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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Dear Wet Carpet. My wife has a naughty thing she likes to do after we come back from the pub with a load of lager inside us. We have a spare bedroom which we keep locked inside which is a bed with a bare mattress. Basically my wife likes to go in there after a few drinks, get up onto that bed, squat upon it and piss on it. She gets a naughty thrill out of it, as do I watching her doing it. She is there squatting, a massive grin on her face, a loud hiss because she has usually been saving it up, a powerful golden spray splashing loudly onto the mattress and seeping in. It's her naught
  2. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Mike and for a few weeks now I have been dating the 39 year old barmaid who works down my local. She has stopped over at mine a few times and I have stopped over at hers. She is a real goer and the sex is great. Well last night at hers we were laying in bed together and she had to get up and go for a pee as she often seems to do before we sleep. I said something about it being a bummer that we were both snug in the bed and she had to go to the bathroom. She switched on the light and climbed out of bed then just matter of factly said, "I don't think I'll bother!
  3. Dear Wet Carpet. Not sure if full on watersports is okay here so whether or not you publish this is your call. A couple of decades back I made a lot of money in the summer months working as a high class escort girl in the South of France. One memorable night I was paid a huge amount of money to be part of the fun at this party in a mansion. Basically I spent the entire evening being peed on for the pleasure of a load of rich men and their wives or girlfriends. It was a huge party, about 20 men and 20 women at least. And they were all getting coked up and drinking heavily. We wer
  4. Dear Wet Carpet Me and a couple of friends, all in our 40s and divorced, were having a couple of bottles of wine at Debbie's place the other night. She is one of us three of course, just to be clear. After a while we all needed a pee and as is often our custom we all headed up to the bathroom together so we could continue chatting. But this time Debbie walked right past the bathroom into her bedroom, and asked us to follow. We followed her into the room protesting that we needed a pee. Debbie just grinned and said she had a naughty idea. And then suggested," Lets do something really nasty
  5. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Steve and I love my local pub, the Golden Pheasant. Though perhaps it ought to be called the Golden Shower, lol. One of the main attractions for me is this sexy barmaid called Donna.... And what I love most of all is the fact that after a few drinks she seems to love pissing. I and several other male locals make a point of buying her drinks during the evening by way of encouragement. And sometimes we get lucky. A few times later on into the evening when I have been in the gents having a piss, Donna has barged right in, brazen as you like, with a
  6. Dear Wet Carpet. This is me and my two best friends, all three of us glamour models in our early 20s. I'm Michelle, the blonde in the middle, and the one on the left is Shania, the one on the right Annette.... We have a lucrative little side hustle going, which generally involves putting on kinky shows for rich men and sometimes their wives as well. One of the weirdest which we find a lot of fun is something your readers might well enjoy hearing about, which is why I am writing in. You see, there is this rich guy and his wife who pay us good money just to get naked in their bed
  7. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Marissa and I am a glamour model. This is me.... I have been seeing this great guy, but he does have this thing that he likes. Basically, he likes watching me pee. Which I really don't mind because I like being naughty. When we are downstairs at his place and I need to pee - which can be quite often if we are drinking - he likes having me pee on his kitchen floor instead of going upstairs to the bathroom. With him watching of course. It kind of gives me a cheap thrill to be pissing on some guy's kitchen floor on purpose, whilst he gets a hard on watching m
  8. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Helen and I am in my late 20s now and still living at home with my divorced mum. Basically, rents let alone house prices mean I cannot afford to really move out. At least not unless I find a boyfriend with a good job. But bringing boyfriends back home is kind of problematic. Mum is cool, super cool in fact, in her late 40s, but a bit wild since she left my dad and I have not yet met a boyfriend who'd be okay with the situation. You see, the divorce hit her hard and she started drinking heavily, sometimes bringing drunken friends or some guy or guys back home wit
  9. This forum has been inaccessible all day and has only just become available again, a bit too late in the day now due to alcohol consumption for me to post anything. Here's hoping for tomorrow.
  10. Getting the same problem. Under these circumstances I am not going to risk wasted effort on long posts that often don't load. I might go elsewhere for a bit and see if things are any better later. And leave any pic posting for later too,
  11. Everything is taking ages to load again, and is so bad that the site is almost unusable at this moment in terms of getting any pleasure. Someone has just sent me a PM probably relating to some videos and I cannot get the damned message to load. Feeling rather frustratred
  12. I was at my new boyfriend's place fooling around naked together on the bed when I had to pee. I said I had to use the bathroom but he told me not to bother. He suggested that I just piss on the floor beside the bed which his last girlfriend used to do just for fun. Well, it wasn't my flat and wasn't my carpet so why not. And so with a big grin I was soon squatting beside his bed, pissing right there on the carpet. Was kind of fun, just peeing anywhere. And marking my territory, lol.
  13. It took a while because I needed to free up some disc space but it appears to have solved the problem. Thanks
  14. I think the problem might actually be associated yet again with the crappy browser I keep using because it seems ok with firefox. Though even there it keeps wanting to connect me with this shukriya sire but the connection is failing which is why imagefap is working there
  15. Thanks.....I dont know why imagefap flags up for me as dangerous but bypassing my protection only seems to work for a few seconds at a time and I am reluctant to disable it. Within a couple of seconds of accessing it the page disappears to be replaced by this.... If I click Accept risk and continue I regain access for usually just a few seconds then this happens again. I don't know how to stop this without disabling my antiviral software which I am highly reluctant to do. Because if ever any virus makes my laptop unusable I would have to buy a new laptop. I wouldn't risk taking one
  16. I used to love some of the pissing confessions on EP. In particular there was one lady whose name I forget who was the female equivalent of some of the guys around here, not least me. Her thing was to let guys piss anywhere in her home or in her car. I remember inviting her to sign up here but dont think she ever did.
  17. I can remember from my time is a mod some female members from time to time being harassed or irritated or creeped out by inappropriate interactions from a small minority of men. Once reported the mods can be relied upon to deal with it, but the first suggestion you have made above which I have highlighted could go a long way towards making this a more comfortable place for the ladies. Anyone who messages a lady he has never spoken to to request private pics or pervy details or some shit like that could at the touch of a button be blocked from even seeing any of her posts. Obvious excepti
  18. We kind of have an area for men already so why not one for women? I think it might be a good idea and help make this site more welcoming to the ladies. But it would have to be moderated with strict rules against guys rocking up just for a good perve with comments likely to make women feel uncomfortable. I would not like to see men banned from posting entirely on any part of the forum any more than I would women. But I think it essential for any women's area to have any pervy or overly sexualised comments from men banned, respectful contributions only. Which would require moderator common
  19. This site is proving very difficult to use this evening. It keeps refusing to load and all I get is the spinning wheel of doom for a minute or two then it works again. This has happened several times in the last 15 minutes so am giving up for the rest of the evening. Am off to bed, life is too short especially as i need to be up in the morning. Goodnight all.
  20. My laptop has just thrown up another awesome desktop image....
  21. I generally sleep with nothing on at all.
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