stuff would be fine. You can post gay photos/videos." i think no one has said anything about my opinion because it is true. That there would be drama if people started posting gay videos or photos. No one really wants to touch on the topic because it would cause drama. 

    Please take time to read my full response, I know it's a little long, but bear with me.

    I couldn't care less about gay content, because it's not something that interests me. I'm sure that may be the case for a great many people on site, but I don't think any of us would care if you posted it. There is a male pissing section on site, is there not? (If memory serves, there is) It could easily go in there, for M/M. Sections for other types that apply to the LGBT community could easily be added, I'm sure. I don't personally visit pages on the site where the content doesn't appeal to me, as we all do.

    You just seem to have this preconception that because people on the site aren't addressing your opinion, that somehow it must be true. That's false equivalence in its purest form. Maybe people just don't want to argue about it needlessly. Maybe nobody is commenting about it because we know it's not true, and there's no point in getting into a heated debate. Maybe other people are waiting on members like me, who aren't afraid to step in and say "I don't think so", at risk of offending you somehow. I'm not saying you would be offended, but given the ease at which people get offended these days, it's very possible that's at the forefront of people's minds.

    There could be so many more reasons why people aren't addressing this facet of the conversation, and I'll be point-blank with you; assuming you're right on the sole basis that no-one had commented on just one aspect of what you're talking about, is quite simply self-defeating. You're expecting a problem, so you think there is one. Maybe there isn't. Maybe you're allowing your past experiences cloud your judgment about what's going on here on this site. I've had the same problem before, it's hard not to see adversity when you're used to dealing with it wherever you go, but sometimes, that adversity we think we see, is only an illusion created out of our own preconceptions and knee-jerk reactions. My advice is to take a breath, step back for a few, calm down, and then come back to the topic with a clear head.

    Also, I haven't seen the other thread you were referring to, but you mentioned thinking a Ladies-Only section would help get women on the forum to participate: I wholly agree, because I've seen it work on other sites. People are free to disagree with our opinion about that, and it isn't necessarily 'bashing' when they do. And here's the best part: People don't have to agree with our view on the matter, because it is ultimately the staff's decision whether or not to add such an area. As you pointed out, the majority of users are men; that's a fact on 99% of all forums where a facet of sexuality is the main topic, but that also means men won't be seeing and dealing with that women's area either, so even if someone were complaining about it, it wouldn't effect them in the grand scheme of things anyway.

    Edit: I did find that topic, and it just seems to me that some people missed the point you were trying to make, entirely. I personally get it; you want women that wouldn't normally feel comfortable posting about their experiences on a more public area of the forum that's full of guys, to be able to have a place to call their own, and gain that confidence to share their stories, with the hope they would share it in other sections as well (best-case scenario). Again, I've seen this work on other sites, and I absolutely agree, the attempt should at least be made. Getting members to participate in it will be a slow process, but it can absolutely work. Some ladies may not post outside of that section, that's fine too; but they'll feel welcome, and feel like they have a place here nonetheless.

    In any case, that's my stance on the matter. I hope you decide to return at some point. It would be a shame to lose a contributing member (or any member) over such an event as this. I'm not always on, but if you do return, and you want to talk, or need to for any reason, feel free to PM me.

    • Agree 1
  5. On 5/11/2019 at 8:25 AM, Gotah said:

    Has some of you ever confessed somebody that you are into this tipe of thing? If yes how did you do it and how was the person's reaction afterwards?

    I'm asking mostly out of curiosity 😉

    I also would kinda like to tell my best friend (a girl btw) that I like peeing but I don't think I'll ever have the balls to do it even if I'm pretty sure that she won't be repulsed by that ... Anyway, would like to hear from you guys about how your "coming out" went.

    Yes, I've come forward on two occasions.

    The first led to ridicule, and even bullying.

