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Everything posted by chubbybirb999

  1. So... an update! Literally the day after this happened, I went to the kitchen at about half midnight to make up some hot chocolate for myself and my flat mate. Same thing happened again! Only this time, I didn’t aim correctly and I peed about four centimetres worth into the cup and the rest on the floor!
  2. So my house is freezing during this time of year. We have seriously bad insulation and I can often get really susceptible to the cold, as far as my bladder goes. This happened about an hour ago. Myself and my flat mate were laying in my bed playing games; he was playing an MMO and I was playing Stardew Valley on my Switch. I had a mild need to pee, but tried to ignore it as I was warm and happy under my covers with my flat mate. It happened though that we needed snacks and juice. I hopped out of bed and gravity put a bit more pressure on my bladder, but I reckoned I would have more than
  3. Chapter 9 Days slipped by, lazily, perfectly. Maddie continued to use the nappies, gaining in confidence (and brazenness) with every wet and change. As for myself, I didn’t want to end up with any reliance on them. They were expensive, after all, and Maddie’s need was far greater than mine. But it was an indescribable pleasure, every three or four nights to slip on a nappy underneath my pyjamas and wear it to bed, soaking it once before I went to sleep, wetting it if I woke up in the middle of the night and drenching it in the morning when we both woke up. We hadn’t spoken about the
  4. Chapter 8 Maddie weed in her nappy three more times before she let me change it. I was beginning to get quite good at noticing her tells. No matter what we were doing, she’d go fully silent and stop moving, even if it was only for a few seconds while she started weeing. Once it got started and she felt comfortable, she would begin chatting or moving again. Three wees also seemed to be the magic number for how many the nappy would hold. She was quite surprised when I automatically started to get her stuff ready for changing when she had finished her third wee, even before she told m
  5. Last time was probably last year - much to my chagrin as I love a good long pee outside! We walked to Tesco, myself and my friend, past a small wooded section. My friend ducked in to water a tree as the walking had woken up his bladder and he allowed me to watch 🙂 it was a beautiful sight but the stream and pattering pushed my bladder into overdrive. We were in a nice secure place so I just dropped my leggings and let out a strong short pee right next to my friend’s puddle! It was brilliant I need to pee outside again sometime but I never seem to have the opportunity- or the bravery!
  6. Mine started very very young. I never was a bedwetter or anything like that but I remember being so fascinated with the ideas of nappies for seemingly no reason. My mother childminded for years while I was small and one of her kids was going through potty training so I was there seeing her learn to pee in the potty. She never wanted mum to help her, she always wanted me, so I saw her pee all the time. When we got older, I helped her transition to the toilet and for some reason, when we played together, we were very open about our peeing needs. We’d often pee openly in front of each other while
  7. Not a chapter update yet but I was just wondering if there was anything in this story that people would like to see more of, or is there anything I’ve not included that people would like to see? Just searching for some inspiration :)
  8. Chapter 7 The best thing about my flatmate is just how accepting she is. There can't be many girls who, when waking up next to their best friend wearing one of their incontinence nappies, simply laugh and ask if I "enjoyed" it. I laughed, inwardly daring myself to say to her "Feel for yourself." But she was way ahead of me, her thin, cool fingers immediately finding the soft warmth inbetween my legs. She gave it a firm squeeze and squealed in delight. "Look at you!" she shrieked with laughter, giving it another squeeze. "You actually weed in it! Oh, bless you. You don't even have to
  9. I apologise I’ve not been here in ages - new job has taken up my entire life since the summer holidays. I have a week off starting Monday so if people are still up for chapters, I’m happy to post again? 🙂
  10. Chapter 6 I woke sometime in the early morning. It was warm, comfortable, my limbs enveloped in soft duvet and the warmth that can only come with sleeping next to someone. The next thing I noticed was a definite pressure in my bladder. Then, perhaps more worrying, was the fact I was trapped, hemmed in by Maddie and her legs still in casts. She was sound asleep, mouth slightly agape, hair lying like a mane and snoring softly. She had never looked more beautiful. “Babe,” I hissed, trying to prod her awake. “Mads!” She snored at me - this time loudly, like the snort of a pig
  11. I will definitely continue! Just searching for a bit of time and inspiration - currently in the middle of a bit of writers block brought on by exam/assignment season! I’ll get there 🙂
  12. Chapter 5 I watched Maddie like a hawk all evening. Not once more did she say she had to pee all evening. And by the time night and bedtime rolled around, she showed no signs of needing again. Midnight came and went and I was getting tired. Maddie was dozing, half in and half out of sleep so I tried to take the opportunity to slip away to my own bed. But her hand closed around my wrist when I moved the covers. “Sleep with me...” “H...huh?” I gasped, thanking god for the dim lights that she wouldn’t see my blush. “Stay. Sleep with me. It’ll be like a sleepover. Like
  13. Thank you so much! A bit stuck on where to go on the next chapter though. Don’t want to do too much too soon
  14. Chapter 4 The best thing about my flatmate is that she’s not afraid to be herself. She isn’t one of those girls that chooses salad and water for every meal. She’s a steak and three sides with a dessert for a chaser sort of girl. I only have to look at a piece of cheesecake and I put on half a stone. Maddie could have the whole thing with cream and ice cream and still not gain an ounce. Even now, as worn down and exhausted as she was, she still shovelled down the Indian takeaway (my idea) with admirable gusto. It was like she was a machine - mouthful of food, mouthful of drink, repeat ad I
  15. Chapter 3 When I returned home later that day, the house was still and quiet. Maddie was asleep, snoring gently, exactly where I left her. The covers hid her modesty as I had left her with her shorts still around her thighs in case she needed a wee while I was gone and she couldn’t get her shorts down. I gingerly lifted the covers to inspect any damage. Towel was dry. Trying not to look so long at her perfect little mound, I covered her back up again. The movement woke her and she stirred. “Hello sleepybear,” I grinned, sitting at the edge of the bed. “Hey,” she sm
  16. Chapter Two Of all the things I expected to be doing to take care of somebody, this was not one I had ever considered. “Alright, Mads. Let’s get this sorted.” Maddie was a meticulously tidy person normally - a place for everything and everything in its place sort of girl - but one thing I never got done telling her was leaving towels on the floor. Rather than dry herself in our cramped bathroom, Maddie preferred wrapping herself up in a towel and getting ready in her own room. Often, she left towels on the floor. And thankfully for me, one was lying balled up in the cor
  17. Hi everyone, this will be something of a multi-chapter story, I think. Basically just an idea that's been floating around in my head for some time. I'll probably publish here and there when I have the free time, and I won't be taking it mega seriously in terms of editing to make it really "literary" or super fleshed out. Just want to have some fun with this! Please let me know in comments or replies what you think or what you might like to see! Chapter One Breakdown Madison and I have been friends forever. Well, maybe not, but it really feels that way. In reality, it’
  18. As I’m sure many of you know, the UK has been gripped by a horrible burst of snowy weather causing mass disruption, cancelled schools and... me peeing myself! Okay so it’s not directly related but hear me out. My work finished early yesterday so my coworker decided to drop me off at the train station so I could make an earlier train. Meant I couldn’t rush off for a pee before leaving as I ordinarily would. There weren’t toilets on the station but I wasn’t massively concerned as my need was only small. It even started to go away as my train chugged onwards leaving me with a pleasant
  19. The best part about this story is, I went back the following day after another long long day of holding my pee at work. Peed in the same spot but this time, messed up my aim a little bit and got some pee all the way down the back of my leggings! Thankfully the dress covered it!
  20. Yes the cold weather is playing havoc with my bladder shall we say? Needing to go every hour or so
  21. Sorry, fixed! Bloody phone keyboard is atrocious to write long posts with
  22. Hi guys, so I’ve not been around for a while due to University commitments, etc. But I’ve got a fun story to share with you from last week! i was coming home from work one day about half past three and I was getting the train at 20 to 4. The particular train is always deserted and the platform is built into a wee grassy knoll with seats etc. all round. I hadnt been to the toilet in about three hours as I’m so busy at work that I never get much chance to go. Often I hold from after my morning pee at 6am right up until 1:30 when I get a decent amount of break. Of course it varies but
  23. Hi guys! Me again, with a fun wee story that happened to me last week. I was wrapping the last of my Christmas presents for my friend and her children, as well as for my flat mate. Maybe about 7 or 8 presents. I was sat on my living room floor, wrapping paper and stuff strewn around me. I was also sat on a small cushion as my floor is wood flooring and can get pretty cold during a scottish winter while you’re just wearing shorts. I had the slight urge to pee while I was wrapping. Nothing major just a normal sort of 3-4 need. I figured I would go as soon as I was done. Unfortu
  24. It’s quite far from Scotland but I’ll keep the offer in mind!
  25. You guys have all been so reassuring. Once I get the time and the flat to myself for a couple of hours I think I’ll go for it
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