    The second person I told was understanding, and even said she would indulge my interest, although we never got the chance to do so, sadly.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Peelease said:

    I'm really not into the whole desperation thing. I want her to want to piss her pants, it's just so much hotter

    What I love is women who are desperate, but definitely want to piss their pants. I've never seen desperation; being a severe need to piss and little more, as equal with not wanting to wet one's pants.

    I mean, being desperate in itself is an amazing feeling, and finally losing control can be liberating, and erotic.

  7. On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, steve25805 said:

    annoying music.

    Damn, I forgot about music when I posted, but that's a definite issue for me as well. If it's barely audible and not fast paced, I'm okay with it.

    Thankfully, I don't find vids with music very often; I try to watch amateur chicks who are doing it for the thrill, rather than as a product.

    • Like 1
  8. As stated at least once by others, one of my biggest complaints is piss-poor camera work.

    • Constant use of zoom (I swear, certain cameras should be required to film porn, and they should all have no zoom feature. That's my biggest complaint of porn everywhere)
    • Movement that pulls away from the action - Seriously, it's like the camera operator either doesn't have a fucking clue what they're doing, or is having a stroke while trying to film, both meanings fully implied.
    • Obscured action, either because of zoom issues, or focusing issues, both of which are the camera operator's job.
    • Not getting a close enough shot. Believe it or not, I've seen this a few times. Camera operators: If you're going to film piss porn, be prepared for the possibility of being splashed on. Do not be afraid to get up close with the lady to show everything. Not insanely close, but close enough to see all of the action.

    I also hate when the cameraman talks/makes noises, but it depends on the situation, and whether or not it detracts from the whole thing. I haven't seen many where that was the case.

    Aside from that, my only consideration tends to be quality of the video: I'm not searching for piss porn to watch blurred/pixelated videos, whether or not they come from Japan (some get a pass).

    • Agree 1
  9. On 5/21/2019 at 7:05 PM, Jayne78 said:

    A question for members

    As you are probably aware I'm a natural girl downstairs however do you prefer ladies to be shaven, trimmed or natural?

    Also is it the same answers when you are watching a woman pee?

    I have heard a few men say they like ladies to be shaven however prefer to see a pee stream through a bush.


    I prefer bare in both cases.

    • Haha 1
  10. Youtube is the PC Culture crossroads of the world. Literally anything that goes against PC Culture, or shows critical thinking, or even alternative thinking, gets deleted. Youtube likes to cover it up under the guise of baby-proofing the site, and other such nonsense, but the truth is, the ones giving Google money to maintain Youtube, are the ones pulling the strings. Sadly, Google is one such corporation that agrees with that censorship, and has taken numerous steps over the years to not only continue that pattern, but also cover it up by purporting to be against internet censorship, when in reality, they're leading the charge toward censorship.

    Sadly, most people go along with the BS, talking about how Google is a private company, and Youtube is owned privately, thus they can do whatever they want.

    Myself, and many, many others have been saying that because Youtube is a platform designed for communicative purposes, that it must fall in line with communications laws - covered by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, and subject to discrimination laws that come with it. Basically, Google would be unable to delete videos, or ban users based on their stance, opinions, expressions, etc. That doesn't mean allow everything, but it does mean protecting users for their expressions.

    Youtube does have an age restriction capability, but like most sites with such a system, they continue deleting content that falls in line with that as well.

    Their TOS is just as fucked up; you can't even talk about hard-hitting subjects anymore, without getting "Community Guideline Strikes".

    • Agree 3
  11. 1. Your favourite hobbies?

    Gaming, Writing.

    2. Favourite song, band/artist?

    Not sure. I'm not a fan of mainstream music noise.

    3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)?

    I gotta go with Dragonball Z on that one. I don't want to share too much though, because it can be used to identify me, should anyone else I know be on site (wholly possible).

    4. Who are you a fan of?

    Redheads 😍

    More specifically, redheads who aren't afraid of the wetter side of life, and perhaps even enjoys it.

    5. Your strongest quality, personality wise?

    I don't take shit from anyone.

    6. How do your friends describe you?

    The few people I know would describe me as reserved, but also funny. Not a socializer, which makes it harder to find someone (not that I give a shit about locals, because I don't).

    Also, I don't typically answer these kinds of questions, so count yourselves as lucky.

    7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?)

    Outcast. Molded by society into what I am now. There have been very few times in my life where I've actually loved my life. I'm often depressed, countered only by my sense of humor (a trait also found among comedians). I don't like people much, because people on the whole have treated me like shit. My interactions today are solely online, which makes real intimate relationships impossible.

    8. A country that you would like to visit?

    Italy. I've always felt some connection with Italy, even though my only knowledge of it has been passed onto me through photos and history.

    Japan would be another one. Culture in both locations fascinates me.

    9. Favourite food?

    This is one I can't answer, for privacy's sake. Everyone I know, for the most part, knows this about me, so given the above, if they were on site, they could ID me with this particular bit of information.

    10. Any guilty (non sexual) pleasures?

    Not really. Unlike most people, I don't find pleasure in doing selfish things, so my life is largely unsatisfying. A lot of people seem to think that's a problem, but frankly, people being selfish is precisely why the world is as shitty as it is.

    • Like 3
  12. On 4/26/2019 at 12:00 PM, Ponme said:

    when you hear a person talk openly about this, do you get like butterflies in your stomach

    Yes, and your story actually got me out of a rut I've been in for a while now.

    So, Thank you.

    In reality, I've never heard anyone that I know, admit openly about liking watersports.

    In fact, when I was in my early twenties, it was found out by a group of people I knew years ago that I was into it, I was ridiculed, even downright bullied in one case as a result.

  13. 14 hours ago, HammerheadPilot said:

    I was introduced to water sports by, of all things, two Amish girls

    I find that the more sheltered an individual, the more likely they have a secret perversion (or five).


    • Like 2
  14. 9 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Good story @PissFanOmega,  If you want to write more detailed and lengthy stories, I wouldn't worry about the character limit - there are plenty of pretty long stories on here. If you do hit a character limit, you can always split the content into multiple posts, but I think the limit is pretty high..

    Awesome, thanks.

  15. Okay, so I usually write longer stories, but this one is designed to be short and to the point because I don't know what the character limit is for posts. I hope you all enjoy it.


    A rush came over Alicia as she realized, among the party-goers in the club, that she had to pee. She flicked her blonde hair to the side, and made her way to the bathrooms.

    A line awaited her, extending into the hallway around the corner from the bathroom. There was no way she would make it through that, and she knew it. Her tight jeans surely would be her undoing.

    She became more desperate in the moments that followed, and not a single person had budged through the line she was watching. She slipped over to the other side of the club, where the men's restroom was, but the hallway leading to it was full of people. She would be seen going in for sure.

    She bit her lip, and finally went for the side door leading outside into the alley. The line leading into the club was visible from there, she couldn't piss in front of everyone, and she wondered how she would look to them, if she had to. Refuge came from a nearby off-alley, round the corner she went, darting for a private spot to relieve her aching bladder.

    Before she could unbutton her jeans, urine exploded out of her with a hiss, and began to soak them from the middle, down her legs, and finally gushing down onto the street below. Her shoes were a casualty in this flood, to say nothing of her thong and jeans.

    Fuck,” she muttered, although she secretly was enjoying the moment.

    Finally, the flooding stopped, and the hissing subsided as suddenly as it came. It was time for the walk back to her car... past the line full of onlookers, who would doubtless stare at her unfortunate situation. She did so anyway, and they did stare, some laughed, while others seemed to pity her. A few men, and even a woman, looked at her as though she were modeling underwear for them. She snickered, and went to her car, her embarrassment subsided partially from the compassionate people, partly from the admiration, and the rest from knowing she could now go home and change.

    It was an interesting night.

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